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Everything posted by Shalmon

  1. You did not even mention the fact that the gun ports can be below the waterline sometimes...
  2. Also another improment. Always show the big cannon target area, even if our mouse is a bit left or right from it, so we can just turn the ship or telling the guy at the helm to do so and don't need to find that tiny spot where the cannons can actually shoot at.
  3. Just a small suggestion, can you make it so that mounting a cannon on ships as a player gives you the same 3rd person view you get when using the wheel or podium? Part of why NPCs are better to use then players is because that they don't care if their ability to aim is limited to a small box and a small grey/yellow line.
  4. Welcome to EVE Online and sieging flags down in Australian timezone.
  5. Please mention that you lose your inventory on death and the freeports are crowded with new players contesting every animal you kill.
  6. I just found another one: vultures and wolves breaking chests to get to your sleeping body. So you don't even need other players to lose all your stuff, just log off for 45minutes at an unfortunate spot because you want to spend time with your family. You ever thought about simply removing logged off players from the game and let them spawn with their inventory when they log in again?
  7. you either create "safe" space (as in: you can log off for 2 days and it is still there) for "noobs and carebears" or you will end up with large alliances that will become very few very large alliances while everyone else is living in raft villages at the freeports and/or a very dead game on the public servers.
  8. There are areas in the tundra with literally no fiber. If you confuse "travelling with a raft full of fibers for 5 grids because thats all you have" with "merchant shipping", I have bad news for you. Esp. since there are no resources up there that other players need (I got an awesome amount of pelts from the neverending spawn of wolves, but you have animals everywhere and can even harvest it from your dead teammates, so whats the point?
  9. Yes, there is a difference between "things being broken" and "things that should not even been a thing in the first place". No fiber/metal at all on some islands might be an unintended world gen bug, so I will add that to the broken section. The biggest design flaws at the moment are: - the grind on the freeports: holy moly, I hope whoever thought racing others and your hunger bar for the hides for a raft to place your chest on got coal in their socks for christmas. Currently the freeports are full of players who set up entire raft camps on the starter islands, because.... - the lack of claimable land outside the freeports/lawless regions. I get it, it's a pirate game competition, robbery, etc. But there just isn't enough space for new players to set up shop and upgrade from to a sloop. Add a bit more land outside the starter regions and limit the claim to one per company. - speaking of stealing: I saw a guy running around on the freeport area today hopping around the boats of players and stealing from the storages. I don't know if he was using a macro or a hack or whatever, but the possibility of him guessing a couple boats locker boxes (and yes they all had a pin) is really low. I don't get why storages are accessible to others in the first place and if you think a 4 level digit code is good enough without even trying to stop brute forcing, you are making griefing a bit too easy. Again this was on a freeport, so all I and the other people he stole from could do was watching him walking away with our stuff (very slowly). I really want this game to be immersive and spend hours with other people, fighting with them, for them and against them. So please learn from mistakes online games have made in the last couple decades. If 3 hours of grind can walk away because some guy guessed your locker code right, that can really hit your fun as a new player.
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