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Everything posted by moozoo

  1. Note that boats do still float and there is a ship master. I docked my ship at the jetty. So to get off the island make a boat and jump/grapple to it. Tames can be transferred to it. That said. Just run to the West side island (where the Hydra spawns) and the water is normal. I landed there earlier and came ashore and didn't notice anything wrong.
  2. Actually having read more about it. The reason ships broadsided each other was that the cannons of the day where really inaccurate. You had to be right along side them in order to hit them.
  3. With the new road map will Blackwood still be supported? Anyone know where I find the Blackwood Fountain of Youth? Hydra island? Island near by? Let me guess the super hard island where alpha soldiers of the dammed spawn and when you try and leave you run straight into the mermaid mine field (tip put a bed right near your steering wheel).
  4. I'm not convinced. Are you a wooden ship builder? I'm not. Anyone here? On https://www.historynet.com/early-naval-innovation-american-44-gun-frigates.htm They are talking about 44 and 64 gun frigates. Yes These aren't Schooners but still. Extra thick wood beams? I mean very large wooden ships are possible. How did they handle the forces caused by such massive ships. Metal reinforcement? And from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chase_gun "From 1799 Royal Navy frigates were universally supplied with two bow and two stern chasers " A ship designed for 4 front and back facing heavy cannons doesn't seem that implausible to me. Maybe the sails could be moved more towards the center of the ship with the cannons located on the main desk facing forward and aft. All that weight probably doesn't make them very fast. Do atlas ships site lower in the water with the extra weight? do they go much slower when weighted down? Perhaps those mechanics need to be improved.
  5. Real ships did have Chase Guns From : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chase_gun "From 1799 Royal Navy frigates were universally supplied with two bow and two stern chasers, " I hate artificial limitations. If its physically possible to place a large cannon facing forward and back then if should be allowed. If someone wants to build an ugly platform on the back of their ship to mount four large cannons (say) then so be it.
  6. The new Windows 1903 has problems with older versions of battleye. The suggestion is to uninstall battleye, upgrade and then run your game to reinstall. But this won't work if the games battleye has not been updated. Has this been fixed? Saw this issue might affect Atlas here https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/all/insider-build-1903-issues-with-battleye-steam-and/9fb8d487-0356-4c33-b881-7a2e062efd5e And don't want to be locked out of Atlas and loose all my stuff to decay.
  7. I have a high end PC and two low end pc's. All of them can play Ark. The high end pc gets into Atlas most times will occasional timeout. Usually it gets in on the second attempt (after its cached some stuff?) The low end PC's can not get in at all. Not once. Even in low memory mode (they have 8 GB) My guess its a client server sync issue. The low end machines can not load in the map etc fast enough to sync with the server. It's not a ping issue as they can't connect to a local low ping unofficial server either. The low end PC's used by my sons, one of which is really keen to play. With ark the low end PC's work best with directx 10 mode (-sm4) but are also playable with the normal startup.
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