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Everything posted by Tugz

  1. it was on a Scooner but yes gota bite the bullet
  2. I spent 6 hours farming for this boat (Scooner), and a crocodile spawns at my boat , when i was realising it . The ship did a 180 flip , and sunk in 1 minute . is there any way for you to check this ? resolve this or roll it back , cuz iv seen many roll backs.
  3. Nerf the vitamin dependance , or improve how much it gives from each meal. I vote for the second one. This way it is viable as game factor. You have full stomach way before u can even be slightly ok with vitamins. So improve it .
  4. same here , please devs do something, i gave it a day or two so u can manage to make the game work. But now this cmon.... , is not that hard with the Milions u made on first day , just get more devs, and pay them good. Then the game can be a great game.
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