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Posts posted by UDO

  1. 8 hours ago, vaylain said:


    One crewman is approximate, 1 gold every 2.5 hours with skill points dedicated to the cause.



    wrong they recently changed it, it's now over  5 hrs between payments , so stop spreading falsehoods .


    • Like 2

  2. 7 hours ago, 8ball said:

    No, it isn't global. It may be wide spread and it may be spreading more, howver, on an island I was on, I had to kill 18 lions and tigers in one small area before I could do a map.  

    You haven't been to every single island, please don't say it's global.

    Now, I do agree, on our home island, it does seem too safe.


    remember the outcry about the aggressive wildlife?unless u played from day 1 you wont remember what it was like  ,

    it wasn't that there was too many it was because of the aggro range all the devs needed to do was reduce it and most players would have been happy , but no they decided to reduce their spawns so they are almost non existent ,i set up in g4 day 2 i think it was i spent the first few weeks fighting mobs whenever i left my bsse it was fun , the only thing that wasn't was how far away they aggroed from , but it was fun and a definite sense of danger when seeing a pack of 3 wolfs or beach full of crocs, now bearing in mind i'm in the same spot i might see an agressive creature a couple of times a week depending on how far away from my base i travel , which never used to be very far ,

    the devs need to take another look at the spawns , is this a survival game ? NO it's a game that's less dangerous than hello kitty island .

  3. 3 hours ago, Vorxius said:

    they're blocking passage across the land, and used excessively to prevent people to run treasure maps there.   My biggest complaint is how unnecessary it all is.  It's raw spam, and it's probably the ugliest attempt at using structures against their intended purpose to do something equally pointless!

    logged in to see rafts around my galleon , i lifted the anchor dropped the sails and the galleon shot to the left as if the rafts were a solid object ,and almost got stuck on a sand bank took me almost 10 mins to get it out and sail away , is this a new form of griefing that has been discovered surrounding anchored ships with rafts to make it hard to get out 

  4. 1 hour ago, 8ball said:

    This.  It is not a Global problem.

    , yes there are aggressive wildlife noone is saying there isnt ,but not anywhere near what it used to be , it's a snooze fest when out exploring and farming , there is nothing to be wary of ,not a single island ive been to since they nerfed it like they did has been in any shape or form dangerous , havnt been even close to death from wild life since the nerf ,so yes it is a global issue 

    alphas don't seem to be the issue the issue is the amount of wildlife as in wolf's / crocs / cobras / lions / tigers / not the giraffes , rhinos, birds etc ,

     i am now thinking that the non aggressive wildlife out numbers the aggressive now and the issue is that the non aggressive wildlife is killing the aggressive wildlife ,giving them n o chance to actually populate properly now due the reduction in their spawns anyway ..i have seen wolfs spawn attack a giraffe kill it then go to the next one kills it , then on its third giraffe gets killed due to low life , so another wolf is killed but the system then respawns more giraffes and a solo wolf then the pattern repeats again , as its only 1 wolf it gets killed quickly well before the next animal spawn cycle  might explain why there are a lot less aggressive wildlife . not enough are being spawned to keep the balance between agressive and non agressive 


    there is no danger anywhere now , not on sea , not on land nothing , 

  5. they also wont tell players that are banned why they were banned as this can lead to cheat makers knowing it was their cheat that triggered the ban , so you will not find out ,why you were banned 


    also the recent event in the game the chances of op being mistakenly banned are very very very very slim , go buy another account and this time try to play legit 

    • Thanks 1

  6. i play on my laptop as well as pc, all u do is install the game , when u start up atlas select join new server , then when map is up  dont select a region just select join, u will join in on your char wherever u logged out , you dont need to copy or do anythig more then that .DO NOT CREATE A NEW CHAR ON THE SAME SERVER YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHAR .

