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Posts posted by UDO

  1. 1-25 3 claims ? do u realise how much room 25 players need are they all going to huddle in  an 8x8 box? ,and all argue over who is building the next ship as they will only probe fit on or 2 large shipyards in 3 flags claim including land area and resource protection


    it took 2 for me to even get to cover my base and shipyard the last spot i got was a cliff edge and there was only 1 -one spot the shipyard would go out of the main base claim , that 2 flags gone already with most of it on the sea due to adjoining claims , and 3rd for protection of resources so that other dont go building and stopping stuff spawning , 


    that leaves me stuck on that island for the whole game duration ? on amp that takes a couple of days to even go somewhere and come back ? player want bases in different spots , 


    u do realise most of the claim are for resource protection , metal , wood, gems what ever else u have on your island .


    3 day timer if it was working properly is ideal players that dont play regular dont need 200000 claim flags so deserve to lose them if they cant be active enough to look after them 


    the devs will be analysing all the date for claims and what each company sizes uses on average i'm sure they will come to decision eventually , but i hope they don't listen to player game dev wannbes on this and players who didnt make the inital time out of freeport due to the issues at start ..

    unlimited claims on pvp is intentional as land will change hands a lot , and should stay as companys need fallbacks if they get attacked and destroyed ,

    limited claims for pve ? maybe as land wont change as often ,usually as players leave or forget to log in ..

    On 1/1/2019 at 7:13 PM, HufflePuff said:


    We are still testing. I think companies should be limited to land claims. Not people. I could have a company of 200 people and claim 200 territories. But I suggest land claims should be limited to the number of people. 1-25 people should be 3 land claims, 25-50 should be 5 land claims, 50 to 100 people should be 8 land claims. This is more than enough space for people in PVE. 




  2. 3 minutes ago, KeyenDF said:

    The real fix needs to be limiting flags in some manor.  My thought would be to limit the number of claim flags an individual can place, and then allow the guild leader additional flags based on the size of his guild, above and beyond his own personal limit.


    I would love to have the option of taxing folks for a section of land within my claim, but I would imagine that would be something more down the road, as it would require a much more in depth overhaul of the claim mechanic.  An initial cap on personal flags (along with either making flags non-capturable on PvE or fixing the 3 day refresh when crew members are near flags) would be a good start.  Then can add a system to allow the guild leader more flags based on the number of crewmates.  Then work towards allowing a taxation system to allow others to build on a specified plot of your land (call it Land Management).  Just spit-balling, but this is the direction I would like to see it go. 

    how about they get the fucking things working properly first, they added 3 days timer that doesn't refresh (massive problems on pve)that was over a week ago and nothing has been done since despite post after post about the refreshing not working ..

  3. 1 hour ago, Twoapplesnbanana said:

    Having to replace flags every 72h doesn't even make sense, the whole point was inactivity timer for people who aren't playing or abandoned those spots.  Why can't your presence at them refresh the timer?  Or manually clicking on the flags to reset it to 72h.. or something.. 

    it is meant to refresh , its bugged and they still havnt fixed it 

  4. 17 hours ago, Mahakmar said:

    we had one run straight up to our base, set claim flag and sitting there, also tested with having one in company leave, he can place flags right outside the base where it supposed to be protected so yeah now its a watch the flag game as you now need people on 24/7 to protect your lands 😞

    as long as u are on the land claim or logged out on it it will always be contested 

  5. 7 hours ago, Nari said:

    Yet another thread on the matter however I'd like to point out a few reason why claiming isn't quite as broken as you might think.

    Disregarding bug/exploits because this is EA and the game has only been available for just over a week (that's not an excuse it's a fact) and they don't fall under Intended By Design.


    1: Protection. The protection system may or may not be working as intended, we don't know for sure because nothing official has been posted, but as it currently stands the PvE protection system is functional. If you successfully place or steal a claim it will be protected for 3 days (again disregarding bugs/exploits as they should get patched eventually). Before those 3 days pass you must replace your flag to reset upkeep regardless of "activity." Is this intended? Only GS knows.

    2: Flag spam. This ties into #1. If you didn't have to replace flags then this issue would be far worse than it currently is. I read complaints about Small companies vs Big, Solo vs the World, and they all share one thing in common. "You should not be able to spam claims because you can claim an entire island/region." Here is the flaw with that logic - 6 flags requires a minimum of 1 hour to reset upkeep. If you want to protect your spam then that's all you will be doing solo or not. Forget actually playing the game your time will be spent watching 10min timers. Sounds Fun! Otherwise 3day protection will drop and the land is fair game. This is why I think protection is intended as just that 3 day protection.


    i dont believe this is intended , as once u get an overlap YOU CANNOT  replace the flag and have to hope its one that overlaps where u log out , 

