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Everything posted by Egeis

  1. Probably a simple Brute Force attack on the pin code, a numeric password of 4 digits is fairly weak. When you can just loop through and check each combination. 0000 to 9999 it should not take long, especially if the client/server allows that many attempts and is not rate limiting . Assuming its brute force they are using, it could be some other flaw in the security.
  2. Lost another ship today... This time they were far enough away an slowly move to us. The person manning the helm crashes and became attached to it so we lost steering...
  3. I was exploring a on a raft and while loading from one zone to another I heard cannons. By the time I was loaded in most of the ship I was on had been damaged and many items destroyed. I had no chance to defend myself. Ghost ships should not be permitted to camp zone boundaries.
  4. It's been happening for over 24 hours, the server is usually only up for a few minutes before its back down again. This has also caused a number of other issues, due to the roll backs to pre-crashed state. Player entity duplication is the worst, especially if you log out and are expecting to login back to your last location, not a previous location you were last "saved" at.
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