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Posts posted by travis843

  1. 10 hours ago, Luxfere said:

    Were all taking a break til patch hits whenever that will be 

    Yeah but my company mates and many others left weeks before the wipe announcement. I think many may not be back until the game is more complete. This game is turning out worse than Ark and Ark never had complete wipes, they just added dlc when the world changed. I may do as those who are gonna wait for official release or beta maybe. People are thinking a wipe will make so much land available but if those land babies do come back, it wont be any diffrent. All the land will be gone after the first 12 hours. So if you cant live on the game, you wont have anything. I think the delays are making the most people leave, but ive come to expect incompetence from this game. Its not from a lavk of trying it from trying to please all and thats just not gonna happen. If they use these forums as a base, they are gonna miss the bigger group of people who dont even get on this site, who probably even make up the majority of the player base.

  2. I really say wipe and make the land changes and add whatever is finished. As long as the seed is planted for future updates and added game modes. So no more wipes will be necessary and players can test the new system so it can be know if the game will need to be reverted back to the original state.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jesus World Creator said:

    So iv never seen people who are this stupid in my life, So now your delaying the test servers for a game that's legit crash and burning

    And your backpedaling to possibly keep the old claming system or doing both, so there will be 3 servers pve, old stupid claming system where no one shares there island and it gets raided and stolen from them when they sleep, the new way that that makes people want to share.

    This game cant afford to keep getting delayed, it's DEAD.

    You need to realise you cant make everyone happy because you will always have trolls who want to raid people islands when they sleep, just go with the new claming system and make it so there is no set time to raid. And owner of the island have to accept requests to allow other companys to build on the island to lower the upkeep of the island and allow the companies who were accepted to build defenses to help defend the island in case the company who owns it is offline.

    But you really need to get your shit together people starting to just quit the game altogether because you guys are so full of shit and dont even know what your even doing and delay every update you do 10 times.

    You wasted all this time coming up with the new system and then come out with we are thinking about keeping the old claming system and changing this this and this. Game died because of the old way, people not wanting to share the island with anyone and keeping it only for their company and people raiding offline companys and even taking the whole island that anther company spent months on to build.

    I agree. Mostly raiders still play. The game isnt cometely dead. There are 10 people including me on pve right now and i dont see them returning.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Lotus said:

    To me PvE is a place I can work on endgame content without having to fight other players. If a group goes for progression on PvP they run the risk of somebody attacking them when they are looking for the ghost ship or trying to pull the kraken. I don't want to have to worry about dying to somebody while I am doing a treasure map. I don't want to worry about people destroying my stuff while I am offline. That is why I play PvE. I am pretty sure the new tribe claiming an island thing is going to be amazing.


    Exactly what i mean by casual lol. Pvp is for competitive gameplay. I mean land claims and fighting over the land in a war system in pve. The war could be set to even terms and nor let stronger players attack weaker one but let the weak attack the strong. But in pve it should be done for rewards and not for the land. But id really like to see, more than anything is personally built ships belonging to the builder and not the company and can only be used or changed by the owner as well as personal lock boxes. So if i build storage and pin lick it, no one can take things i dont give them.

  5. It's finally good to know that they are not going to do anything for PVE players. I thought PVE was for casual and solo players but I guess that was wrong. I stopped playing Ark because I could not spend every waking minute playing into a game and it doesn't look like Atlas is going to be any different. In theory it is a great game and I like the theme of it but now that Ubisoft is coming out with a ship battles game with better detailed ship models and customizations. I have yet to see anything indicating a casual like mode will be implemented and they make up a lot of the player base in many games. I guess I will have to just put all my efforts into Red Dead 2 so I don't have to worry about my progress ever being wiped as well. Tbh I would rather play Sid Meier's Pirates then this game now. It has many of the aspects even though it is a really old game. It really seems the devs are taking a wrong direction due to feedback. There is always going to be somebody whining and complaining about the changes. The flags really should have been left alone so people would not have to spend every waking minute worrying about keeping their land and those seem land crybabies are whining about the changes now.  so instead of spending time actually looking for land or finding a good company to join that may give you some land why not get on the feedback and cry about not finding any and ruin it for everyone causing everybody to lose all their progress. So when I get home this game is due for an uninstalled until I see the base game or something that resembles it with added features at most.

