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Everything posted by Nopetard

  1. Time for some big 'ol gallie oars whoot. To be honest I would love to have paddles for us on the rafts for the "how do I get out of this mess" moments.
  2. Galleons had oars. The Annali Genovesi mentions galleons of 80, 64 and 60 oars, used for battle and on missions of exploration, in the 12th and 13th centuries.
  3. I would love to see oars put in for just that. I have seen some old ships that are floating museums that had huge oars that could be used to turn and back the ship up.
  4. I am on the fence for this one. It could be minor and not change things over all but I do think they should have been lower amount. I will wait and see how it turns out.
  5. I just lost second ship of the day. Set sail in sloop and the ocean is full of nothing but Ships of the Damned. I had 9 of them within render at one point. The patch did not fix them it made them spawn like wild fire.
  6. I am enjoying the game for the most part, but many aspects of the ui are not friendly to us with color and contrast deficiencies. The ability to set text and skill check bars colors to accommodate would be nice and might even help other vision handicaps. In many areas of the inventory and skill tree ui the text is too close to the back ground color.
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