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Everything posted by kinglambo870

  1. I stepped down as leader from a 150 man PvP company so I could make a new character on PvE as a merchant. Brought a handful of my close friends with me and we built our base and started a schooner. Really fun to role play it out as something like “grizzled pirate veteran leaves a life of crime to try and start an honest living.” One day I want to try and write all this stuff out as a story and this feels like a sequel to the first part where all I did was fight other pirates and try to defeat the Zerg.
  2. So we are in a tundra biome and metal is pretty scarce. Just curious if this is a tundra thing or if everyone is having issues gathering these shiny rocks?
  3. We are having the same issue but we are using a small dry dock. Twice we gathered the resources and waited out the timer and both times we got nothing.
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