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Everything posted by elliesaurus

  1. This company is intentionally blocking spawns by using buoy claim flags solely to grief the players who live on this island, and I am currently one of the people suffering from this. I logged in after sleeping to find out that they blocked the spawn and harvested all resources on a huge expanse of trees across from my claimed area, leaving me with little to no resources. They have said in chat that they are doing this intentionally and to make the game harder for us. They're not claiming land to build and expand, they are literally just blocking spawns for people who want to coexist and build on this island.
  2. M6 cell is having major issues with the server timing out and rolling us back every single time we are able to log in. I know other people in this square are having this issue as I have time to see people complaining in chat before it times me out. The last time it timed out, I fell through my shipyard and was stuck and could not drown or die.... Then the server timed out again so I don't even know if I will be able to get out of being meshed through the shipyard. I can't stay logged in long enough to even leave the cell. Devs please.
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