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Posts posted by Rapier2012

  1. Just now, Winter Thorne said:

    I can't believe someone took that suggestion seriously.  

    There's no way you keep pve players in a merge.  It's not the game mechanics, it's the environment.

    Only as a thought 😛 I cant think of a company that could pull off a system that ambitious very well. Could be cool though

  2. Atlas and sandbox games in general can be great to get into gaming, because there is so much to do, however there is ALOT to take in. Especially for someone who is relatively new to gaming. I wouldnt suggest and early access game really, because of the frustrations generally associated with them.
    Atlas would be a good game to play together though. Sailing with a second, or handful of people is very nice. And those small frustrations that might make you stop playing are more tolerable, sometimes even funny, if you're both learning the game. Animals, ships, treasure maps... theres quite a bit to do, even if some of the systems are overall blegh.
    I would look for something relatively easy to get into, or atleast has a really good tutorial.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    I think your suggestion is hilarious.

    Your server pop is too low so you want to merge servers, but you don't want to merge with the other pvp server, you want the pve players to all play pvp instead.

    So, ok..  what if they merged the pve and pvp servers, and the pve people got the whole map with pvp being given 4 zones down in the SE corner.  And you can only craft things in pve, because pvp isn't about crafting,  If you have a base in the pvp zone, you cannot enter the pve zones without killing 3 whales, 20 Std, and the Kraken each time, and you can only stay for 2 hours.  Oh, and you're only allowed 3 chat lines per visit.  

    That seems like it might work.

    Thinking on your pve only crafting... If done RIGHT (Grapeshot couldnt) that could be a great idea. PvP players needing to rely on pve for supplies/ammo/weapons. You would need better shops, Maybe a shipyard you could store materials in to allow people to buy repairs.

    Dont set zones as pvp/pve, let the player flag himself. Maybe lock the use of certain weapons behind the PvP flag.

  4. As frustrating as the death runs for FoY are, they are also some of the most fun Ive had. Trying to figure out what the orange glow on the island is while I sail up, and then seeing the dragon flying at me angry was amazing, if a little terrifying.
    Buddy got mermaided off the wheel while driving a ship up there for us. Sailed through a pack of the damned, ships doing down. Barely get it to shore but smithy is gone, and no real way to get the planks we're missing back, it sinks and we decide to run it anyway. Spend the next hour or so running/swimming around the island (the long way since it kept us farther from the city-looking place) using the water to dodge wolves and land for crocs.... He got it, I died in the cave when I made a wrong turn. Frustrating as hell, but it was great fun.

    • Like 2

  5. Activate(use) and order (crew&tames)ranks are basically who can use or order something. From what I can tell, 0 is anyone. Im not entirely sure how the numbering works, if someone with activation rank 0 can activate a 1 for example.

  6. My solution would be a hard limit to flags, around 5, I think. With possiblity an ability to buy/earn more. I like the company tier system for earning more flags, since it encourages people to play together to unlock more flags, Though not sure how Id break it down. The main system would include claiming like we do now, except the timer begins at 5 days, and can increase to a maximum of 14 days by spending time in that area. Time gained should be greater than time spent, something like a minute played would gain 2 minutes on your claim timer. And the ability to buy more time with gold, incase a longer break is necessary.

    Could the time increase in blocks as well, to prevent people just idling. Every 2 hours spent in zone gains 4 hours for example. One for two might work, though Im fairly sure 2 hours would certainly kill someone just afk'd in an area.

  7. 8 hours ago, Rainy said:

    I get that. But your not addressing why the solo player would have more then enough room to build 4 ships if they felt like it...but a 10 person company wouldn’t if each person wanted 4 ships. We all paid the same amount, give or take a few dollars, we should all be given the same amount of claims. The math has been done on other posts....there’s plenty of land to make that happen.

    Why couldnt they? Only takes one shipyard to build ships, and with 10 people working you can pump em out quick as hell. They certainly do have more than enough room to build it, even an advantage over a solo player.
    Now if you mean to say they dont have enough room inside that bubble to park 40 ships... well you would be correct. But whats your point? Doesnt change anything if the ships are in your zone or not when anchored.