    • Like 2

  7. 12 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    Not true.  In the early days, I had animals destroying structures on lawless.  They still do it just a bit, although not enough to completely wreck the place.  But there would still be no use for most of those BPs.  If animals could still destroy your buildings, who would ever build in thatch or wood anyway?  Can you imagine running around finding different mats so you could build an improved thatch wall?  It would just be silly.

    who said anything about thatch walls ? noone 

    stone could be damaged by rhinos if the devs wanted too , elephants / giraffes could destroy wood ? if the environment isn't doing anything to be worried about then of course the bps are not worth getting , the environment needs to be dangerous to make the bps worthwhile on pve, noone even bothers with improved ship parts on pve as there are no dangers form the enviroment that warrant it 

  8. 9 hours ago, pope_kd said:

    Agreed, I'm never making Legendary Stone Walls/Staircases/whatever when I'm not worried about anything destroying them.

    and there lies the problem with PVE  player vs environment , there is no environment to worry about, this all started with ark when players moaned about their walls and bases being attacked by wild creatures , so now PVE player have nothing to worry about at all , what is so wrong about wild creatures attacking your walls/ baes trying to get at your tames , that's what defence are for are they not ? if pve players had to worry about the environment attacking them then the bp for building parts would be useful and worth hunting for ..

    • Like 2

  9. 2 hours ago, Lotus said:

    If Uli had his flag down and the new player put his flag down where he built how does limiting change what happened?

    The limited flag system has way to many flaws to be viable.

    I am curious about what poll you are talking about. I remember there was a biased pole that used manipulation to make limited claim flags seem like it was the right thing to do. I think they should make a limited claim server and a whole island claim server instead of this NA/EU thing.


    the other players would not have wasted their limited  flags to build a wall from the beach and right up to the nearest cliff with a 500 meter wall ?


    the limits would stop players players doing this to a degree , they either waste their flags to be assholes and block off areas or they use them wisely and have various outposts across the maps

  10. 14 hours ago, Salty Jack said:

    I can find plenty of rhinos in the desert biome.... what I cant find is anywhere that rhinos spawn and turnips are able to be grown.

    Am I missing a zone or does everyone have to ship in turnips and hope you get that rhino tamed before they spoil ?....


    potatoes work well for rhinos 

    2 hours ago, Salty Jack said:

    Thanks FORB..... I am on NA PVE.... I will take a look at J11 and see what I like in that zone....

    I think it’s weird that you can’t grow somethings favorite food in an area where they are found....

    and yes it is odd , lots of rhinos around my base yet i have to go elsewhere to grow their favorite foods

  11. which means the system is flawed , if tey had had the old claim system with LIMITS as many many many players on these forums asked for , then players wouldnt be wasting their flags blocking of areas they dont need , so it would be a non issue , as player wouldnt go around wasting their limited flags

    2 hours ago, Lotus said:


    This system was requested by a lot of people.

    it wasnt ,there was an unnoficial -poll about this very thing and it was shown limited flags was the option players wanted 

  12. 32 minutes ago, Huck Finnley said:

    And this answers the question why have an island claim in pve. For every decent player just doing thier thing, there is a douche just more then happy to ruin your day. It's MMO 101

    exactly i have posted many times the system they designed is great for pvp , but the old claim with limits needs to come back for pve , 



    23 minutes ago, Puppies4ever said:

    EU-PvE M11?

    u have similar issues ? showing again why the system isnt good for pve 

  13. On 5/9/2019 at 9:24 PM, Luxfere said:

    No they have changed i have gone back to L10 and example It used to be fiber = Straw its now Silk. 

    Other items are pretty close the same, but in many areas the items have changed quite a bit 

    so far nothing has changed from the map i made with resources marked they are all exactly the same 


    anyway back on topic , any news on if the fog of war is coming back , as the lack of ways to determine where i have landed and having to mark on a custom map os tedious

  14. why areu building pens when billboards work better and are  lot faster to place and remove when done 4 bill boards elephant is trapped and easy to tame small signs for smaller creatures , bola it when its down place 4 boards around it 

  15. 5 hours ago, ALLAN said:

    On the old map, we were considered a small group towards the end and ran the kracken with Lotus numerous times. You just have to find people who are like minded and complete the adventure. There is no need to handout everything or the game will boring in a week

    Noone is saying anything about being handed things , skimming over a thread and making a reply to nothing anyone has said doesnt make sense .

