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About Threepwood

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  1. Max 1 Flag per Player. Max 20-30 member per Crew. Reduce claimed Land Radius around the Flag by 20-30% Let Players have to put recouces inside the Flag to Maintain it. Let flags with no structure inside claimed Area despawn after x Amount of Time.
  2. (On EU PVE) Seriously i tryed everything to get a tiny bit of land,10Hours+ on the Sea and every single island that comes in sight is full claimed. Sometimes its just 1 or 2 guys that claim the whole island for fun but you cant so shit about it. If i find a claim without recent upkeep and place my claiming flag the timer just stays at 9:59 no matter what. I know the Gameplan is sth like start at freeport >buy Raft to sail into lawless>build first ship to explore the ocean > find land to claim. But at the moment the game ends after you build your first ship.there is literaly no way for me to play the game. Imagine the game releasing at this state how woud a new player that buys the game like 1-2 days after official release even play the game? he buys the game for 60 bucks just to find out after a few hours that he litteraly cant play the game. to fix this i woud sugest sth like this: 1.Only ONE Claimflag per player. -you realy dont need more. 1b.Max crew member limit to 20-30. -so you can still hold an island with a big crew but dont control half of the atlas with claim spam. 2.reduce the radius of the claimed land around the flag. -seriously the circle land you claim is stupit big you never need that much land alone. 2b.reduce the claim radius to like 25% of what it is now and allow players to put mats inside the flag to increase it. -like but X amount of wood/thatch/fiber/stone/metal inside and after X amount of time the circle around the flag groes like 5-10% bigger until it hits its maximum at the range it gives now.
  3. Yes they woud but i have to inform you that it is nearly impossible to even claim a tiny bit of land. Trust me im like 10 Hours on the sea and still no land claimed. You can Contest claimed land if the owner is away for like 3 days but even then the timer wont start if i try to claim because reasons.
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