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Posts posted by SouthSideChicago

  1. On 3/19/2019 at 7:18 AM, Back Stabbath said:

    All I know from the people I've talked to in the megas on NA is they had standing orders not  attack anyone from the other top alliance because of fears of retribution.

    This while they were out searching for and blowing up smaller companies shit. You know...pro pvp.



    100% horse shit. 

    I heard from this one guy that these guys were going to do this and oh yeah, those other guys are going to do....lmao stfu.

    Can you just think before you type please? It's just ridiculous. You probably read the newspaper everyday and believe every word.

    19 minutes ago, Martyn said:

    Yeh but what's stopping 2 companies turning up each with 50 people? Or 5.. if they all lived on the same island or nearby islands.? If there's a zone hard cap of roughly 300.. then only a single company could invade realistically.   The alternative would be for people incharge to arrange for a "meeting" in a neutral low pop zone, to duke it out.. and bring with them a prize ship full of loot for the winners to take home.

    Atm we don't really know what the zone cap is and what happens if a ship with 50 people on it tries to enter a zone with only 25 capacity, do 25 not get in and end up swimming on the other side of the zone? 😉

    Crew members I assume means players.  Not ai crewmen? A limit on those would be interesting to see.  As ships would need to be crewed by players only and sailed manually. 

    Again, it doesn't matter what the devs do at this point in time. What is it that you don't understand? Large companies are ALWAYS going to be a part of this game and will ALWAYS find ways around any issues regarding company/alliance limits or restrictions. Whether you like it or not, it's just a fact bro.

    I think people are way too caught up on what other groups might/would/should/will do. How about figuring out what you and your buddies are going to do once servers are up? Go mess around on a private server and practice building defenses or ship building. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Realist said:

    Yeah I usually don’t bother talking like that but this guy thought he was special because he is in a mega.

    thanks for your service. Guess he doesn’t know what true brotherhood is because I don’t know anyone that would do stuff like that to one of their brothers

    special cause im in a zerg? jeez man u have issues...and sorry i dont bring my personal life into a video game forum to try making a point ya fuckin geek.

    anyway..with all the changes made, and colonies just around the corner, why are people still worried about company/alliance numbers? havent the devs catered to you enough? i swear there are  so many people here that will never be satisfied no matter what the dev do. 

  3. Mc Donald’s? Lol nah. I am a fire fighter. Someone on twitter even found out the department I worked for and tried to get me in trouble 😂

    if you think you guys are awesome and a tight knit group then you don’t know our department. We sit there and laugh at all this. I am admired by millions.

    Everyone knows what I do and they don’t care.

    if you haven’t figured out this is ark yet then you need to ask somebody, because you are in for a rude awakening.

    i get it, you are a tough guy, cool man. - Realist



    Lmao wtf? So you ended up pissing someone off on Twitter too? What a shocker!

    Don't try pulling this shit on me nerd. I have respect for policemen, firefighters, and all 1st responders. Who doesn't? but who the fuck says something like that in a video game forum to make a point? That has to be the lowest shit i've seen, ever.

    I'd love to hear what your fellow workers think about you posting so much about a video game that you've never even played before @Realist. If they are half the jokesters and pranksters that the firefighters here in Chicago are, they would tie you up and hit you with the 1 3/4 water hose to teach your little bitch ass a lesson. If you don't know what that means then you aren't who you say you are.

    "I am admired by millions" Lmao honestly, who says that? Holy shit this is hilarious. bahahahaha what a fuckin geek this guy is. "hey, hey, hey you listen here mr southside, even though all i do is wash all the mens underwears and clean the floors I'm a firefighter, yeah..yeah, i'm admired by millions!"



  4. 21 minutes ago, Tillman said:

    I totally get it SS Chicago. It’s fun winning. But it’s only fun wiping noobs when there’s and endless supply. That’s what makes it fun. Let’s take an example. You are playing your favorite FPS. You enter matchmaking and in 10 seconds you get a game. You stomp all over the new player or the guy that’s not as good. Then you enter again and then 20 seconds later same thing. Then it’s a minute hen it’s 15 minutes. Pretty soon you are waiting for hours to get 1 game. That’s pretty much what’s going to happen. 

