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Everything posted by CptPlateau

  1. Watch the Trailer Videos and then Watch the Gameplay from Shroud on Twitch... Whats shown in the Trailers is not even nearly the Game you get / you paid for...
  2. H1Z1 is not a game... its something like a construction kit result used by some weed enjoying student retards ^^
  3. No... i've seen many of them in my about 25 Years as a gamer... and yeah... there were never as crappy launches as ARK or Atlas... really never. Even Fallout did even run since first second...
  4. You know whats the difference? Both Portal games are WORKING.... Even a crap Java Game like Minecraft is working... or any other Indie Title with WAY LESS money in the background like this fucked up piece of retarded down syndrom coded crap of a game called YARK/ARK/ATLAS
  5. Definitely including all bugs.... And the game doesn't look nearly like in the trailer videos... its a big business dealed scam ^^
  6. Professional Scam powered by Early Access Feature of Steam...
  7. The Servers Menu is just an animated screeen ^^ everything fake and they try to scam some money...
  8. Even Indie Games are having better releases than this crap... it is a fact... the Studio behind this game, which is obvious Ark with some other Elements and Textures, is the result of just a bunch of dumb retards... Farming Simulator 19... over 1 Million Copies sold in the first 10 days... and even they hat problems but the game was RUNNING...
  9. The Menu Developer is as dumb as the server administrators... ^^ a group of retarded developers hunting for the money, nothing else... its not Early Access its Pre-Pre-Alpha ^^
  10. Sure absolutely right xD Seems to be normal today to make marketing for a game praying "we are god... we can handle 40k+ gamers"... then launch lately and on top too dumb to handle 400 gamers instead of 4k or 40k and the solution? yeah, please pay for the game, and then just wait after buying it a couple of days before you can play it.... Wrong World? Or just as intelligent as Trump to vindicate such startups of... how can you describe this release... a bunch of admins working like apes with advanced down syndrom?
  11. So i just bought this game... with Big shoutouts by the creators that there will be 40k Players on a Server? and then i see... there are "possible" up to 255 Sersv, not one... Fom these 255 Servers are 15 running in EU PvE Master. And all of them are NOT working. If this game is really from the same Dudes as Ark is... didn't they learn ANYTHING from Ark?... How dumb can people be to NOT learn something... Right now the 15 Servers say 0/150 Players, and still not possible to connect. I have 2 Hours to play the game before i cannot refund it on Steam. I'll bet its impossible to play just 5 Minutes while the Gamer runs 2 Hours just trying to connect to a server. What are they talking about in their offices? "Hey lets talk about big numbers in the game and inverst 293486743764 US$ in Marketing".... but then use just a couple of bucks for a hand full of obvious virtualized minimal machines for the servers?
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