    • Confused 4

  6. I do kinda understand the wipe now. Sometimes when i log on i can see mountains where my ships are docked. Maybe a sneek peak of changes or a glitch. But if they change existing island as well as adding i can understand wiping claims and tames maybe even ships. I still dont like the idea of a character wipe and never will. I mean a reset like when they changed skill points is acceptable. But the only way i figure a reason complete wipe is due to existing tames and ships. Those may get wiped but still show in your inventory tame limit. If they raise the limits it might create exploits. I am just guessing here from what i have seen. But im betting if devs can save character progress they will. It may take a while but everythimg else can be rebuilt. But what will take longer is rebuilding so you can explore to recover discovery points and regaining levels. I see so many complaining about land like it doesnt matter the hours it took to get to even lvl 60 as i did. This leads me to believe many of those just started playing and snagged someones land who stopped playing prewipe announcement or after the wipe was announced. I will say it again, all those who put in the hours should atleast have a character save or some better reward for their hours put in. Im all for the new lands and areas but i hope in the future they can create dungeons and hidden islands so they can put those in a new game space so no more full wipes would be necessary.  I dont know the mechanics that involves here but like in fallout you can create doorways to new spaces via doorways which should be used here via caves and underwater caves. I mean exploration is a great aspect of the game so why not use that to create a game space like lost Mayan cities or sunken Roman ships and buildings maybe even Atlantis. How cool would that be? Of course you can put rare weapons or blue prints there with gold. Maybe even rare weapon and armor skins like Roman and Atlantian. If this is a late 1700s era maybe put in pirate shipwrecks to dive on of all the famous pirates. Then i would glady give another 500 hours to this game.

  7. 8 hours ago, Arykos said:

    Because this game is made to play in grp and not alone?

    well then I suggest you to play pvp so u have something to do

    I am a casual player who started on pvp then changed to pve bc i was solo to start and my company left before the wipe was announced. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Arykos said:

    220 discoverypoints?? sweet xD I have over 1k

    Yeah i explored the past few weekends before the wipe announcement. After you build all the ship types and weapons and armor of high quality blue prints, exploring is really all there is to do if you cant get enough people to do the powerstone quest. Rather than a wipe id rather see them lower the level of the golden age ruin enemies. I mean why cant it be like most games where they equal your current level.

  9. 8 hours ago, MindOfMadness said:

    Actually...  I got it at launch, waited through the streamer getting to play first, the epic lag, no land, grief sinking, not being able to log in, the SotD over spawn with machine gun cannons, and still put in a couple hundred hours before I said "fuck it"...

    I'm just completely against the idea of land grab vs a real pirate ship battle game.

    Im with you on all counts. Lost tames to alphas, ships to SoDs and cyclones pushing me into rocks. Lost 2 ships to chinese overweighting the ships. Yet i still stayed. Its not about the land to me, but losing all my ships and tames along with my 220 disvovery points and lvl 60. Im all for a better game but jeez give me more t han a hat for almost 500 hours of testing for ya and losing all my hard work. It like you build a real brig by hand then they burn it to the ground and give you a grapeshot games hat lmao just wow. Not to sound ungrateful or anything lol

  10. 5 hours ago, MindOfMadness said:

    I was considering coming back when they said no claims...  This Captain's log has completely changed that idea back to "FUCK THIS GAME!"


    Probably another player that just got the game at most a week ago and can't find land.  It took me almost a week to find land and as long as you're not a douche your neighbors will probably let you join them and then you won't have to be a solo player because power stones and the Kraken are absolutely impossible by yourself. I've been to so many Lawless Islands and see Foundation spamming and all that great stuff and if the whole map is Lawless especially in PVE i just dont see finding an island to settle without having to move because of a single tool that griefs the whole island. But i just wish they would put a little more detail with their updates.