    Now I agree with you on the devs. This game has the potential to be the greatest ever made in the right hands. It just wasn’t put in the right hands. I’ve played some private servers that are amazing with a couple qol changes. It would be so simple. 

    Now maybe I’m still unclear on what a bob is. If a player cries because he got wiped on a pvp server trying to pve then says I’m not coming back blah blah blah. Then peace. But is a small group that has good relations and pvps hard and respects others a bob?

    Problem is, this isn't an fps...i get your point, but there is an endless supply of bobs. the numbers are low right now but once colonies is here, you'll see.

    Again, don't fall into this whole idea that megas run around as 1 big group like most of these forum whores have been saying.

    Lets take @Realistfor an example. Now she hasn't even played this game once, that's right, she has never created a character and got to lvl 2, but she continues to post, 1200+ times, that megas are what's wrong with the game and blah blah blah. Now all the little gullible noobs that come onto this forum, eager to learn, see this type of shit. So once they lose a battle or get raided, instead of telling the truth that it was only a group of 3-4 players or w/e who ganked them, they remember what that girl Realist said, and they come back to these forums and say "megas raided me and they are the worst"....it's a vicious cycle of entitled bobbery.

    Small groups that pvp and say good job after a win or a loss are NOT bobs. They are exactly what the game needs more of and i have always helped them out with gold, kits, resources, etc...anything i can if they ask. There aren't many like that, but they are out there.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tillman said:

    I’m on my phone so I don’t feel like editing out everything. So I will pick apart the last bit. All of the bobs were already eliminated from 1.0. They got tired of getting wiped and said change the game or we quit so they quit. That left a massive player drop with no signs of new incoming players. Thr game was almost dead. Devs decided to try and make a change to get players back.   

    I get it. You like being in a mega tribe. But what’s the point when you don’t have anyone else to play against. Except dynasty. But doesn’t it get old? Just keep fighting them. After you wipe out the bobs again it’s just going to be you guys fighting each other again. So why not let the bobs play with each other. It sounds like it’s either join the mega or quit the game. We aren’t joining the mega again and if there isn’t a way for us to play then we will more than likely find a mother game. I’ll pvp all day against you in a fun way. But if it’s tpg main mission to burn atlas punish the bobs. Then it’s gonna be a short mission. Now I know for a fact that lots of the other Megan’s actually want the bobs to be around. I remember them talking about it in the sexy cats aop discussion talk they had like a month ago. Wipe the bobs kill the game. Sounds like a good longevity strat.

    im just generalizing btw. Not singling you out personally. Just as the mindset. 

    Many of my favorite gaming moments of all-time involved killing noobs over and over until they quit. I love when they get so mad and try everything in their power to get me back, but fail so miserably that they float away in a river of their own tears, never to be seen again.

    The devs have turned themselves into the laughing stock of the gaming industry. Coming off one of the worst launch weeks in history, they began catering to the weakest of the weak, not giving 2 shits about their hardcore audience. The timing of their announcement of the wipe was just icing on the cake, proving to everyone how bad at this they really are.

    To be perfectly honest, at this point I don't care what happens in the future for Atlas. Although i wish them well, they've literally shit the bed so many times that they deserve everything that's happening.

    So Instead of being officer friendly and helping the average bob like I always have, I'm going to go out of my way to shit on all of them...over and over, and make more great memories.




  6. 5 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    With this post you let everyone see why we shouldn’t take you seriously. Why don’t you go back to wherever you came from and don’t annoy us with this bullshit. Definition of childish. But if you wanna keep going, go ahead, I’m having a blast. 


    I don’t understand why you align me next to Realist when I don’t like him, but maybe that’s logic in your own little world. Don’t know what I did to you, but maybe you’re just light hurt. 

    Yes forum master. No harm no foul.

  7. We need to wait and see what @Realist and @Percieval have to say about this since they are truly the matriarchs of Atlas.

    Realist pretty much knows every little nuance of the game. His superior leadership without even playing the game once is unprecedented.

    Meanwhile the leader in the clubhouse, percieval, will be able to tell us if what we say is actually true, and if statistics show whether or not chewing on crayons does lead to a healthy lifestyle in the world we all know..as Atlas.

