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Posts posted by Firedragon

  1. 1 / 2.

    I don't agree level wise to make a landfall and start to ' survive '. To be honest, even if you are start with lvl 1, you should be able to get around.

    But, this is only for PVE only because in PVP other humans are more to worry about vs animals. Having freeports around the whole 15x15 is a good
    idea to start when ATLAS WAS new, but now all places close to freeports are clocked and we even had msges that the server is too full after sailing
    out to a new  map / island...

    Now that Atlas isn't new anymore, you are just about to get killed trying to make a landfall from other players / companys because they want to prevent
    bigger fights afterwards (you also would use up their materials on the island). They will just destroy your bed and kill you > back to beginners island...

    To bypass this, one way would be to guarantee that even if you make a landfall on a island with players on it, you and your belongings are un-raidable
    until gaining lvl 15 on PVP and only animals can kill you to settle at least down before PVP starts. This would also allow to make it out to refill your
    ressources and go to the next island.

    It's no fun for new players to get low fps and lags starting on beginners island new and a new over and over just because moving will get you killed
    from bigger companys before there is any chance to advance any gameplay. We are 60+ players just in our company, getting along is not easy sometimes,
    but that is our personal problem and we let no others from outside come too close to us. I guess it's the same for others and it needs better BALANCE...

    3. I agree, the font is not the best.

    4. Yes, i would add a solution to produce your own fresh water out of sea water. Ex. boil it to get drinkable water and salt.

    Also you should be able to fill your jar or water bag after digging water out, and allow to put it back to a barrel manualy including the option to split it up.

    To get water splitted up would partly allow to workaround the BUG using too much water for cooking !!!


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  2. I disagree to some point.

    Take reality, if you own the terrain and there is no enemy around - you own everything - you can use it to all your needs.

    The big idea to prevent it, is to fight for your terrain on pvp servers.

    The change should be, they can't claim it to fully extend as long you are in your terrain to fight for it.

    To have to claim every single part, it would destroy the gameplay.

  3. The current solution how join and rejoin in menu works is bad, and here is why:

    Rejoin remembers how and where you did login last time, you actually have to use join and make

    your choice and get back to menu to start THAT session again if you sway from server to server.


    The current join should change to ' Join a new game ' and rejoin should store and offer all gaming session you have to select it.

    I don't know if it was a bug, because of how join and rejoin currently works, i have lost already two chars like it did to a well known streamer i'm used to watch.


    Also i would love to have the chance to join a server directly by ip because of two reasons:

    1st - current unofficial list is a mess and game likes to crash

    2nd - i know the server is there, using the ip is way faster than waiting for it to appear in the list or is currently not listed for unknown reasons


  4. Me and my comrades had several situations when their char just got stuck.

    Ex. we build our house near the coast and the terrain just growed and borked our door and captures everyone in sleep (bed spawnpoint).

    Unstuck is very common for mmo's because there might be always mapping or other reasons you can't move.

    The next thing is random spawning or to just have the chance to free yourself > SUICIDE.

    The payment for suicide is already made, you will loose all your current items and it's common to have a cooldown time to use it again.

  5. Claimings current solution is the worst as it takes way too long for certain parts.

    3+ days for a huge ship, someone has actualy to stay in the area, but he will never make it!!!

    He will just die because of not enough food, no bed to spawn or gets killed when offline (no one can play Atlas 72+hrs in one run for a ***** ship).

    Terrain / raft > 10min without enemy on it - for bigger ships additional reasonable time!!!

    Also i highly suggest that you can use all enemy equip and crafted things such as ships as long there is no

    owner (except locked doors / chests, but you can't repair it unless claimed!!!


  6. I partly agree.

    It's VERY easy to farm Vitamin A (Pepper and so on), B (Meat), C (Berries) and D (Fish).

    The System works like this:

    Stomach full > eating > overeating malus

    Taking in too much vitamins > vitamin poisoning > hp gets reduced and you might die

    Overeating, poisoning effects and dead chance can be reduced after skilling

    Too less vitamins > you get ill (if you bark like a dog, check your vitamins!) > depleted vitamins > dead

    Stamina > working, fighting and running reduces stamina > filling up stamina reduces stomach content

    Vitamins reduces by time > stomach content should do too, but it doesn't seem to work properly > deflate never worked for me - only automatic over time


    If you don't have to fight and didn't skill vitamin reducement, it's easy to get the ballance. Why i agree that it needs changes is...

    After skilling to reduce vitamin loss it gets harder to get the ballance, there are points when you have to eat, but you will run into side effects.

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