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Everything posted by psykoe

  1. It's sad to say that all these are reasons why I don't play official anymore. It wasn't because I dislike the rates or anything of that nature, it's that PvE on those servers is just impossible. People can steal everything on you when you die, sink your ships, take your land (or spam claim everything around). At least on private servers with active admins you can get rid of the nuisance players. I understand it's early days but the longer they wait to address some of these issues the more people will either quit or move to unofficial in hopes of playing and not being offline raided by other players in a PvE setting.
  2. So Ships of the Damned are actually epic looking and get the blood pumping, but they are OP and if your sailing a sloop alone with two speed sails you still die to them. I'd like to propose some changes to them. A) Make it so that they are neutral unless fired upon ( I know this doesn't make sense for what they are, they are crazy skeletal pirates) B) Make it so they fire on you, but it does like 30 damage a salvo UNLESS your return fire, then their damage can go back to 500 per salvo like normal. As it stands they just sit on your proverbial bumper and shell you to death.
  3. Just want to further iterate my frustrations with just anyone being able to steal you stuff on PvE once you die. People can drag stuff to you and get you killed just to take your stuff. People can wait and watch you die just to loot you. Was just trying to dig up a treasure, one of the big two handed mace army of the damned guys lagged a bit and I guess hit me a few times during the lag and killed me and on the way back to my body a guy looted my body and ran off.......PLEASE CHANGE THIS ONE PVE. PLEASE. So dumb.
  4. Would it be possible to make is to that strictly in PvE someone else that is NOT in your company cannot access you body and steal everything you own if you happen to die near them? Just had a thing happen where I was trying to talk to a guy and a alpha croc came up and killed me, then the server went down and they got on before me and tried to steal my stuff, only reason they gave it back is because I was in the claim they were trying to steal a ship from someone else, so they wanted me to leave. Secondly, would it be possible to get death beams enabled in a separate color for company mates so you can locate where they died if your close by. This is more just because of the current way that if you die you get jacked of all your stuff if someone else comes up and see's it. Also a few more things that I have noticed as well, can we please make it so everything is locked by default on PvE, campfires and crafting stations can be freely accessed by literally anyone, so while your cooking someone can walk up and take everything out of it, or run by and snag something from your smithy if it's atop your drydock while trying to make ship parts. Just a suggestion.
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