    I mean cmon, they have 3000+ posts between them. I'm sure they already know exactly what to expect once Colonies arrives. 

  8. @Decius Bravo. 

    I just cant understand why people don't already know this stuff tho? I would say the vast majority of people who start playing for the 1st time are solo or with a small group. I was solo.


    I sailed on a raft for 3 days straight until i ran into this guy named Kyle. Now Kyle was part of a group of 8 players that all met each other within those 1st 3 days. I joined them and we learned the game together. The next week or so we found out that CSTG lived on the island just north. they whooped us good..over and over and took our land. After each fight tho, we all ended up killing more and more of them, but they are like ants. We had to leave.

    A few of the guys quit because they were soft, but the remaining 6 of us sailed south looking for new land. We heard there was a company recruiting that was actively fighting the chinese. We knew right away that we wanted in. We joined the Federation.

    This whole "mega" company thing was new to us but we kept to our own. We built a base, a few brigs and a galleon, and played everyday together. As the company grew we saw every aspect of the company and how it is actually ran.

    To this day i play with the same little group even though the company itself has risen towards the top. I understand how important the political people are in the group, the pve players, and the pvp players. We work as 1. Do we always go out and fight as 1? lmao no. Rarely. We get a bad rep from the forum whores but hey, they would rather cry to anyone who will listen than to figure out a better way to get by and survive.

    Now here we are. With only a few more days, maybe weeks, probably months before the ptr then officials come back up. We will be doing exactly what we did before. Just have to adapt to the new changes...and believe me....the same thing will happen all over again. I just hope that the next person that buys this game and ends up on a raft for 3 days like me makes the right decisions. you don't have to join a large company....just figure out a way to get by...don't turn into one of these forum trolls who complain all the time.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Realist said:

    You know they cater to the Chinese right? Lol

    bot the Megas, but a specific mega. Why do you think they actually gave full control of the conquest servers on ark over to snail games?

    especially since you haven’t played ark, you really don’t know what’s coming. Just wait till they need another bail out. Anyone that tried to take down the Chinese got dev wiped by the admins of the server since the Megas themselves worked for snail games.

    yeah I will be back in a few months, don’t worry about that. You are the noob in this scenario, no the small conpanies

    I don't give a shit about Ark nerd....stop living int he past. This is Atlas.

    Look at what happened to the chinese when they attacked us. lol or did you not read about that?

    If you spent 1/10 of the time working at McDonalds as you spend on here typing shit about a game you've never even played, you would be able to afford a brand new computer and a copy of the game.

    Nothing you say comes from experience. So just stfu until you actually login to the game and play.


  10. 12 minutes ago, Realist said:

    Looks like we have a new forum whore now lol.

    you can say anything you want and you couldn’t phase me. My long posts are usually when I have been drinking and right now I am a little busy at the moment.

    believe me, I like how you think things are going to go and they will actually. The thing is the end result will be what I knew would happen

    Like i said, it's just a waiting game now. The devs already implemented everything they could to accommodate the noobs, but on the same hand, they actually spoke to us on discord and understand our wants and needs as well. Who do you think they catered to? Say w/e you want, we all know the answer to that lol, especially with the company/alliance count. Weird how those numbers they announced are eerily similar to what we suggested...hmm, odd isn't it? lmao

    You will come come back to my posts in a few months and see everything i've said come to fruition. 

    I will say this, not 1 single time has anyone proven me wrong. What i say isn't an opinion like most people here. I come with facts, you cannot deny it....but on the same hand, you've never played the game once so how would you really know the difference? You can't. It's impossible.

    Just know this, you and your forum buddies will be right back here everyday once the officials are up. complaining about the same people (Megas) just different issues.

    When will any of you learn? Cya in game.....oh nvm. You cant afford the game.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    If they don't limit it to just 50, they still need to make Alliance limits based on member count, not Company count.  It makes no sense, if you are trying to promote some balance, to limit to 4 companies.  Look...a 250 man Mega is going to split into five 50 man companies.  4 will ally, and then on will ally with the 5th group.  They would then try to find some more 50 man companies to fill out that Alliance.  They will all organize on an Alliance Discord or TS channel.   But what about smaller companies...5 to 25 man companies?  They might end up with 60 people in the Alliance.  They are still critically outgunned to the point of it not being much of a competition.  However, if they could keep inviting companies into the Alliance, until they reached 200, then they are no on even footing with the Mega.

