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Mjrnn Evershade

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Everything posted by Mjrnn Evershade

  1. Bank is 0-30% and has no impact on players who gather at all from what I've seen. People in the area I have taxed at 30% to test have still been getting the normal range of 160-200+ wood (with the 2.5x event)
  2. Yup just lost my claim to the damn Chinese invader......now stuck with nothing and nowhere to build or have anything to survive due to it. Even though we've been active in the area for the past week. So anyway to get my money back at this point because of failure to fix something that is the most key part of allowing us to even play this game fully? Or are we just stuck in fuck you territory for being PvE? Edit: Might as well start a thread to push forth a response in the form of money loss at this rate.
  3. This isn't even a big tribe issue, can be anyone to do so. Had the same issue with land claim not long ago...the guy destroyed my water network I had set-up for the entire island on the peninsula, locked himself in a 1x1, took most of my shit and i'm pissed, because I wasn't there for the past 5 hours >_> pretty sure It is supposed to be 3 days right? They really need to fi this shit. Oh on another note, currently sinking his shit. retribution comes in many forms asshole. Edit: Finally sunk this bastards ship, but no way to reclaim base now even if it says -2000+ seconds...…..also trying to find something that will agro on him and damage his walls etc. We really shouldn't be having to resort to these methods on PvE servers...….so the devs need to sort this out really quickly before it kills a huge part of the community. That and possibly region locking the Chinese out would be great addition.
  4. Yeah would be nice if I didn't have to worry about someone trying to take my claim so I could go out and explore without losing everything that I worked for.....especially when I am active and in the area >_> So much for the gold boost on treasure maps until that gets fixed.....had to sink someone's raft earlier this morning because he had the audacity to walk right up infront of me after he made landfall and slap it down right in front of me. *loaded up a chest next to his raft with stone then pulled it out when on his raft to destroy it* Would be nice if we could declare war on people stealing claims in PvE to make it more of a barbed response.
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