    1 hour ago, Nutcutt3r said:

    Here is a suggestion that does not involve a box of tissues-


    again noone is asking for thing for free or crying ,for a game of this size to only be catering to larger groups with no way to group up except using forums is bad MMO game design more so in game of this size , wait until there is a lot more content that need larger groups then see how much harder it gets to organise groups using just the forums ,

    • Like 1

  16. 1 hour ago, TerrorTrooper said:

    a non-issue. The few people in game I’ve seen complain about that are generally solo players of duo’s who want atlas to work like a single player game and have the world revolve around them. Seriously, if you’re a company of 3 or more, you should be barely noticing the gold tax, so again. What is the problem?

    no one is complaing because they are solo they want to know what they gain from paying 20% gold tax nothing zero , just because the island owner got to the island ahead of others means they get gold for free as they have upkeep  to pay is not a valid reason as to why it should COME OUT of pve players efforts 

  17. 39 minutes ago, Vorxius said:

    Been treasure hunting this 2x weekend.  The amount of gold lost to tax was in the region of 22,000.  After this stint, as i feel like i'm caught by my short and curlies, I'll avoid treasure hunting on taxed islands.  Every island was set at 20%, and to know that's the max, makes me pretty resentful, that I should sail half way across the atlas map for a 20% deficit on the majority of my maps.

    If it DID NOT rip me off 20% of my effort, but magically added 20% to the coffers of the island owners, i'd be endorsing that.  I'd happily do my part to contribute, but after these last two maps I'm over it.  Which is a shame, because islands that are owned are much nicer to map on, cleaner, and really well maintained.

    20% bites too much for me to be enjoyable.

    this 20% is a lot of gold to lose , like the standard resources it should be appearing in the coffers of the island owner on pve 

    I say again taxes are there to be able to benefit the players collecting the tax and contributing by paying tax , on pvp u pay tax u get the protection of the island owner 

    in pve the ONLY ones benefiting are the island owners so why should pve players pay tax ,? an answer to this from an island owner as to what benefits do the taxpayers get for giving you gold for nothing ,dont reply with it cost x amount to upkeep blah blah , a genuine answer only , WHAT BENEFITS DO THE PVE GOLD TAX PAYERS GET ?

    1 hour ago, TerrorTrooper said:


    Why should island owners get 20% of your gold? Because they own the island and pay to keep it. Not much else I can really say on that, this is however, offset in part that if your company owns an island, I’m betting your company is getting 20% of someone else’s gold too.


    not really a good reply to what benefits are there to pve gold tax payers, in pvp they get protection , pve they get nothing except 20% taken 

    • Like 2

  18. 3 hours ago, TerrorTrooper said:

    Ahh. Just what we need! Another thread jumped on by the entitled claim haters who believe the game will die if it doesn’t accommodate them! 

    Like Jorm :- if you never set foot on a claim, that’s your loss. If you want to cut 60% of the games content off from yourself in protest of a mechanic that affects you in no way whatsoever, then crack on!, the rest of us will laugh as it makes zero difference to anyone else in the game. So good luck with that! 😂

    again though why should island owners in pve get free gold just for being the first to get to the islands , annoying to go through the hassle of treasure map to end with 20% taken for nothing , same reason the resources was changed , there is no benefit to anyone but the island owner ,with this claim system in pve, all taxes need to go away in pve

    pvp great system PVE not so much ....

    • Like 1

  19. 3 hours ago, gnihar said:

    When you build your base and fllet, and tame all the animals, what is the point of continuing to play pve?

    at the moment there is no point , there is no trading as everyone who can make stuff also has to have the skills to use anyway  so no need to trade as can make it themselves , u want mats for your new mythical weapons / tools go to freeport and buy them , no reason to trade for mats as quick jaunt to freeport solves this , everyone can tame , everyone can make boats , there is no dungeons for adventuring so no need to prep for anything ,(1 dungeon coming end of may ? )which will keep pve players busy for a week at most , 



    but i digress the point of this thread is to help players, i have to disagree with the OP i have yet to see any players being abusive in global chat on any grid , across any areas i have traveled in fact everyone is very helpful ,with polite helpful replies , i don't think there are any issues with new players being set upon in global not to my knowledge anyway .  which makes for a very good environment for new players , personally i always offer help to anyone who shouts out that they are new  giving them pointers and even full kits to help them along if they want them . 

    • Thanks 1

  20. 2 hours ago, Lotus said:

    In that mindset why not remove levels because skills and stats are locked behind them and not everybody can get to a point where they get everything. At that point it's a whole new game though. I agree with what nut said where you are just wanting them to compensate people for making poor choices.


    I run kraken every week on EU-PvE if you want to come.I ask people bring a ship capable of killing stuff.


    what has explaining what content is got to do with giving things away , noone at all in this thread has said that once that they want things given away ?

    skills are not locked behind end game bosses , lvl are not locked behind end game bosses ,you are just making stuff up now 

    everyone can get to the point they have everything with enough time invested ,and if they can get a group which the game doesnt make it easy too do within the game 

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