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Everything posted by Wasabisauce

  1. thats super eeire, i imagine its completely quiet through the fog up until the first enemy ship is spotted.
  2. The Atlas Shrugged "Machu Picchu" Farm.
  3. Hi, I'm posting this on behalf of Atlas Shrugged co. On our island we have a group of players who are harassing all the other players not only verbally via mic and text but by mass placing claim flags using a method we believe is cheating. They have also somehow "claimed" land within our active claim zones while the game still believes it's our zone (green circle) The method they use to mass steal people's land seems to be causing the "territory is being stolen" message to appear in triplicate, and being one of the largest companies on the server and being the largest company on the island we're deeply concerned that these players are cheating as this is clearly not standard claim stealing.
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