  8. 7 hours ago, Rainy said:

    I understand what you are saying and you're not wrong. But then why would a solo person need the same amount of space as 7 people?  Maybe break it down a little further?  A company of 1-5 get 3 flags...6-10 get 6 flags...etc


    Youre doing the mat a bit wrong. Its not that one person needs the same amount of space as 7 people, its that 7 people can use the same amount of space as one person without losing anything, since the minimum required space for crafting stations(smithy, loom tannery) wont change much for a handful of players.

  9. On 2/28/2019 at 7:16 PM, Cantore said:

    No, I just disagree based on fact and logic. And, you clearly don't know me, no you can't guess my age or maturity level. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I'm young, immature, or that I'm even wrong. A lot of physicians considered bleeding people with leeches as a productive form of treatment. They were ALL wrong, even though it was the masses that believed this assumption as truth. Just because a lot of people disagree with me, doesn't mean I'm wrong. It COULD mean that none of you are using the same logic that I am to come to this conclusion. "Stating facts" is not being immature, or even argumentative.

    You've not ONCE said a factual evidenced-based argument in your responses to my post. Instead, you just assume things about me, and about my post that are incorrect, and then you justify yourself by calling me young and immature when I call you out on it. That's neither beneficial to the post, nor does it disprove the issue of the post - which CONTINUES to be that the Galleon turns too slowly, and needs to be fixed so that it is able to face a simple target such as SotD. If you think I'm wrong, that's your opinion. It doesn't mean I'm wrong.


    It's NOT a game mechanic for the largest ship in the game to basically NOT turn. We can all agree that it SHOULD be slower than other models. However, the current turn rate is not sufficient. If it WERE sufficient the way it is, we would not HAVE to stack tons of cannons on the stern of our Galleons just to stay alive against a level 5 SotD. If the largest ship in the game can easily be destroyed by a SotD because of its slow turn rate, and cannot essentially USE its cannon broadsides after the first volley because of its slow turn rate, then it IS logical to say that the ship turn rate is IN FACT too slow.

    If you have a good reason other than "It's not a schooner or a Brig, so what do you expect", or "you're young and immature", then please feel free to to correct my logic.

    Your comparison to physicians is a bit wrong. The difference being that the rules of Atlas change according to what the devs and communiy want. So whatever the majority of the community wants would be the correct path.
    You are comparing two very different systems. One where the physicians are bound by the world, whether they like it or not they have to accept the facts. Whereas Atlas the rules are defined by people, so if enough people believed it, it WOULD be the right answer, assuming the devs listen to the community, and in my experience they seem to do so atleast on some level.

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  10. I think the galleon turning is fine. I use 2 handling sails and I can turn a complete 180 in about 5 minutes. In combat you just need to be smarter about it, broadside, then gain a lead and turn in while the ship catches up.
    Play to the strengths of the ship rather than allowing your enemy, even a PVE AI exploit its weaknesses. Its not logical to say something is wrong when you are allowing its weaknesses to be exploited.

  11. 8 hours ago, DannyUK said:

    I ride around the island on my horse also and pick up all the maps I find, I do several laps over the days leading upto the weekend, I only do maps on X2 weekend.

    As for the amount you get it just isn't worth going for the far away treasure because while you sail several grids to get 5000G I can do about 8 lower level maps in my own grid to get the same amount if not more.

    I've just done alot of maps today in my grid and got 13,000G so to me it just isn't worth sailing for god knows how many hours just to pick up 2k - 5k. I would certainly do them if they increased the gold for them but it would have to be a hell of alot to travel far out for it. At the moment though gold is useless apart from paying NPC and upgrading etc, I have enough gold to last a long long time.

    If the recent talk of a server wipe is immanent I suppose the gold won't matter anyway.

    Can somewhat agree, though I love sailing. So I get alot of enjoyment out of those long trips for high level maps. Mostly Im looking for the blueprints at this point.