    THE TIMERS ARE 3 DAYS FAIR ENOUGH BUT MAKE THEM REFRESH IF YOU ARE ACTIVE IN THE AREA , this is the intended mechanic, then if no activity for 3 days then they are fair game and claimable , but as u rightly say the devs really need to post something about this , meant to be  game not thinking when i log in is my base still there

  6. 35 minutes ago, mizunami said:

    yea but you shouldn't have to replace your flags, it should be reupping it if you are active in the area

    this the system is not designed to have u replace flags every 3 days , it wouldnt be so bad but we cannot see our own timers ,if it was ntended then the timer would be shown for us on our own flags as well 

    26 minutes ago, Nari said:

    Well it takes 10min to reclaim so why not 10min of being active? Achieves the same effect minus the tedious reclaiming (which itself is an issue simply due to Overlap. Overlap needs to be patched asap)

    a lot of the time u cannot replace the flags as neighbor are overlapping ? so its bullshit that this is the system intended for the game 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Nari said:

    Works for me and 3 other companies on our island. We check upkeep for each other. There has to be some limitation. Some People want a flag cap, others want flags gone entirely. I'm personally content with the system as is  as long as they fix overlap.

    they only show upkeep for 3 days we tried it over weekend with alliance, today they started to show as claimable again be careful 


    they will need replacing every 3 days this was even with timer in minus numbers

  8. 14 hours ago, BoomerMcFisticuffs said:

    I don't really like any of these options. So here's my ideas!

    I think the diminishing returns on claim flags should be a thing. Claim all you want, but the more you claim, the less protection time you have on that flag. Could even add in making the size of the claim area smaller with each new flag. Eventually, anyone will hit a point where it's just not possible to maintain the timers on the flags and will be forced to stop or the size of the claim would be pointlessly small.

    Could solve the people sinking boats by weight by making them only recognize the weight of company/alliance members. Would fix the problem in pve and still allow people to board boats in pvp to kill crew and players during a battle.

    In regards to Damned ships

    I wouldn't want to see them removed entirely but seriously, they need to knock down the numbers a bit. I built a sloop and was taking it to another area and in 1 server I saw maybe 5 or 6 different Damned ships. They were all fairly close together as well.

    That's another issue. They seem to spawn in the same areas together like there isn't some kind of check to see if one is within range of the spawner.

    Come to think of it, that's a solution. If the spawns work like they do on ark. you could just set 4 spawners, 1 in each quadrant of a server, and have each one spawn a Damned ship with a check to see if there is another one in that area before spawning a new one. Hell, you could even add a condition to that check to allow a second one to spawn occasionally. I'd also make it so the ships stay in their quadrant as well. After you fix them, then you can add other dangers to the ocean to keep it deadly, but provide a nice variety of shit to kill people. These boats are just boring and a pain with the way they are. I'd rather lose boats to dragons, mermaids, sirens, or other players than the same thing constantly.

    now thast is a good idea 

  9. On 12/29/2018 at 12:17 PM, uaf said:

    The PVE clam stealing should be fixed ASAP. We don't even dare leaving main base without at least 1 person sleeping inside the base because of the crap trollers that try to steal the claim with the whole base on it. On PVE this is horrible to even think of. Somebody being able to steal all you worked for in 30 mins.


    Also, as another bug, on the island where we are, resources are no longer spawning (trees, rocks, etc). This started happening about 2 days ago. It was fine until then. We now have a large island with no trees on it that won't even respawn. There are 10 people on this island playing (more or less) that might keep the area rendered, so this should be fixed by NOT ALLOWING online chars to prevent resource spawning.

    look for floating buoys they stop respawns in a huge radius no matter where they are placed

  10. 3 hours ago, neferseki said:

    You don't actually lose any resources when gathering in a taxable area, its generates new resources for the players who own the territory and thats it.

    I've tested and get the exact same resources in territories with 30% tax.

    this although that may yet be a placeholder , until they work out how to add resources collected from players mining the land 

    • Like 1

  11. 21 minutes ago, Tentarro said:



    4 hours ago, Nutcutt3r said:

    Just take it to the water and pike it.

    Or off the side of a hill.

    Or through the wall.

    Or jump in the water and run.

    You get to choose what you level up in, if you are "saving those skills" for something else, that's your decision.

    Its free meat, hide, etc etc, extra level up bonus the more you can cope with it.


  12. 8 minutes ago, Goldfish The Builder said:

    Aye they are a bit low hp as of now

    its not the hp they need resistance to hand held weapons picks , axes , bows and arrow ,


    fire arrows need to damage to a degree,the boats  are made of wood after all , but it needs to be a faction of the damage they do now  .

  13. its contesetd he is prob logged out in the area and if he is in a  base and flag claim is part of it what u are doing is a dick move if its pve :..trying to take his base and tames , u wont succes as he logged out there

  14. 4 hours ago, MrPakkinn said:

    Me and my friend are level 13 on lawless region and have massive problems with giant snakes.


    kite them fire turn run , fire turn run make sure u hav points in fort as u will get knocked out too fast wothout it 

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