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Everything posted by Conspiracy

  1. IDK but I think you should be stronger with fist attacks the older you get and that you should take less dmg from harvesting barefisted.
  2. Just look at that beautiful lighting, the ceiling is so majestic it spews solar rays!
  3. You are going to have to eventually put your foot down and do something to help the little guys/gals out instead of just hand this game to the large companies. No one can compete with a 24/7 zerg with little to no offline protection. Your going to have to give players a way to get ships back or easier ways for them to build them if you don't want to push these people away if you have no desire to stand up for small crews. As the game stands, the only ones that can experience a majority of the content in this game is larger companies because the rest of us just don't have the time to build 7 ships a week. We build a new ship almost every day and it takes hours and it's just lost in a matter of seconds when these large companies want to go out trolling the coast.
  4. I would like to see a ship blueprint feature in the game. It's brutal enough when your ship is destroyed that it takes hours to get it back, it would be nice to only have to gather resources and be able to plop your ship down again without having to spend hours tweaking. This would be such a quality of life improvement to all of us while not side stepping the fact that you have to still gather to build your ship.
  5. PLEASE...RESTART...THE...SERVERS, how many times do I have to tweet to get noticed? Restart the servers the game is almost unplayable right now even with my 1000/1000mb connection and 3ms ping. The game runs better when the servers were crashing and restarting. This rubberbanding is annoying!
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