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Everything posted by Samula

  1. With a tame limit of 800 tames, proper defense is not actually conceivable. Maybe the 800 count would be feasible just including beasts. But it doesent just include beasts, it includes NPC's as well which of course is needed to achieve these big pirate battles that the game actually is all about, not to mention the end game content already implemented such as the Kraken. There needs to be a fix whether it is splitting the tame count into two separate counts for NPC's and beasts, or just increasing the tame limit itself. The games tame limit should at least be the same as Ark considering there is just as much of a emphasis on taming in regards to large amounts of NPC's in the place of dinos.
  2. Everything you talked about sounds freaking awesome. "It will be bad cause a big tribe will wipe another big tribe out and the big tribe that looses will loose everything" Lol what? this is a pirate game bro big woop if you loose you lost bro
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