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Everything posted by Verisan

  1. I love how you use the EA argument but this is a total different beast as far as I am concerned. As someone who actually works in software development, though not games, this feels like their internal process is seriously lacking. The 7.0 update should have never gone past their internal testing. Even if you put your game out as EA, the first test should be done by the people who make the code. The should have automated testing in place and dev branches on which to launch the update. It would have instantly showed the issue with the ghostships. Same with the skilltree change, this is one guy in charge of the leveling code and one in charge of the skill trees and one changed the values without telling the other. You can't explain to me that this is intended behavior of the game, and if it is, it should have been accompanied by a community post explaining why they decided on this. Pushing stuff like this to your keyusers( aka the EA players) without internal testing first only results in outlash, negative feedback and your project getting scrapped in the long run. So to the devs I say, fix your internal system, change or explain the skill tree change and disable ghostships till it works on your internal branch. And I agree with your opening statement, it's EA expect change and alot of it, but I disagree that the 7.0 patch can be classified under this argument.
  2. Understandable,, this a design decision with little thought put into it. Also, i'm quiet baffled why they put the skill tree balance as a prio. There are massive other issues that need adressing and the more stuff unlocked = more stuff tested. Feels like this is something they should be doing at the end of the EA not the start. But I agree just flamming won't help. But I think the community is clear on this one. So devs act upon it. edit:typo
  3. I agree on the day one lag post stuff, but this is just a straight up stupid balance decision on which they are getting massive feedback right now. Which is the whole point of EA. They tried something, what small community they have is in outrages, to me a pretty big sign this was a bad change, so revert, and back to the drawing board is the correct action. And let's not even start on the whole ghost ship spawning debacle.
  4. So on PVE you don't need upgrades for fighting the npc ghost ships? And again, the devs can spam MMORPG as much as they want, this game in it current itteration is a survival game. And up until this patch it was a decent one for early acces. And like has been stated here before, you can not have a succesfull game without solo play. This game has no social hub which is easly accessible. So natural group forming isn't happening. And people just aren't going to join big companies just to play. NO instead they will bail on the game and it will be dead before it leaves EA. If you want people to go into big companies you need to make a curve. Like WoW for example, you start solo, you learn the basic, you learn what role you want and go from there. THen you get into small group content (bigger boats for example) and have fun with that till you hit max lvl and now if you want to go do the real endgame stuff you look for a big company to join or create your own big company. That's a cycle that will keep your game alive and give everyone something to do. All this now does is people log in, see a massive grind, no real sense of progression and log off to never return. Cause the first lvls of this game are tedious and not fun. Simple as that. The grind should kick in the middle of the game not the start. just my 2 cents.
  5. But there is no actual trade infrastructure in game. That's the major issue. With the current skill tree state, it's impossible to be functional in anything other then a zerg guild. This game is ment to be played as self sufficient group. If they wanted it to be different, they shouldn't have copied ark for their base game. That vision simply doesn't work for the current build.
  6. It's not an MMO it's a survival game, no matter what is stated on the box. With this new change, me and my friends who had a nice thing going, dividing over the different trees who can do what can now no longer operate with our small group. It's just stupid. If you want people to pick a certain "profession" the game needs to provide a system of trade so you can fill the holes your prof has in a reliable way. Now it's join a zerg guild or get fucked. Not to mention the horrible feel it gives to the grind. The grind was tedious but acceptable because you unlocked alot of stuff and could have fun. Now my lvl 23 feels like a lvl 5 again. And playing 3 days to get to lvl 5 makes me uninstall. I'll wait it out personally to see a response/ change. But if this doesn't get reverted I'm bailing. And if I look at the forum, it won't be just me.
  7. Wonderfull to see how many post are spawning right after this patch. They really fucked it up on this one. They seemed to be heading the right direction adn then just shot themselfs in the face for some reason.
  8. I was enjoying my playthrough today, until I got the message for the newest patch 7.0 I don't know what brainfart came about to create this patch, but not only did I spawn me dead in the middle of the ocean, loosing all my gear in the progress. Mind you I logged off in my house. I can no not even craft half the stuff I could before. Thanks to skill increase I'm now back from playing the mid game to feeling like a newb. This is in no way fun. Not to metion Giant bees now seem capable of breaking bones and taking 5 hits to kill, why that was changed is beyond me. My advise, roll back to the previous patch and back to the drawing board. It just went from an enjoyable early acces title to sour tasting shit pile.
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