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Everything posted by Veltox

  1. So, clearly. We have claming problems, and I feel like it should work differently than we have now, and even the upcoming "Neutral Zone" update. So, what I was thinking about is; Let people buy premade houses with small shipyards in lawless regions where they can make a small start, hunt treasures get some gold to eventually BUY their own land with limitations, if you want to own multiple islands/land you have to fight for it and pay rent for the islands you have captured, this way you won't capture too much islands which gives new players more chances to buy land. This is just a small idea that you can adjust to your own preferences. But I do think this will fix a lot of the claiming problems we have right now, and it also gives gold more meaning in the game. Let me know your thoughts, if you like it. Or absolutely disgust it.
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