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Everything posted by Clever

  1. 3 days of this shit man and I can't get an answer from any support! It's like what do I do? Remake my character and start over again, which is dumb as fuck? I can't find any fix and I'm tired of swimming for 20 minutes every respawn
  2. So we spent 20+ hours building our Brig. We finally set sail for the first time in our ATLAS experience, like many others....our enjoyment came to an abrupt end when a SoTD, 2 actually...spawned right in front of us, off the shores of Hingsend Haven, N7..... We did our best to fire back, to evade their fire....we did a damn good job too, evading fire and sinking one over a period of 20 minutes. The issue is, we ran for 20 minutes with the wind 100% in the sails and the SoTD never stopped chasing. Eventually sinking everything we had and all our hardwork. (Cause needless to say, there is no claimable land, so we attempted to make a mobile home and base for us to hold dear.) Honestly for a game about sailing, SoTD sucks the fun right out of it. If these cant be done right and cant be fixed to work right, can we not just take them out if the game entirely until they are? Cause right now, they never stop chasing, it's a forced encounter that seems to be unavoidable and constantly encountered. It's too much, let me and others enjoy the sailing, to actually reap the rewards of our days and days of work, for all of 10 friggin minutes before tossing more "edge of the knife" encounters at us. It's too much.
  3. Every single region, I've tried literally over 20+ different regions. I'm lvl 8, I've played here many times.... All the sudden I cannot spawn anywhere without ending up in the middle of the open ocean, at the very bottom of the sea. I have even survived several times and swam to land, as soon as I die, I deal with this issue again. Occasionally I infinitely fall through the earth of that ocean, on spawn as well. This is currently UNPLAYABLE for me on Kraken's Maw. strangely enough, I do not have this issue on the PVE server?
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