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Posts posted by Amy3

  1. The number of really extremely vicious and mean things I can do to pubbie idiots in this new system, including on pve, is much higher than the previous system

    I'm not really one to constantly do vicious and mean things, but just working out the concepts in my brain for a couple hours I've already discovered lots of possibilities

    So that means when the first day ends, and I am level 51 with a full galleon ready to go, I can then spend the remaining every other day torturing the new players. Almost none of the veterans are returning post-wipe, so that leaves me, who knows how to stack 7+ gathering buffs at the same time, versus Joe Newbie who doesn't know what a gathering buff is.

    How do you intend to balance resource costs for structure decay when I can outfarm Joe Newbie easily more than 100 to 1? I'm not even exploiting when I do this

  2. Also, in addition to knowing precisely how to be level 51 + have a fully-built galleon by the end of day one, completely solo, I'm going to have a lot more space to do that with since exactly 0 of my current pve friends and trade partners intend to play this game again after the wipe

    NA PVE was already down to 300 players sometimes and getting land was super easy because you'd just pick through the bones of the thousands of players that quit, but with a full game wipe and no one returning I can probably just own the whole damn planet, more islands and all

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3

  3. wipe all you want, I know how to be max leveled with a fully-built galleon by the end of day one with no exploits, completely solo, and most players don't

    every time you wipe the game I'll just win more, because the secrets and tricks I've learned from 1200 hours in this game EXTEND the lead I have over the average player, not flatten it

    I am not the only person who can do this, so each time you wipe the game you're just crushing your playerbase that much more and also not really resetting anything at all

    • Like 1

  4. I guess my advice to a designer would be to remember that different players find different niches for things. I use my bull every single day for a couple of very specific purposes which it is very good at, and most players think bulls are stupid trash (and they are quite wrong). I'm also laughing pretty good at the whole raft of suggestions in this thread for things that already actually exist in the game.

    I think introducing a thatch animal is probably a good idea, but watch the power creep on it. No thatch animal should be able to match the raw harvesting of a legendary or mythic pickaxe with four different gathering buffs rolling, yet despite that it still could be good for the game for there to be an animal decent at thatch.

    Kind of like how elephants are pretty strong at wood gathering but if legendary/mythic hatchets were actually gettable, gathering wood would also be an on-foot thing due to the gathering buffs you can stack on-foot but not on an ele.

  5. Someone told me today the west side of the map is desperate for gems. Yall need to come trade with me, I give gems away

    I don't sail and I don't travel, but if you come around my island there are gems to be had

    Oh, edit: I am no longer taking tamed animals, someone brought me my dream horse today

  6. Hi! I love to trade

    K12 is usually in need of salt, sugarcane, metals that are not silver, and especially especially honey. I am happy to trade you an entire planet of gems (ruby) for a solid supply of honey and salt

    I have a lot more than gems, though. I also have thousands upon thousands upon thousands of alloy (silver), metal (silver), organic paste, gunpowder, crystal (calcite), and I guess also wood (softwood) or other things if it comes to that. I also trade in gold coins, happy to take them and I have a few thousand to trade with myself.

    If you do come, please bring stuff to trade! K12 gets dozens of people every single day who come in naked on an empty raft asking for wheat and then they get confused when we ask what they brought to trade for it. I would also pay very bigly for a tamed horse or elephant. You won't be disappointed.

    I live in K12 on the north island, Wayline Isle. K12 is lawless and you do not have to deal with claims garbage here. Build wherever you want, do whatever you want. K12 is my home and the home of some really other cool people too. Absolutely absolutely absolutely please do come and trade. I've sold 6000 organic paste to passing travelers in the last 24 hours alone, you could be next.

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