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Everything posted by Jlena

  1. 1. Claiming spam, make it so that Companies need to level up so that they can claim more land while progressing, instead of the claim land spam as it is now. The bigger Companies are still in an advantage (as it should be) but give smaller Companies a change to gain a piece of land. 2. Animal glitches, attacking you through buildings/ships or while fighting them make it so that you can't glitch in them. 3. Offline raiding protection for bases during sleep time (say 1:00 am till 8:00 am) 4. Nerve Greek fire!!!!!!
  2. I respected when sailing in a lawless area and 15 levels where gone. I went from level 25 to level 10. It's Early access so stuff can happen, but after leveling again the respec button is not popping up. So i think my character is bugged and that's is the reason for the bug report. Playing on EU PVP server and pathfinder name is Jlena Stormview.
  3. It happened to me twice once from level 17 to 8 in the beginnen and just a hour ago i was level 25 and after pressing respec i was level 10. So i lost a total of 24 levels of progres and i hope you guys can fiks it for others that it doesn't happen to them. I can do jack shit now and are a bit done with it to start "all" over again.
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