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Everything posted by Forrondy

  1. This font sucks, I read that as "NEW CHAIR BUG" and was disappointed.
  2. I got considerable FPS drop when I had the buff up. Respec'd as soon as I could.
  3. Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9, Amazon Linux 2, Centos 7 (i think), Arch Linux, Gentoo... Also because i have them sitting here in front of me, a linux jail in OpenBSD and also tried it for giggles on Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows Subsystem for Linux (or whatever they call it now) Can't say if it could host ARK, never played/tried. By compiling my own libaws-cpp-sdk libraries and GameNetworkingSockets to use up to date openssl, it seems to work but only sort of since it can't load map data and it runs real bad, also it will crash if I try to use s3 for anything (my libaws-cpp-sdk build is new enough that things are actually different in a few places according to ldd).
  4. Having walked through this a few times, I'm going to list a couple of observations that may not be the cause of things just getting stuck, but would be good to get addressed in the next build: libaws-cpp It would be good to build against an up to date version of OpenSSL Update to the current version of libaws-cpp so that we can simply build that ourselves without warnings The warnings will turn to segfaults if your server uses aws for all the awsy things the server can do libGameNetworkingSocket Again, build against an up to date version of OpenSSL Build against libprotobuf.so.10 Build against libsodium (maybe this is happening, but I found all the symbols from the slow-as-balls Valve versions and it is definitely not dynamically linked to it) Updating (or just rebuilding in an up to date environment) libaws-cpp and libGameNetworkingSocket would clear up the openssl problems and help people move forward with allot less headache. @Rob
  5. Oh, also just noticed that they haven't pushed new server builds, lol... thought we would have v14 to be trying this morning.
  6. Just realized i double pasted my ShooterGame.log lastnight instead of my netstat output: [ec2-user@ip-172-31-45-98 ShooterGame]$ netstat -latun Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 272 ESTABLISHED tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 6272 0* udp 0 0* udp6 0 0 :::111 :::* udp6 0 0 ::1:323 :::* udp6 0 0 fe80::cee:81ff:fe30:546 :::* udp6 0 0 :::647 :::* [ec2-user@ip-172-31-45-98 ShooterGame]$ I can see that the server has opened connections to redis, though no keys have been added, and that it managed to open the query port and game port, but it is not consuming the packets on the query port. Just in case that info helps the devs figure out where it all goes wrong.
  7. What files did you delete to get past this point?
  8. Definitely, 1.0.0 is something like 6 years old with known vulnerabilities, nobody should be using 1.0.0 as their system libssl and libcrypto. You can compile them yourself like i did or (if you are lucky) use more recent ones. The AWS libs appeared to verify the libssl and libcrypto versions when I attempted that. Also, the binary interface has had some significant changes since 1.0.0 so even if it looked like it worked it could fail in very irritating to troubleshoot ways. For now, building openssl 1.0.0 and putting it directly in the Binaries/Linux folder works. Only Atlas is using this shitty old version, the rest of the system continues to use the correct version. Devs really really really need to link against 1.1.x though, since that is the current release on most distros right now and *should* be binary compatible with up to date 1.0.2x and 1.1.1. 1.1.1a is the latest, but is not the current version supported in all distros
  9. For me, it's actually getting past that but not writing out to the console or the log file. If I interrupt while it's sitting there with a Ctrl-C and then check the log file I can see that it [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]Log file open, 01/18/19 03:22:44 [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]ATLAS Version: 11.4 (Rev. 106774) [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]PID: 17046 [2019.01.18-03.22.56:616][ 0]Primal Game Data Took 12.17 seconds [2019.01.18-03.22.58:577][ 0]SteamSocketsOpenSource: gethostname failed () [2019.01.18-03.22.58:577][ 0]gethostbyname failed () [2019.01.18-03.23.04:767][ 0]Server Initializing with BattlEye Anti-Cheat Protection. If you do not wish to use BattlEye, please launch with -NoBattlEye [2019.01.18-03.23.04:768][ 0]BattlEye successfully started. [2019.01.18-03.23.04:768][ 0]Network range scales set to: 48 start, 77 end, 0.440000 endscale But it is just hung up still... netstat is showing the receive queue growing as i try to query it for life... [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]Log file open, 01/18/19 03:22:44 [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]ATLAS Version: 11.4 (Rev. 106774) [2019.01.18-03.22.44:243][ 0]PID: 17046 [2019.01.18-03.22.56:616][ 0]Primal Game Data Took 12.17 seconds [2019.01.18-03.22.58:577][ 0]SteamSocketsOpenSource: gethostname failed () [2019.01.18-03.22.58:577][ 0]gethostbyname failed () [2019.01.18-03.23.04:767][ 0]Server Initializing with BattlEye Anti-Cheat Protection. If you do not wish to use BattlEye, please launch with -NoBattlEye [2019.01.18-03.23.04:768][ 0]BattlEye successfully started. [2019.01.18-03.23.04:768][ 0]Network range scales set to: 48 start, 77 end, 0.440000 endscale Am going to try a few ubuntu machines, see if i can get it to work anywhere and see what the difference is between the machines.
  10. I got past the openssl versioning issue on Amazon Linux 2 by just checking out openssl 1.0.0, building it and symlinking to where i built it without installing it to the system so that it doesn't fuck everything else up. I had not tried just symlinking the existing openssl libraries on the machine because 1.0.0 is SOOOOOOOOO old, they are not binary compatible anymore unless they are being linked just for show: https://abi-laboratory.pro/index.php?view=timeline&l=openssl At any rate, I'm now stuck trying to load the files in, will report if i figure out why it just stalls.
  11. If you google "global font ark" you can find instructions for replacing the garbage pirate font. Bonus points for being able to read the UTF characters instead of just seeing square boxes everywhere like you're running netscape in 2019.
  12. Another update... Stopped zoning back and forth long enough for me to jump on, craft a chest and bed and start moving. Was nearly back to my base when my raft took full damage and went from 100% health to destroyed and sunk without anything being around me. On second thought, it looks more like the server and client just do not agree on the state of the world. After respawning, half of the terrain is missing and the ocean has lost its mind. This area is normally shallow and with an arch in the background... this is all so messed up.
  13. NA-PVP around 8:30 PM PST Crossed from D15 to D1, spawned inside Ship of the Damned. It tried to maneuver around to shoot me and carried my raft back into D15. Was immediately disconnected, upon rejoining the game cannot decide which server to put me in and gave me this UI the first few attempts. It appears that this may have also duplicated the raft I was on when this occurred, have not been able to log back in completely yet to check, the dozen or so SotD are making it hard to get situated. Update now that I'm back in, raft appears to be zoning back and forth on its own.
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