    But honestly, since a grid can only support 150 people, they should be shooting for the Alliances to be 75 max, and only allow you to be in one Alliance.

    It doesn't matter man. We will all be on colonies and there's nothing the devs can do about stopping the big boys from runnin shit again. It's just a simple fact.

    Once PTR is over and the officials are up, we will have the end game completed, we'll all have submarines, own the best shops, and continue to do whatever we see fit.....all by the end of the 1st week or so.

    We already had talks with jat and other devs about the state of the game and the direction we all see it heading. They understand these facts, it's just funny that most people here haven't figured it out yet.

  12. 2 hours ago, Percieval said:

    He doesn’t get that, that was clear months ago so I wouldn’t bother with him any further. Nothing but a waste of time. 

    Holy shit. I thought Realist was the leader in the club house as the biggest forum whore here. Ladies and gentlemen we have a bigger loser, and his name is @Percieval!!!

    Let me guess, you haven't played the game either? Don't tell me you have a few hundred hours of play time in Atlas? There's no way. Guaranteed.

    Don't lie now, Scallywag.


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  13. 18 hours ago, Realist said:

    This is starting to seem like a double account. You say a lot of similar things that are very familiar.

    thats where you are very wrong. I am nowhere close to being a troll. I am probably more passionate about this game than anyone here that tries to claim they are. I want greatness and I won’t settle for anything less, so I will criticize every single little aspect of this game.

    i would like to ask you to please not be petty though. You have made it clear that just because what a person like me says on the forums you are going to change your values and play style to that of the opposite of what you stood for. That lacks conviction. That lacks courage. That lacks manhood.

    you do whatever you want dude. The Megas have always been weak. They need that security. They need that gang mentality. To be honest after this post I don’t really blame you. If you think you need to teach someone a lesson in a game, then hey, if it makes you feel better I would actually encourage you to do that. 

    Just after all of this, please, stick with the values you set for yourself. Without our values we are worthless 

    I'll teach you something right now that i'm sure you don't know...because you've never played the game once lmao.

    It's those exact comments like you just said "The Megas have always been weak" that makes me instantly realize that you not only are you a noob, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

    People act like "megas" go around in 1 large pack when that couldn't be further from the truth. I've said it before and i'll say it again, there were 5x we went out as a company and raided with a "zerg", and each time it against another "mega". It was horrible. Lagfest+1. 

    So when people get shit on by someone that's is in a "mega".... instead of telling the truth, that it was just a group of 2-8 players, they say they got "zerged." just so they can either get attention or try to get another small guy on their side. That is just 100% a fact. You cannot deny that.

    Not 1 single time, not 1...has anyone given me the name of the company and/or the people that have "zerged" them. I know why. It's because they are full of shit.

    I'll continue doing what i've done all along. I'll be out there on my ship with the same group of 3-4 dudes. Sailing to every single island, day after day...but now, yes...i'll still say hello and be friendly to the small guy...but once they get close enough, and they actually think i'll keep up with the mr. friendly attitude....it's go time. I will sink them and take all their shit. Right before i kill them while they are swimming, i'll say in these exact words "You can thank the forum whores for this destruction" LMAO. 

    I will urge the new EU players that i've recently acquired, and all the other players i talk to on discord on a daily basis to do the same...and why not? We've always frowned upon shitting on solo/small groups and look at how well that's going for us. Time to start reaping the rewards of being the bad guys. This is going to be easy.


  14. 4 minutes ago, Realist said:

    I love pvp too. Whole 3 years playing ark never played on a pve server. What exactly is your point?

    just because I stick up for the pve guys doesn’t mean I am pve. I just don’t like people talking crap to them. 

    Who cares if I don’t play the game. I am a console player. Once it comes out on console I will be playing it. 

