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Everything posted by Sponty

  1. It is still extremely annoying, do you fear that the database overflows? Then reduce the nutritional needs. Nobody needs 100,000 berries
  2. When will taming be fixed? At the moment it is just very badly programmed, with the elephant and the gifaffe.
  3. Can not you put in a cornerstone that will definitely be the building? The company or the builder. It's a shame to etch when you build and any admin can go into your building but it's closed because the trust is not there. Why do I have to trust the admin? That makes no sense to me.
  4. please increase the shelf life of the food, there is nothing worse than constantly providing replenishment.
  5. It is sad that so little is done for server hoster. No server manager. Too little information for the server configuration.
  6. Ich finde es sehr schlimm, dass Sie begrenzt Skillpunkte zurücksetzen können . dass es nicht genug Inseln gibt , um sich dort niederzulassen. das Essen verdirbt schon nach einem Tag . dass der Bogen so schnell bricht . das man eine Schiffswerft dort bauen kann, wo das schiff dann zerstört wird und sinkt. Warum solche Inseln mit sehr hohen Bergen, bei denen man nicht an die Schatzkisten kommt. Ich denke Das Spiel ist für Spieler ausgelegt die fast nicht schlafen und sonst auch keiner Beschäftigung nachgehen. I find it very bad, that you can reset limited skill points. that there are not enough islands to settle there. the food spoils after just one day. that you can build a shipyard where the ship is destroyed and sinks. that the bow breaks so fast.Why such islands with very high mountains, where you do not come to the treasure boxes. I think this game is designed more for players who have little or no sleep or are not busy with other things in life.
  7. Plz give the Steam Server AppID this is not the right id Steam ID
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