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Posts posted by Tinschn

  1. It would also help if those stupid alpha snakes couldn't spawn in houses or bug themselves through walls anymore.

    But I have to state that the spawn areas of alphas seem to be very different. We made a journey yesterday and this morning and we discovered on 18 islands only some alpha cows, chickens and monkeys. In total, all of those islands had been much saver than our little one in I7.
    So I think there may be a fixed number for hostile and alpha spawns per isle, and if you live on a smaller island, you just have do deal with it.

    Imho the devs have to check every single island and had to adjust the spawns for them separately if they are really interested in balancing the game.
    Let's be honest there, that won't happen.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Jack Shandy said:

    Trading post. Took this while explaining the pillars on corners trick, but it's a good shot so kept it.

    That looks really cool! I'll keep that in mind.


    Yesterday, we took a trip to the north:


    Henrietta, the evil chicken of doom, kept an eye on us ...



    ... and we found some strange behaviours - well, other countries, other manners ... I guess :classic_blink:



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  3. Hey there,

    I'm so pissed at this point - some idiot crashes his sloop into our schooner, so I bugged through the schooners wall into his boat.
    With the fix that only allied companies or company member could get on ships, I was only gliding around on his deck with no chance of getting off  - until I fell under the deck because that guy had no ceilings.

    Now I'mn gliding around here since 15 minutes, can't poop and in maybe another 15 minutes I will loose all my stuff with no chance of getting it back.
    Only because of some stupid kiddies.

    Please make at least an Unstuck-Option for those cases, maybe with 10 minutes cooldown to prevent overuse.
    And fix the gliding, so that you will glide through the railings of foreign ships.

  4. Hey there!

    I don't have a color palet for you, but it has worked for me using a approximately similiar color in Photoshop and then converting the picture via the Atlas-PNT-Editor from 8bitpineapple found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=518906272

    If you really need the exact colors in your palet, it may work for you to open the PNT-Editor, screenshot the available color palet from there, import the picture into your graphic programm and use the colors via the pipette tool (sorry, don't know if that is the right word for that tool, in german it's only the "Pipette").

    Hope this will help you out!

  5. /push

    Are you fucking serious ...?
    We live on I7 and it's a nightmare - (Alpha) hostile animals still EVERYWHERE! When we log in (and in the case we survived the night in our bunker with 2 foundations space to the walls), we immediately aggro crocodiles and snakes which also bites us through the walls ... 

    Today, we made some treasure hunting and are now on Berestos Enclave in I8, and there is nothing hostile except a lion and two crocodiles on the whole island?
    Are you kidding me? 🤬

    Please fix that finally!

  6. In my opinion, the length of the anchor chain is way too short.

    We try to build some nice little landing stage, but it seems nearly impossible to anchor the ships nearby because the anchor chain is so short on sloops and schooners ...

    (Screenshot: Here it was not possible anchoring the sloop - that's really not deep at all, you can almost walk there and the sloop will stuck if you drive closer to the shore)


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  7. 4 hours ago, randiladywolf said:

    While playing last night a wild crow landed on my sloop and started sinking it! Nope not over weight. The damn crow was added to the crew count limit. lol. I'm going to report this as a bug. I almost spent a point to increase the crew limit until I discovered it takes 2 levels to add 1 crew member. Seemed like a waste of levels just so a crow can land. 

    Wtf :classic_blink:

    Thanks for letting us know. Thumbs up for the idea that animals should be counted as livestock.

  8. 2 hours ago, Talono said:

    If you place a water skin into it bugs and you cant pull it out of the barrel again.

    Can confirm, on my screen the skin starts even to flicker - but I was able to get the skin out by opening and closing the lid in the barrel's inventory several times.

  9. Thank you for your tutorial!

    If anyone wants to know with image-format to choose: it works perfect with a JPEG, a transparent PNG gives a very strange result, but you see that already in the preview of the converter how it will look like.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Loni said:

    Dont worry. You are not missing out on anything. I claimed land from some poor soul and he wasnt even able to defend and I am sure someone else did the same to me while I am at work. The game is currently broken and you do yourself a favor if you stay away from land claming atm.

    Yeah, that's true.

    We manage to claim a really nice peace of land, but two persons are not able to defend it because of these ridiculous (alpha) animal spawns.
    But you don't miss anything - sail to a Lawless Region and build a sloop or a shooner there, where you can build your smithy and things on it. Way less frustrating!

  11. I have already seen these suggestions, but I hope that opening another suggestion shows you the urgency of fixing this, because it truely takes out all the fun out of the game.

    1. Land claiming
    At this point, it seems impossible to claim land.
    We've sailed from the starter island in the east to almost the middle of the map, and there was literally barely space left to claim - and in about 75% of the cases, there were even no buildings, only the flags.

    -> Please add a limitation for the claiming flags per company!
    I'm pretty sure this problem popped up because you can also claim ships with this same flag - maybe simply adding a "ship-overtake-flag" in addition to the "land-claiming-flag" with limitations per tribemember is a solution.


    However, we managed to get a nice piece of land in an absolutely "deathzone" of an island, what brings my suggestion to Point 2:

    2. Hostile animal spawning
    Sorry, but this is absolutely insane!
    We manage to build one single thatch foundation in about 2 hours whilst defending against an alpha snake, an alpha wolf, a horde of crocodiles and wolves, some rattle snakes and about 5 vultures. We didn't even had the time to craft arrows to defend.

    I don't have any problems with a horde of wolves strolling around the island (ok, maybe not on a carribbean island...) and some crocos lying at the beach, but with two alphas and a mixed horde of hostile animals attacking all at the same time, it is impossible to even build a small house, not to mention a big shipyard...

    So, we let the land claimed and continue to sail to other islands - and so the next piece of land is claimed and blocked and literally no one has something out of it - what takes us again to point 1) of my suggestion.

    -> Reduce significantly the spawn of alphas (maybe one per island or limitated to the islands with caves) and hostile animals and reduce their aggro radius.


    At this point, our gaming sessions in ATLAS looks like:

    1. spawn on bed on the raft
    2. sail to an island
    3. seeing that all land is claimed
    4. continue to sail where the wind takes us
    5. dying because of vitamin deficient
    6. go to point 1

    That is truely no fun anymore and needs to be fixed ASAP - you can see in the steam forums that we are by far not the only ones complaining about these mechanics.

    Thank you!

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