  11. If the wipe completely resets character, i must say id rather have a discovery and xp booster maybe 10x or 5x along with a schooner or brig that only decays if you dont log in daily. Another thought was reward the prewipe player with the new sub. This way you have testers readily available to find the bugs early for squashing.This was just a thought i had for prewipe players and it may get some back to the game who is lvl 40 and above so its not such a grind or with 100+ hours of gametime. Personally i would not come back because a hat and anything or everything free in the freeport shop wont cut it. Just a thought i had and maybe its a pipe dream but i think ideas help more than criticism for the wipe. I mean id be happy if the wipe doesnt happen but if it does, many players wont return without more recognition for their hard work that was put in from day one. We are testers who paid to test your game and not being rewarded for the hard work many have put in. I mean if im at a job and i do my best and i am more productive than most coworkers, i hope someone will recognize it and if not, thats when i know its time to leave. Before there were so many players, the servers couldnt be updated fast enough. Now the servers that were available in the beginning would support the pve community. Thats how many have left and im sure devs have noticed a drop in server load. I just dont think they are coming back with the reviews i read on steam.  I know the devs work hard because you kept updating through the holidays to keep the game going. I just hope those people were recognized, those who worked so hard developing and repairing the game to keep it going. If not i applaud you all and i have enjoyed the game you helped make possible. 

  12. On 3/3/2019 at 11:32 PM, CazzT said:

    See ya in two weeks after the wipe when come back because you're hearing how much fun people are having.

    Over half the players left long before the wipe announcement.  They left because of what the wipe will be fixing.  In other words, most of them will return, Chicken Little.

    I can tell you for sure this one wont return if my progress is wiped and im sure im not alone. I can deal with losing land but not progress and losing my ships is also big but not as much. I dont care if this game is so much fun it causes seizures, im not starting over. I dealt with all this in Ark and thats where ill return since i play on private servers there. I regret i didnt just play private on Atlas as well. So just know you speak for yourself, not me or anyone else for that matter. Be gone troll.

  13. 5 hours ago, Jay8454 said:

    This whole thing makes me laugh because being a gamer of +24 years and who has never bought his own PC and constucted them by himself. 

    Now, this is the second time people flip out because the developers made adjustments to accommodate them AGAIN and the endless fountain flows of the misunderstanding like a sewer pipe. 

    When the update happens I'll be here and bring my friends and kids. Till then, I'll be in my garage using my mill, lathe, and machining tools.  People stop overreacting over a nontangible thing!  Honestly, the developers can do what they want because in America the law does not recognize nontangible things and they could completely ignore you and do what they want. If they wanted to make your character drag your balls through glass they can do it, because the way our laws read. 

    So, could people stop being so fickle and patiently wait for the new patch? I am sick of reading nonconstructive posts about how you're not going to be near a supply of diapers, or the tissue aisle at your local store, cause yes most of you and the devs were in diapers when I built maybe my 5th PC, this is my 23rd Turing Tinker Machine Google that!

    I find this whole reply amusing. I have 30 years of gaming starting with the original NES when i was 9 and I build a new pc every 18 months but none of that really matters. Stop criticizing others for having a voice. The devs want feedback or these replies would not be here. I welcome change but not all changes are good. People are leaving the game and they are all ages. So lets say the potatoe you built burns up bc of a update thats supposed to make it so much better, but it actually scraps the whole pc for you. While you may like spending hours or days repairing, i just throw it out and build a newer and better one. Not a good analogy but i hope you see the point. Meaning i will find a new game instead of starting over on this one. To be honest it sounds like you may have gotten this game a few days ago while others got it the first week and struggled through loss due to exploits and bugs that still plague this game. But now that sacrifice is just being tossed away like soiled underwear. I said it before and i will say it again, i think this is why people are leaving. Im not trying to troll or critisize you but just dont be so one sided. While some replies may be  irrelevant, some are insightful to the devs. Thats why they encourage all to use their voice no matter if it is positive or negative, because they will listen and maybe a little too much at times. 

