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Everything posted by Draycon

  1. I want to say good job and thank you Grapeshot games. This was one of the best decisions you have made and it shows that you care about the game and its future. A wipe will bring back lots of old and new players.
  2. Ye that's the most retarded part... A single person could claim an entire island.....
  3. The worst part is that the remaining players push away any people who want to play the game but don't want to slave to giant companies. But they don't understand that without the small groups and solo players the game will be dead in under a year... They are basically fucking themselves over by saying everything is fine and nothing needs to be changed. Just because they want to keep their Massive swabs of land (WHICH THEY ALREADY HAVE PROBLEMS MAINTAINING) that those giant companies have taken. If devs keep listening to these giant companies then the game will end up with 2 to 4 big companies and everyone will be wondering why the game is so empty and why are people leaving the game daily. Instead of developing into a living world with traders and pirates, it will become a desolate world with just a few people playing by themselves. That is the future right now...
  4. Yeah but honestly that is an issue for the longevity of the game. But besides that, the companies with the duplicated resources make it impossible for new companies to compete.
  5. I believe that we can all agree that there is a problem with support for the new players. The fact that they don't know what to do when they constantly get killed without warning forcing them to start back at a freeport is an issue... How are they supposed to get anything done when all they do is: start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing > get a raft > farm > get killed on sight by a big company > start from nothing...... How long until that new player is just gonna give up and refund the game ? This is an issue that will eventually kill the game if it remains.
  6. So I didn't explain the situation completely. First of all we were on a lawless island with that german company. Honestly they were an aggressive company that killed anyone that came to the island but we managed to create an alliance by offering them some of the accordion songs that we had found. (which were pretty rare at the moment when we met them) We frequently saw them raiding other settlers and even sinking another schooner for the materials. It was an uneasy alliance with them as they were quite unpredictable but they were very far ahead in terms of levels and they did protect us from attackers since those attackers posed a threat to them as well. While we stayed in an alliance, we both knew that the lawless island was just a temporary spot for us to build up and they had a schooner ready to go as soon as the Spawn rates of the damned ships went down. We ended up sailing off first because we didn't want to risk losing our ship overnight. (And also because they decided to make an extra schooner) Also that alliance was mostly a truce that meant that we don't mess with them and they don't mess with us and we helped each other is someone tried to attack either of us. But again it was for the most part a temporary alliance while we were both on the same island since they were a more aggressive company than us. (Kill on sight type of guys(Kill first, ask questions later kind of company))
  7. Well I can't judge the situation right now as I haven't played the game for ever a month now
  8. Honestly that's not good in my opinion. That means that a large part of the playerbase has left the game (I assume due to similar complaints). The more people leave the game the less people will want to play it. It creates a loop and I hope that the devs do something to stop it and bring the players back. While I want to have a place to build a base, I am not willing to have it at the cost of playing in a barren world where there is noone to interact with. Ideally I would love to see the game sprawling with players and be able to live on an island with multiple friendly or rival companies.
  9. By no means do I want to cause any conflict or ill will. I honestly want the game to succeed. I just wanted to open a conversation about these issues and I guess I did kinda Bait people with the title "I quit" We're mostly EU PVP players but the issue was that we couldn't find any land in the Tundra zone back then. Maybe the situation has changed over the past month.
  10. I am not someone who gives up easily but honestly the reason I gave up was because my friends could not deal with the constant loss. (We had lost everything we had about 5 times because of the Damned npc ships when they were spawning everywhere and attacked isalnd drydocks, attacks from the Chinese raft armada and random full plate shotgun geared raft raids were just a the salt in the wound after we had lost our schooner that we had built over the span of a week or so)
  11. Well I don't know how it is on the NA servers but here on EU PVP, every island we checked had everything claimed and the only places that weren't claimed were either boxed in by huge walls or on top of really tall mountains. Note: That was the situation a month ago when we still played the game And if you're unlucky and the company reacts and completely wipes your base in a matter of minutes, then you're back to a freeport and you need to start from a freeport with no gear again.
  12. But the duplication problem would still remain. The fact that many companies are stocked up on thousands of duped resources is just a deterrent for new and returning players. The thing is that if nothing changes then the game will slowly die out until only the most dedicated players are left and I am not sure if that will be enough to support the development of the game and support for the servers. It would be very sad to see a cool game like this to go under but in the long run, players are gonna trickle away from the game and if they don't return because of hackers or companies with endless supplies of duped resources, then I don't see a bright future ahead of the game.
  13. So I started playing atlas the week when it came out and I fell in love with it even with the lag and bugs and offline servers. It was everything I ever wanted from a pirate game (not the bugs and server issues). And I even got a few of my friends to play with me and we created a small 5 man company to sail the seas and hopefully settle on an island, however after a few days of grinding when we set sail, we discovered that basically every island was already claimed by another company and It was impossible to capture any land because we would be killed by a larger company with more players or a more advanced one. So the only thing we could do was bring a bunch of rafts with beds to a lawless island and start building a ship there. With the help of another smaller German company (mostly with their protection from the Chinese players) we managed to build a schooner and set sail. We were hoping to find an unclaimed island in the colder regions but everything was claimed already and by the time we had explored every island in the south (every island was claimed and a lot of them were just claimed by big companies) with all the repairs we had to do after the encounters of countless damned and storms, the holidays had arrived and we had no place to build a base or even a bed except for our schooner and nowhere was safe to park our ship for the holidays. All we could do was park it near a seemingly abandoned island and hope for the best. But of course after just one day, someone had claimed it and all of our progress was lost. We had to start from nothing again. That's when most of my friends left and the rest of us tried playing on a PvE server but the territory situation there was even worse. I actually really like the game and would love to return but I don't see how I could have fun playing in pvp or pve anymore. With all the duplication bugs we've had and with Giant Companies having claimed large portions of the map. There is no way we can even hope to have our own little place. I've heard some people hoping for a server wipe and letting only one or 2 territory flags placed per person and yes that would bring me back to the game because then at least one medium sized company couldn't claim 3 islands for themselves (Which is idiotic honestly. They don't even need that much space.) While small companies of a few friends can't even build a base anywhere except for a lawless region where we can't even respawn. Overall I would love to return to the game and I am sure my friends would too if a new pvp server was made or the old ones got wiped with a claim flag restriction. I want a wipe not only because of the territories but also because of the many companies that abused bugs to duplicate thousands of high end materials no one can compete with. ;TLDR; Me and my friends love the game but we won't come back to it if there isn't going to be some sort of a wipe of territories or full wipe and a claim flag restriction per person. Or at least a new server with a claim flag restriction.
  14. Yep, I was trying to add my friend to our company and we both got stuck there when we tried to spawn
  15. Like the title says, on the EU pvp server, the H13 square is offline and it's a freeport so noone on the freeport can play the game right now. Please fix it
  16. Like the title says H13 on the EU pvp server is down and I literally can't play the game right now...
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