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Everything posted by Nyx01

  1. There's a small text bug in the "Pistol Reload Skill +20%" skill as seen in the attached image. The skill name states a 20% bonus, but the description text states a 10% bonus. The later passive skills don't have any +% in the name, and also only give 10% by their description, so I'm assuming the name of the first skill is wrong, and it should be +10%.
  2. I also agree with this, the keybindings are atrocious to set through menu. Can we have a fix to this, or at least some kind of QoL patch for this down the line? You can set Alt+Whatever through console commands or editing files, but trying to do it through the game's menu is impossible. The problem isn't just for AZERTY keyboards, it's also for QWERTY keyboards too. Further; there are several keybindings that share keys BY DEFAULT. If you change any of these shared keybindings, (r key as an example), you clear the binds for everything sharing it, and are unable to rebind everything to the shared key again, unless you hit the "reset to default" button, which resets ALL options, even video, to default. I get that this is early access, but... this is like... early-early-early-pre alpha level release here... not to mention since the devs literally copied and pasted the menu and options system from Ark, I'm surprised that no one in the however-many-years Ark existed so far, never sat down and went... "Hey, this keybinding system sucks. Let's QoL patch that because we care about our players." I have this same problem in Ark with shared hotkeys. There's several that aren't even listed in the menu, like numpads; but they are by default used for selecting tame groups. There's no way to change these binds from the menu however; only file or console. I'd really love to see this get fixed going forward Devs. Hope a dev checks the post for the recommendation. (Is there even a place to submit recommendations officially?)
  3. Here's a question for anyone else having this crash. Are you running factory overclocks on your video card? If yes, try knocking the clocks down a bit, or setting it to factory standard. This greatly extended my average time to crash, even though my ASUS Strix 1080 TI was only running a 2% factory overclock. So either returning to original nvidia clock speeds, or uninstalling GPU Tweak II from Asus gave me the extra hour or so average time to crash, instead of dealing with it not even letting me get through 5 minutes on the main menu. I'd be interested to know if anyone else having this D3D Device blahblah error is running an Asus Strix card, or using Asus gpu software.
  4. Lobotechx- your crash error is different than the one reported in this post. This thread is talking about "D3D device being lost. (Error 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')" errors, not the one your thread is having. After more digging, it seems this bug popped up again after being fixed before; and is now being tracked in the following post: https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-51650 It's current status is UNRESOLVED by Unreal themselves; so it's absolutely and extremely unlikely the Atlas devs will even make an attempt to fix something Engine level, instead of wait and hope Unreal does it for them, especially so when they're too preoccupied by the screeching of bazillion upset refund and negative review buttons being mashed on Steam at the same time because of broken game mechanics. Why would they want to bother fixing something effecting probably ~1-2% (or less) of total players when there are much more pressing issues effecting everyone else who can actually play? lol.
  5. I'm also having the exact same issue. Can't even get done setting up my keybinds after a fresh install. Tried validating files, nothing worked. Doing some interwebs research, I noticed this exact error was solved in the Unreal Engine awhile ago... but I'm not sure if the version that Atlas uses had the fix included or not. https://unreal-engine-issues.herokuapp.com/issue/UE-42280 I also found a post that Ark had a similar issue awhile back, and the devs for Ark ended up fixing it with a patch. Game is currently unplayable with this problem.
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