    • Like 1

  14. Ok i know new skills are being added. But is a characyer wipe really necessary? Is this a wipe of xp or a reset? Devs i think this is one of the biggest issues and reasons people are leaving. Everyone who reads this and replys give reasons you left if you no longer play. I played today and in lawless regions everything is demolishable and tames are claimable because people have left over a week ago. While i like the idea of new skills, i just hate to have to start fresh. Devs if its a character wipe, and there is no way to save progress, maybe you can implement an xp or discovery point boost token that can be bought in freeports and maybe looted in shipwrecks. I personally have discovered half of the pve map and did so because of the incentive, but if a wipe is going to wipe all that away, theres just no reason to do it knowing there will be future wipes. if you are lifting the fog of war just do away with discovery points and make the max level 100 to start. Just make another system or give a permanent stat buff in place of discovery points. Kind of like the fountain of youth buffs. Since they are stackable, just use discovery points to allow more stacks of rejuvination buffs. Just some ideas i had and maybe you thought of this already, but you seem to encourage ideas so i share them. Devs really need to find out what about the wipe is making people leave or is it new exploits? This game was booming before and now its like Chernobyl with only plants,animal and very few humans. Only way i can describe it. There is only negative reviews and as a buyer, if i wasnt already a player and was looking for a game, the bad reviews alone is enough to keep me from even looking at the game page.

  15. Ok devs may have officially killed the game, atleast in PVE. I counted a total of 24 players online across 16 servers, just wow. It used to be jumping on weekends. No need for server improvements if the servers arent used. In PVP i counted about a 160 total across all 178 servers. Yes some servers had 0 players. I would submit a pic but there is not enough upload space. I think the threat of character wipe kaybe even the loss of tames and ships may have driven them off. I know other games have released but man is it dead in pve. I feel so lonely with no one to chat with lol. I play half as much now as i used to mainly because i know my almost 500 hrs of struggle and progress will be gone in seconds.....still makes me sad and it hasn't even happened yet. This doesnt need to be just another version of ARK.

  16. Love that you are implementing a secure trading system for the shops in Freeport. It would be so great to have a vending table that will have a inventory menu and price of each item  for purchase and a small like resources box that the gold can go into. I'm sure this is probably the idea the dams have anyways LOL. I agree that alliances shouldn't be done away with and possibly increase the number of alliances so the whole island can watch out for one another and it promotes cooperation and communication. And maybe even have a way for those alliances to eject a problematic company from an island. You guys seem to be getting back to the right path and back on track with the game just keep up the good work. And again please find a way to save character progress unless the character wipe was misunderstood.

  17. I like the fact they listen to the players at times. But so the devs know, i think most of us care more about out character progress, maybe a little more than land. I mean if its a reset to where i have to redistribute skill points then ok i can live with that. But if i start out at lvl 1 again this game is over for me. If you find a way we can upload our character progress or anything like that I think it will bring a lot of people back to the game especially in PVE. I believe the loss of character progress is making most of the PVE and maybe other servers quit the game. I still play hoping I won't lose my progress but I am the only one on the server where my claim is most of the time and the neighboring grids. When I have to choose a new server I see no more than 5 people on One server and the rest have one person on them. I can almost guarantee as a player if you can find a way to save character progress it will bring players back. I really have lost the motivation to play or really do anything but I enjoy the game and the graphics slash beauty of each island. So if the character reset is a misunderstanding please specify. But if progress is being reset and we're going to lose all discovery points and everything please try to find a way to save it and maybe even save the game from dying out.  I'm in a small company but no one in my company but me plays anymore since the announcement. I will be happy to provide any feedback or input that is needed from a player standpoint.

