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Everything posted by Sie

  1. early access is not supposed to be a: not able to connect or play therefore they easily could have sell a forum access for 20 bucks. more interaction here than ingame but hey, no one would have paid so lets pretend we have a game and it runs and we get enough money so we finally can go to bed and sleep instead of working permanently. because there is no news for hours anymore and the game is still unplayable and for eu pve it's gone completely
  2. EU PVE Server - unplayable -rubberbanding -fps -lag lag / lag?! - now: joining failed don't tell me something about early access... even early access you should be able to do something, like basics: walking for example would be a nice addition x times you delayed the launch but honestly what for? for the 40k users you said you're able to have on one server? (hahaha, stupid me I didnt recognize it as an april fool) yes I'm pissed and yes I'm allowed to be even with an early access.. since there is no access at all nore gameplay but at least you guys have my money now thumbs down
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