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About Sutorx

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  1. Im with you, Im afraid to take our ship out now. They are making this game into a grindfest. But honestly they aren't going to replace anything, we just spend countless hours into this game building a ship and if mine gets wrecked by something stupid like that on a PVE server, I'm done.
  2. Understand some bugginess, but when peoples time is totally destroyed because of 15 ghost ships spawning in all around 1 ship and you can't outrun them its stupid, I hardly doubt that the devs meant for it to be this way. And the New skill point system went from one extreme to the other, they need to find a better happy medium. I agree 1 point for higher skill points is dumb, but flame arrows, which is the second tier on the tree is 8 points? Common, plus they got nerfed anyways, flipping stupid. Its like they want to make this a shitty grindy ass game. Right now this isn't a game for a group that has less then 10 people unless you want to spend countless hours grinding fiber and everything else, sorry not for me, if you want to fiber it up be my guest.
  3. I absolutely hate what you guys just did to the point system. I am level 32 and can't even make a basic sword. Now I can barely fend off a level 4 snake or crocodile. Why make your game so grindy? It takes a TON of fiber just to do anything, and now I'm hating the new skill tree point system. A couple of the skills cost as much as 8x the previous cost! Sorry guys but this game won't be for me if I have to worry about grinding levels instead of having fun playing a video game. Right now it seems like a Fiber/level grinding simulator. In the past I would just fire up my own server, well really can't do that anymore with our having 18+ servers so we are officially stuck on your servers. So why not make it less grindy so people can have fun, the grind is NOT FUN! Thanks
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