  18. Well there you have it. From what i read 90% are against this wipe. I am with the pve crowd bc i enjoyed the game through all its bugs and exploits the where i lost a ship bc someone decided to overweight and sink it. I was ready to quit with each stupid loss of a ship. But losing all my character progress will make me quit and never and i mean never will i buy any game affiliated or products affiliated with this company and sister companies. A wipe is a step in the wrong direction and while they may please the whiney pvp or land babies. I mean no offense bc i got the game on day 2 of the release and it took 4 days of sailing before i found the nicest island with all good neighbors. It was there i learned more about the game than i ever would have being solo. But since the update i have seen foundation spamming on multiple islands in lawless regions. I will take screenshots the next time i explore and find them. One of the spammers was preventing a really nice and large fort from being completed. So im just one player but weapon damage needs to be fixed or maybe the biggest thing i see is pvp and pve should be seperate then you can appeal to both player types. Give me new content and leave things as is pre v20 update in pve. Open player designed mods and use them as Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This is the only player input the game needs. Just design player and weapon damage as you see fit. Just make it more realistic guns vs arrows.

    • Sad 1

  19. Well there you have it. From what i read 90% are against this wipe. I am with the pve crowd bc i enjoyed the game through all its bugs and exploits the where i lost a ship bc someone decided to overweight and sink it. I was ready to quit with each stupid loss of a ship. But losing all my character progress will make me quit and never and i mean never will i buy any game affiliated or products affiliated with this company and sister companies. A wipe is a step in the wrong direction and while they may please the whiney pvp or land babies. I mean no offense bc i got the game on day 2 of the release and it took 4 days of sailing before i found the nicest island with all good neighbors. It was there i learned more about the game than i ever would have being solo. But since the update i have seen foundation spamming on multiple islands in lawless regions. I will take screenshots the next time i explore and find them. One of the spammers was preventing a really nice and large fort from being completed. So im just one player but weapon damage needs to be fixed or maybe the biggest thing i see is pvp and pve should be seperate then you can appeal to both player types. Give me new content and leave things as is pre v20 update in pve. Open player designed mods and use them as Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This is the only player input the game needs. Just design player and weapon damage as you see fit. Just make it more realistic gund vs arrows.

  20. Well there you have it. From what i read 90% are against this wipe. I am with the pve crowd bc i enjoyed the game through all its bugs and exploits the where i lost a ship bc someone decided to overweight and sink it. I was ready to quit with each stupid loss of a ship. But losing all my character progress will make me quit and never and i mean never will i buy any game affiliated or products affiliated with this company and sister companies. A wipe is a step in the wrong direction and while they may please the whiney pvp or land babies. I mean no offense bc i got the game on day 2 of the release and it took 4 days of sailing before i found the nicest island with all good neighbors. It was there i learned more about the game than i ever would have being solo. But since the update i have seen foundation spamming on multiple islands in lawless regions. I will take screenshots the next time i explore and find them. One of the spammers was preventing a really nice and large fort from being completed. So im just one player but weapon damage needs to be fixed or maybe the biggest thing i see is pvp and pve should be seperate then you can appeal to both player types. Give me new content and leave things as is pre v20 update in pve. Open player designed mods and use them as Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This is the only player input the game needs. Just design player and weapon damage as you see fit. Just make it more realistic gund vs arrows.

    Well there you have it. From what i read 90% are against this wipe. I am with the pve crowd bc i enjoyed the game through all its bugs and exploits the where i lost a ship bc someone decided to overweight and sink it. I was ready to quit with each stupid loss of a ship. But losing all my character progress will make me quit and never and i mean never will i buy any game affiliated or products affiliated with this company and sister companies. A wipe is a step in the wrong direction and while they may please the whiney pvp or land babies. I mean no offense bc i got the game on day 2 of the release and it took 4 days of sailing before i found the nicest island with all good neighbors. It was there i learned more about the game than i ever would have being solo. But since the update i have seen foundation spamming on multiple islands in lawless regions. I will take screenshots the next time i explore and find them. One of the spammers was preventing a really nice and large fort from being completed. So im just one player but weapon damage needs to be fixed or maybe the biggest thing i see is pvp and pve should be seperate then you can appeal to both player types. Give me new content and leave things as is pre v20 update in pve. Open player designed mods and use them as Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This is the only player input the game needs. Just design player and weapon damage as you see fit. Just make it more realistic gund vs arrows.

