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Everything posted by Bentlizzard

  1. Looking deeper in 2 of the CSTG JMDY guys are on their main accounts that are lvl 40/50 in game. the rest are lvl 1 steam profiles with random numbers for names and lvl 3 atlas characters literally made and added to company just to hack this raid. Can gurantee battle eye bans the majority of them but then they just buy new accounts for the next one. Devs won't region lock the servers because they just sold 30 copies of the game for a 2 hr raid, and will probably sell 30 more copies to the same guys tomorrow when they raid another server.
  2. Why the fuck don't you devs do something about CSTG JMDY hacking using lag switch/ddos to win pvp? literally just show up to our base flip on the lag d/c all of us log back in to all ships sank and bases getting blown to shit. 0 point in playing on NA PVP because there is no counter to getting d/c'd so they can raid for free.
  3. Getting timed out after server e6 on NA PVP went down, everyone else in company logged back in fine I can't. been playing since release no issues and now i can't log into any server.
  4. I'm in the same boat, and had the same issues in ark and conan exiles when they first released. I played all day on the 23rd with no issues and haven't been able to reconnect since. doesn't matter what settings you change trust me ive changed them all and ive tried to connect to every single server node on both pve/pvp NA and EU atleast a dozen times with the same results. I highly doubt it has anything to do with my network or ram seeing as I am running 32gb ram nvidia gtx 1070, ssd, and i7 processor. I do however it has everything to do with the fact that I died in game due to the server i first joined being tundra biome, and then clicked the "choose new home region" to go to another server. this all worked fine but about 2 hrs after i did this the servers went down to update to patch 6.1 and now I can't log in and the server IP i had originally been on is no longer on any node in any server.
  5. yea the 3 servers I have successfully logged into on the 23rd IP's no longer exist I can't ping or even direct connect to them. would probably help if NA servers weren't fucking hosted in Germany
  6. you won't, I gave the devs the same info a week day after release, no solution, I know the game works for my pc and runs with no lag once in, but ever since i clicked the "change home server button" on a pve server I havent been able to log into any official or unofficial
  7. bro atleast 30% of purchases can't log in...its not exactly isolated. Anyone who had a character in the 5.0 patches and used the Change Home Server function in game can't log in to any server public or private
  8. Game runs fine I was playing for a full day on the 23rd and then my server I was on crashed. Havent been able to log into any server since then. WHEN WILL THIS BE FIXED? i've seen over 10k users post about this
  9. its a memory leak in the launcher. If you are running 16gb ram or less its probably gonna crash/freeze on the loads causing the crash and server timeouts, the low memory launch option is suppose to be added on the next patch
  10. the ue4 error is unreal engine not using your GPU, if you have 2 gpus like an onboard Intel gpu and a nvidia card, uninstall the intel card or google the steps on how to set atlas to use your nvidia card only
  11. yea everyone i played for hours yesterday on 5.5 patch, then 5.9 hit and i cant log into any server na or eu
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