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Everything posted by Coanunn

  1. Just a thought, but they have routinely said this is likely temporary, so why the hell are there 7 pages of argument over a bandaid instead of discussion around a more permanent fix such as having to pay upkeep on land you claim? Limited number of claims per player, or some other form of claim system? It seems ludicrous to complain about what they admit is a knee jerk bandaid reaction to the fact that there are literally companies of 1-5 people controlling multiple islands leaving no room for other players to so much as build a drydock in order to build a ship even in a 30% taxed area. I mean let's be blunt, right now with less than half the features in the game, it kind of sucks and is making more money for server hosts than it is for Grapeshot. We all know this is a work in progress so why argue about the bandaid instead of offering player feedback on a preferred system?
  2. We just lost literally everything to an Alpha Wolf that spawned inside a sealed barn. There is no excuse to wild animals to spawn on foundations, period, full stop, do not pass go, do not collect $200. That should be design basics that wild spawns can't occur on player built ground/structures/boats!
  3. Same, I'm still getting a connection time out error with patch 3.0
  4. Coanunn


    Nope, Official NA Server The Hydras Den, 150+ players on each of 16 servers.
  5. Coanunn


    I'm showing most of the NA servers as full, I keep getting a connection timeout and host pending connection timeout but a lot of people are actually playing. No where near 40,000 but a lot none the less.
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