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About Tyrentor

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  1. I found some gold in northern area ^^ you should try it
  2. Tyrentor


    Anchor is up just worried that the grey cross was something important.
  3. I have exactly the same water ... think it is just a bug.
  4. Tyrentor


    This game is great ^^. Maybe they should change the grinding system but hey... You need to give it some time. Remember ark? The first weeks were terrible, bad fps, dino's dissapearing...
  5. Tyrentor


    http://prntscr.com/lzwgrl Here you go
  6. Tyrentor


    Hey guys 5 hour ago, I decided to make a beautiful sloop. After some hours i finally made it but I have a question. There is a grey cross on the picture in the right corner... Not sure what it is. The sloop isn't really going forward. Can someone explain me what I did wrong. Sincerely Tyrentor
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