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Everything posted by Zaralove

  1. Like many people have said the temperature needs a serious rework. Sitting around with 10 fires to keep a baby warm which doesn't work always and the baby still dies from cold is just frustrating. My main ideas is to add buildings you can craft (like the vault)in the breeding tree for some of your animals to live where you can even hire crew to help take care of them (like the S+ Nanny in Ark). I have two building ideas: 1.Give the ability for you to pick up only babies to put into the buildings to be raised and give an incubation buff which makes it so they dont die from cold or heat while inside. Would be like a storage for babies and tames to grow up and then produce you items when they are adults. 2. You could have the building have a hitching post in them and when you hitch the dinos in them your crew takes care of them and they get an incubation buff so they dont die form the cold or heat. Would be more of an open building and more interactive them just a storage. Will allow you to gather items from your tames too. Sheering sheep,milking cows etc. Both options will have a place to put a crew member to feed your babies when you are away. Have a feeding trough where you add food for the crew member to use to feed your babies and a resource box for the items your adults produce. Imprinting: I would like to see a change in how imprinting works. My idea is your baby gets imprinted slowly over time based on what kind of food you are feeding it. Based off the creatures preferred food item. Maybe even add an option to pet and/or cuddle your baby to increase your imprint slightly as well. Buildings for animals: Chicken/Bird Coop: Chickens produce eggs for you and feathers that act as a hide option for you. (All birds may go in here and produce you eggs and feathers) Barn: Sheep and cows produce milk for you and Sheep also produce wool/fur/fleece for you to use for hide. Horses can produce hair for you. Hog House: A place for your pigs where it produces truffles(for food and cooking), animal feces, and worms. Bear Den: A place for your bears to produce Honey for you. Add a beehive to the game you have to get to add to the bear den for your bear to get honey from. Animal Barn: I would be happy with an option to make just one building that acts as a animal breeding and gathering house that holds all your breedable tames with a crew hire help option. Other Animal Change Ideas: Make all but the Razortooth and Shieldhorn breedable these guys should be powerful and not easy to get. Give ALL dinos that gather items a weight reduction on that item. Either make it so a dino only gathers 1 thing or the ability to turn off what they gather. (Example: Bear only gathers Fiber or able to turn off them gathering berries or fiber so it gathers just one item) Cargo Saddle: Needs to be able to carry cargo and not just a cannon. Lets you put some chests on it so its easier to move things back and forth from your ship to base. Bear: Seems to be in a good place to me. All around best tame imo. Have it only gather Fiber. Bull: Give them the ability to use the cart like the horse and bear and have them harvest thatch better then a pick axe. Razortooth: Rework what these do so its not just a yuty from ark. Shieldhorn: The reflect makes sense to me for this guy with his armored head. Give them a charge ability that stuns for a short time. Elephant: Have it JUST gather wood and small amounts of thatch. Giraffe: Have them aoe harvest JUST thatch from trees. They do have a long neck after all. Horse: Make them a passive tame or slow them down a bit when they wild cause they are awful to try to catch. Lion: Needs alittle buff. They seem to be pretty weak compared to the wolf and tiger except the alpha version which is far to powerful. Carrying smaller animals is a cool feature. Ostrich: Gathers Lots of berries and seeds. Rhino: Gathers JUST rocks and metal and gets some metal from normal rocks too. Tiger: Seems to be in a good place to me. Like the bleed damage. Wolf: Since they are pact animals they need a pact buff of some sort. Shoulder Pets: Monkey: Health regen and has a chance to pick open locked chests based on lvl of monkey. Penguin: Heat and Cold insulation for tames and players near by. Even though the hugging is hella cute make then sit on your shoulder and give them the swim speed bonus and underwater oxygen bonus the seagull has OR make turtles tameable and give them the ability to increase swim speed and underwater oxygen bonus.(Make turtles a shoulder pet) Parrot: Increase the buff of music being played near by and have them sing when doing so and a fortitude buff. Rabbit: Increase the chance to get more gold from treasure hunting and increase run speed. Seagull: Have them hunt fish for you in an area you choose and bring them back to fishing barrel. Fishing Barrel can have a radius on it for where it can fish at. Vulture: Helps you see animals and players with low health and decreases vitamin depletion.
  2. I bought the game at launch and wasn't able to log in at all until the low memory mode was added. Now I can most of the time but I have to let it load for like 10-15 min or so let it get the failure to connect to host message then re log in and it takes 5 min or so to log in. I have to do that every time. I tried this and I was able to log into an official server super fast like a few min and didn't have to let it crash but when i got in it was very laggy and it crashed with in a min and the lost connection to host message popped up. I been playing on a friends unofficial server and wasn't able to log in at all this way. I get host connection timed out or unable to fetch server date message. So it seems it helped with load times on official anyways but I got kicked right away once I got in the game.
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