    • Like 1

  12. 2 minutes ago, wakkytabbaky said:

    on the gold note. my island in A12 (big one) spawns 90% of maps for the smaller island in the grid, most have 50-300 gold but when you travel less than 5 mins after collecting maps for 2-3 days you can easily grab 5k gold easily in less than an hour of  actual map farming

    Sure, but the time needed for collecting needs to be accounted if your going to say you can do it at any hour you want. Stocking up on materials and blowing some out in an hour is definitely doable, but thats not what Im talking about.

  13. 21 hours ago, trqfreak350 said:

    honestly i don't bother with anything less than a journeyman, and typically quality 15+ which i find very frequently, i ride around on a horse around our island a few times a week. our elephants... they are prime, i'll sell you a few good ones if you are on NA-PvE. Steve is a level 71 he was a 37 wild if i remember correctly, but we just got a new one that is 160% melee, and 2500 weight tamed at 43. 


    Im on EU, NA server kicked about half my group and wouldnt let us on in the first few weeks, so we came across the ocean and never left. I forgot wild takes into account the bonus levels, and thought mine should be alot closer to yours, though I sunk probably 5-10 levels in health and i think a few into stamina as well. I wasnt aware melee damage made such a difference, my test with a purple scythe over a regular one showed no noticeable results. But definitely noticed in when I tested with the elephants.
    Not sure whats up with our maps. I get about 3 a week around our island anymore. Might have something to do with 2-3 players in our area at peak, but no real way to test. Still salty about losing a masterwork due to the falling off a boat while offline glitch. Picked it up doing another map, and it was 2 grids away from my home.

  14. 100k in 3 hours I can see slightly doable, but thats part of the point. The wood alone is going to take more than the 5 hours, and thatch. Discount fibre cause bear. I accidently get 100k of that lol. And while its not alot of metal, you still need a small bit of that as well. 
    And what level elephant is that? my 28 wild with 25 levels so far only has 3900 weight and 131 melee. Slightly jealous lol.
    Ive had shit luck with maps lately. 4s giving 100, or 17s that are 7 grids away. Im not saying it isnt possible to do what he claimed, and definitely if you average it you could do it. but to pull it out whenever he wants is a bit of a stretch. Except he was referring to whales and I was wrong.

  15. Fair enough on the gold. Still call bullshit on your wood farm. Transfer alone of 240k to a place where it wasnt weighing down your elephants would take about 30 minutes for that load. Now if you had an extra person sure. But you didnt include that information and it certainly isnt implied when you say YOU can do this.

  16. Maybe for you its the end of story. Others would like the problems fixed. What did I expect from a pirate game in EA? Nothing more than I got really, but this IS a problem, and it should be solved.
    Secondly, you dont need to lie about your numbers to make it seem like you know what your talking about. You cannot farm 240k wood in 5 hours. And your 2500g in any hour conveniently leaves out the time it takes to find enough maps to make that much, as well as sailing time between islands. Bit disingenuous.
    Its not working, so fix it. End of story.

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  17. The patch notes werent clear on whether they changed the system regarding sleeping bodies contesting claims. Nor does it say theyre gone. They arent replicated anymore, which just means you wont see them. Unless the system was changed, its probably a sleeping body.
    I mean the game still knows your body is logged off there, because you log back in to the same location. I dont see them needing, or changing that system based on what the patch notes said. The systems they had in place made it clear that they wanted your base to be safe from claiming if you logged off there.

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  18. On 2/4/2019 at 1:43 PM, pope_kd said:

    This is a really dumb argument. 

    There's a communication system built into the game that broadcasts to every player currently online. Expecting all of your entire player base to check your outside communications is unreasonable and at this point you're just making bad excuses for why they couldn't just throw in a note on the actual game too saying "btw rollback X hours," there's no mutual exclusivity here, they can still "update their forums and twitter and discord," too. 

    They do server announcements for rollbacks, I've certainly seen a few. The results would have been the same in any case, since it was an emergency rollback. I mean what do you expect to come from an announcement in game that in 10 minutes they are rolling the servers back an hour or more. The argument is that there is a good system used by many devs that is much better at updating the community about sudden issues rather than planned ones. 

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