    So yes, I am going to speak my mind about the direction I want the game to go and if I stick up for someone along the way then oh well.

    i had a lot of time on ark and I will probably have a lot of time on atlas. To be honest I really don’t care if you like that I don’t own the game or not. If it was on console I would own it and be playing it. Maybe you should bring your problems up with wildcard, because if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be arguing about me playing 👍

    I like the pve players, nothing wrong with them at all. so stfu with your mother theresa attitude.

    as a matter of fact, a troll like you wont understand this, because you've never played this game, but pve players are crucial to having a successful large company.

    my point is that it doesn't matter what any of you complaining sissies say about "megas". all you're doing is making it worse by spreading bullshit lies and making blanket statements.

    so, instead of how I used to play...leave the small guys alone and focus primarily on the enemy large companies....i'm going to make sure that when i see them again....it's on.

    So go ahead and post whatever you want another 1200 times. It won't change a thing. All you're doing is adding to your legacy as the single biggest troll in Atlas.


  15. 1 minute ago, SIEGEGUN said:

    I am straight as well. I am not nor have been crying about anything. As I keep saying to peeps like you, I want PvP, I like PvP, your "threats" are hilarious to me. I do not fear fighting others, especially not in a video game. That's why I am here, playing the game. I do not fear megas and I do not care if they play on the same server as I do. We will see won't we. 

    There we go. I can respect that. 

    I'm not "threatening" anyone tho man. It's just a fact, and people know it. 

    If these crybabies who think they know every solution to every problem would have the same mindset as you, they would have fun...but nah, they would rather sit in forums and complain like bitches.

    Like @Realist, who has 1200+ posts...yeah i said that right...1200+ posts...but he's NEVER PLAYED THIS GAME lmao. 


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  16. 11 minutes ago, SIEGEGUN said:

    Come get some. 

    Oh i will small fry, i will.

    you think you're going to see me hitting trees and and stones with my hatchet? sheeeeeeeit.

    I'll have everything i need by the end of day 1, that's just a fact jack.

    After that, you better stay on your little piece of land and hope the wolves or crocodiles don't get ya.

    The minute you decide to set sail with your little boat, imma find you, sink you, and take everything.



    • Haha 1

  17. Hey all. Big company guy here....and it feels great!

    Just wanted to say that all you solo players, and small company members are going to get shit on. 

    So i'll be stocking up with as much chili & beans as i can get to make sure it's a constant feces party on yall.

    It doesn't matter what the devs do at this point in time. 50/100/250 man company...it doesn't matter.

    Even if the OP gets what he wants, who's to say we won't (or already have shhh) make verbal agreements with each other? If we cant have allies with a group over 50, fine. lol ok.

    My suggestion for you guys is....recruit and make friends, or start buying rain jackets now because i promise you..when you see the SS Chicago coming towards you...it will become a scat party featuring you, and your little crew.


    • Haha 1

  18. 1 hour ago, Realist said:

    I actually think you have a good idea there martyn 

    And the rest of us, who enjoy being part of a nice treehugging community, can play the game and enjoy it, without listening to the minority.  Most of whom, according to these forums, don't even play the game anyway.  Some don't even own the game.

    that means you realist. and grats on 1200 posts. how does it feel to talk so much about a game while not even playing it once? lmao scrub

  19. 5 hours ago, Realist said:

    The best part about it is that a level 50 would have to attack 40 or higher. That would be awesome. 

    Yep. Let’s make this a thing 👍

    Let's make this a thing?

    Tell me, how can you do that when you've never played this game once? lMAO FOOL

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  20. 41 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    This is a bad thread, and I won't stay long, I just need to make something very clear here.

    Eve is a bad game, and attempting to emulate it or take lessons from it would be an outright mistake. Atlas is not like Eve. It also should not be.

    Thank you.

    youre right amy. this thread is full of little crybaby know-it-alls, some of whom never even played this game LMAO. It did make me realize one the thing tho, once the officials are up, instead of doing what i did last time...i'm going to go out of my way, and make sure that i shit on every small group i see. the best part about it, i've been told that we have acquired a group of 45 EU players that are already in our discord and 15 of them will be under my wing starting day 1. 

    I thought i made a huge mistake by coming onto this forum. People even told me how toxic and non-productive it is. But it has actually opened my eyes and got me very excited again to play. It's GREAT being part of a huge company. It doesn't matter wtf the devs do as far as setting limits to company and alliance numbers, WE CAN AND WILL keep our numbers set to how we want.




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