  21. Well there you have it. From what i read 90% are against this wipe. I am with the pve crowd bc i enjoyed the game through all its bugs and exploits the where i lost a ship bc someone decided to overweight and sink it. I was ready to quit with each stupid loss of a ship. But losing all my character progress will make me quit and never and i mean never will i buy any game affiliated or products affiliated with this company and sister companies. A wipe is a step in the wrong direction and while they may please the whiney pvp or land babies. I mean no offense bc i got the game on day 2 of the release and it took 4 days of sailing before i found the nicest island with all good neighbors. It was there i learned more about the game than i ever would have being solo. But since the update i have seen foundation spamming on multiple islands in lawless regions. I will take screenshots the next time i explore and find them. One of the spammers was preventing a really nice and large fort from being completed. So im just one player but weapon damage needs to be fixed or maybe the biggest thing i see is pvp and pve should be seperate then you can appeal to both player types. Give me new content and leave things as is pre v20 update in pve. Open player designed mods and use them as Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This is the only player input the game needs. Just design player and weapon damage as you see fit. Just make it more realistic gund vs arrows.

  22. I have fallen from my ship while walking the deck as the ship moves. Ive had tames fall from my ships especially when i log in. Tames and ai crew will be at the bottom of the ocean or i completely lose them as the bounce off into the sky. Hitboxes with any snake or cobra are way too small. Through all of this, losing tames and ships i stuck it out. If it takes a wipe to fix these issues i could understand but a wipe all didnt fix Ark, it just drove people to quit or play in unofficial servers. There are many other collision bugs, but the claim system was headed in a good direction. Please just find a way, if any to wipe inactive claims, or reduce the active claims to 24 hour upkeep and require a minimum upkeep timer so people cant just fast travel to a bed and reset it. That way if you have a big company, all will have to travel to and use the land they claimed. Many have quit due to expoits that have been fixed but a big issue is the fire arrow nerf and it was nerfed so much that fist do more damage per second. Then you reduced burning oil which was even worse. I mean a arrow does as much damage as a flintlock? Damage system and weapons need a revamp more than claims but the collision issue should be the first thing. This is my opinion and i loved the game through all the bugs and it was headed in the right direction but this just seems like a move to the toilet. Just seconds away from being buried in a garbage dump as the atari game ET. This game can be so much bigger than ark if bugs are fixed and add some decorative and functional items are added to crafting. Freepainting ship hulls and bigger cages for big tames. Different style chairs with benches.  Displayable map and different style beds for ships and hammocks for crews. Plates,bowls and cups for dining tables. Placeable food or meals at tables. Vending tables so players can purchase items from each other and see whats on the table to buy, pun intended. Then they can see the price and when they buy the gold can go into a chest for the seller to collect. That way they wont have to be online to deal. Add new sail types and shapes and ships of diffrent designs so all ships dont look like bigger versions of a dingy. Add frigates and whaler ships for whale hunting. Ships of the damned shouldnt attack unarmed ships. Since they will be in packs, allow the player to use ai crew to command more than one ship so that if they are solo they can sail in a group of 2 or more. I could go one all night and the ideas are endless. Like having pirates or factions controlled by ai so there are more ships than SoDs. There is so much more to be done and possibilities are endless to bring players back to the game, opposite of the ones that have been driven off so far. 

  23. I always thought a claim wipe was necessary to rid of people who dont play. There should be a gold upkeep and i know they plan to add it after the update, but they should have lowered the claim time way before now to like no less that 24 hours and make you have to do more than just stepping or camping on your claims to keep them. I have 400+ hours in and if i lose tames and character progress i am done. I have a galley, 2 brigs and a schooner i would sacrifice for the greater good but thats it.  I have thought of quitting so many times but things seem to get better, but this total wipe is uncalled for and i will definately just go back to ark when i want a grind game fix. Devs fixed the SoD spawns and then screwed them up again so with the track record they have from my experience, i know it will be time to just give up on the game if i lose all my discovery and lvl progress. That is all i have to say about this.


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