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Jack Shandy

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Posts posted by Jack Shandy

  1. 15 minutes ago, Batshit Krazy said:

    I  appreciate the info on wiggle room. Makes me breath easier since I cant find veggies like potatoes. Only berries and meat, and some rice that I grow

    if you've started growing crops, ask around in your region for seeds.

    Once you start growing, seeds quickly become plentifull, I started with the handful I gathered by hand, now I've nearly filled a large storage box.

  2. Got two maps last night. (first test)

    With 183% int

    A 11.8 map when looked at turned into a 14.2 when picked up.

    A 19.8 map when looked at turned into a 24.3 when picked up.

    I suspect, if you are on an island that spawns a good deal of maps and you respec a few times the maths wouldn't be too hard to figure out.

    But I'm deffinitely going to get me some more crows.


  3. 4 hours ago, Batshit Krazy said:

    I can easily get berries and I will place a second trough and fill both to the brim with berries. Hopefully that will keep em happy. 

    It's not the quantity, they wont get through more than a few stacks, it's the spoil timer.

    Check how long 1 berry lasts in a trough. If 100x that is longer than you will be away then even 1/2 a trough will be enough. ( people are saying the grown vegies as the spoil timer on those are huge compared to berries & they will eat less of them)

    Also remember a bear will take 2-3 days to starve after the food runs out, so you have a little wiggle room on top of the spoil timers.

  4. 12 hours ago, Geminia_Sierra said:

    those probably belong to the on island discoveries. which don't work on Single Player. 

    That depends, if you are using the full map they will be there.

    I've no idea about blackwood or custom maps, but would assume you wouldn't get them there.

  5. 6 minutes ago, CyanicEmber said:

    No, you don't understand, the taming song normally yields a 2x buff on Hard, with six players simultaneously it becomes 3x, the gold buff yields like 1.3x gold, with six players it's 1.4. You can't duplicate those results by having NPCs play.

    Sorry, forgot about the large group thing. (I'm only in a 3 man company, so we can't have everyone getting the same skill trees)

    If you have 6 players with the skills, I agree it would be worth it.

  6. 1 point for all the buffs at the standard duration, or 19 points for all the buffs at +120% duration (and you have to play it yourself) 

    43 minutes ago, CyanicEmber said:

    No, it is not obsolete because a player band's buffs will always outperform an NPC.

    I'll spend the 1 point thanks.

    • Like 1

  7. - NPC Crew Accordion:

    • npc's can equip accordion and play songs("loaded" on accordion or first in inventory) using multi-use option "Play Song"
    • song is consumed after start, buffs will be applied after first loop of song is completed
    • song will loop until "Stop Song" option is selected from multi-use

    So apart from being able to make the accordion, I can save the points I spent in this tree.

    • Like 1

  8. The static sweet spot is very hard to find, but dodging in and out works quite well.

    I used about 1/4 of a med kit taming a level 27 & 30 on the 2x weekend.

    Good timing and quickly getting them re-bolaed, helps getting them tamed at max level.

  9. Yup, killed an alpha giraff last night and XP bar might have moved but not noticably.

    On the upside masterwork maps seem a lot more common, found 6 since the restart. :classic_blink: and i took the music tree get more XP from maps!!! 10 levels and maxed at 53 after the first 2.

    It's very lopsided at present, a couple dozen alphas to get one level or 6 levels for one map. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    You have some social issues. Some big ones. 

    Normaly I would agree, but....

    Anyway OP.

    Two ways this can ligitimately happen, cyclones can give a small pushback, cannonballs landing on the deck can give a large pushback.

    If you have an open deck and nothing blocking them from the small lip at the edge of the ship that pushback can send unmounted crew and tames into the sea.

    If neither of these things occured I've no idea.

  11. Had this happen to me this weekend, I've never seen it before so no idea if it's new.

    Put in a bug report with ccc, hope they can fix it.

    Was out map hunting in D12, 10 grids from home, on one of the new islands there, top one of the two identical islands. spotted a level 29 bear and tamed it, only to get it stuck, it's still there shifting around under the ground.

  12. 13 hours ago, The D Legacy said:

    this is a recurrent (10 months old) problem, dont expect any short term fix, right now devs are busy figuring right from left (and cash grabing money in the process) i sowuld suggest you to now waste your time with breeding until ... next year maybe? and by that i dont mean 2 months, i mean 12.

    unless you wanna use your full free day to do it and 1 random day find them dead because a snake glitched trough your fundations.

    is so funny how they identify the fun aspects of the game and kill them right away, while 10 months old bugs are still here.

    You are arguing a post from January, better still you even quoted the guys suggestion that was put into the game in an even better manner.

    It's so funny how they identify unintended aspects and kill them right away, while 10 months old bugs are not here anymore.

  13. On PVE lawless you have the advantage / disadvantage of lots of people not wanting to claim an island so think lawless is the answer.

    Best bet is to pick a region you like the look of, then pick a large claimed island there. (Tax is addative so you loose no resources, gold tax on maps doesn't matter as you virtualy never find maps for the island you are on.) If you've no intention of blocking access or spawns you are nearly certain to be welcomed and not interfered with.

    All the large claimed islands I've visited so far only have 2-6 bases where 12+ would not look crowded.

    Some owners build small structures in prime locations so they can monitor who comes and builds, and will remove them on request, if someone rages at them for blocking a prime building location with a 1x1 thatch hut, guess what! they won't move it. If someone queries it in a nuetral or polite manner, they get welcomed and the space opened up. (There is an island in the grid i live that operates this way)

    p.s. I'm a happy tenant since the system was introduced. - zero cost, zero hassle, my kind of living.


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