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Everything posted by skib

  1. Hello everyone. I have an issue creating a map with servergrideditor. I added one island to the map, edited this island and set the value of spawnPointRegionOverride to 1. In EditSpawnRegions, I set "Name" to "Beginners island" and set "Parent Cell" to 0,0. And I started the game but I was spawn in the middle of the sea!! Anyone knows why it happens?
  2. @Teach @Newfiedog95 I found the cause about this issue. My router did not support 5000 ports. Query and game port were changed to 27020 and 27021 so that the external user could see my server normally. Wildcards recommend any port numbers but they do not describe the limitations of supported features for each router. My router does not support port forwarding but instead supports the super DMZ. Thanks a lot guys.
  3. @Teach Dear Teach, I have used a 3x3 grid map that you provided. Fortunately, with this map, my family is enjoying our server. However, our problem is that any other users on other networks can not find our server. I already set port forwarding and DMZ and use the server PC as a static IP address. As this settings, I can run both Ark survival and Wildcard games such as Pixark and users in external networks could also browse our servers. Maybe.. Do I modify something codes in the ServerGrid.json? I want to know why our server is not visible to external users and can not connect. If the game port and the query port work abnormally, my wife also not be able to connect to this game as the same home network. Please let me know. I need your help.
  4. I found a root cause. It is my mistaken. I wrote incorrect wording to my ServerGrid.json file. This file type is json so must be correct wording.
  5. When I run my dedicated server after updating the server to v.9.32, this error occurs. Who is know how to fix it?
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