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Everything posted by Ellentro

  1. He didn't have a point to begin with.
  2. Er. I come here and complain because Wildcard doesn't respond to anything but whining/anger. I know because I came from Ark and we tried not whining, and the devs did jack all.
  3. I haven't copied and pasted anything yet mate, I typed it all out by hand in a couple seconds.
  4. Abb was delayed for like 1.5 months, and Extinction for almost a month. None were delayed a year, but yeah. It feels like it. I like Ark as much as the next guy, I supported it since day 1 and played more hours then I care to admit, but it doesn't change the fact the company is awful and have just gotten worse. Because the game is usually good, but the last time we had these launch issues, we were understanding and nice about it. Now that we know Wildcard doesn't respond to people being nice, it's time to just flame them until they fix it because at this point it's a bad habit.
  5. I mean, there's the hope that 4 years of incompetence and general failure in Ark would give them the experience to actually successfully manage/launch a game. Then again, they set a 40k goalmark themselves and then their servers died in a fire for 5 hours for a peak of 38k people.
  6. Its not a whitelist Apparently if you have a friend on the server, you can direct-connect and bypass the account throttling (Which is currently dropping all the attempted connections). They simply had a friend on the server after the server crashed.
  7. Even for EA games this launch is atrocious. By any standard, Wildcard launches are among, if not the worst, in the industry.
  8. Ark players have been begging for the feature for literally almost four years. They don't care. Maybe after this debacle they will.
  9. Wildcard has never launched anything without weeks if not months of instability and delays. Even for the rockiest of launches, Wildcard is among the worst. You can't really blame people for being upset over it.
  10. I mean, just refund on steam. If you're past the 2 hour limit, simply send a ticket and they'll do a refund. I'm hesitant to chargeback because it might affect my entire steam account. If you tell Steam that you ran atlas for 5 hours but couldn't play atlas that entire time, they'll probably be able to fact check it easily, and refund you.
  11. The developers aren't retarded. Stuff like this can slip under the rug, the problem is Wildcard has never tested anything they have ever released, so bugs that are easy to find (Like this) constantly escape the devs eyes because Wildcard pushes the code live as soon as it compiles. Similar things happen with the network stuff too.
  12. It's saved on the server. They record your STEAMID to your character, and your company to your character.
  13. Coming from Ark Mega tribes, not a single person across thousands of people trying in dozens of discords, have been able to connect. It's more then likely that there's no one actually playing Official PvP. Just a couple streamers on the experimental branch and the devs frantically shipping new server builds trying to see which one will compile first.
  14. He's like an 8th string CM. He can't actually say or do anything important, he's just here to control the PR firestorm. We'll know when Atlas is playable, likely, as soon as anyone from Wildcard knows.
  15. And yet steam only shows 38k people ever playing, so basically, you set the doorway above 40k, and failed to accomodate 38k.
  16. Its a bit hard to tell in between the relentless banter of 140 people trying to play the game and getting rejected for 4 hours and the Atlas shit show.
  17. Hardly, I'm just here venting. Along with a couple thousand other people (Mods working overtime deleting threads lmao), it's about all you can do. xD I just have issues with people mocking the outrage like it isn't justified. It very much is.
  18. Honestly, it's not about being angry, it's more about simply showing Wildcard that they can't just trample all over the community and not care, because as Ark has shown, that is *exactly* what they will do, if they ever feel they can.
  19. It worked with Ark if you paid attention. Perhaps the only meaningful fixes to issues like this were done on the heels of the game community flaming the devs everywhere possible for everything. I'd love to have a reasonable discussion with the devs, and would totally like to know how they have, at every juncture, failed to account for their own projected populations, for four years, but we won't get that. At least if you stoke the communal flames of anger the issue will be solved inside a month. Look at this server queue issue, it's an example in and of itself. We tried to "Reasonably" request server queues for Ark when it launched, and it was never added. Ever. No one really flamed about it either because Ark servers usually crashed when the population exceeded 50 (On official), but I mean. Its still a problem. Meanwhile this game, that was delayed 3-4 times, has been out for almost 4.5 hours, and no one has actually managed to play it. It's actually managed to launch worse then Diablo 3, and that was a debacle.
  20. See, but here's the problem. Wildcard does not respond to any of that. I tried it. For years. So did many other people. The entire Ark community tried to be "Reasonable" with Wildcard. They don't respond to reasonable. I enjoy Ark, and I will likely enjoy Atlas as well. The problem being the only way to really address the developers is through flame because they won't read or respond to anything that doesn't generate a firestorm. If it doesn't piss off a large enough segment of the community, Wildcard does not care. Period. That's how it's been for four years, that's how it still is.
  21. Im complaining about the same thing. I'm just pointing out that you guys don't care. It's your job, and you'll do it, but you don't care. If you guys cared, this game wouldn't have had the exact same issues, for the exact same reasons, Ark has had, for four years. For instance, people in Ark have been asking for a server join queue system for. Years. Literally since that game launched. It would solve not only this problem, but the problem of Join Simming, which has been, probably, one of the biggest Ark problems in its history. Instead, it has been habitually ignored.
  22. We gave this studio unwavering support throughout Ark's development process. It didn't work. The game launched every content patch with game-ending flaws and issues. Now, instead of giving them the carrot, most people want to give them the stick. It's been proven that they don't respond to positive reinforcement, let's see if flaming them helps.
  23. How could it not be accounted for? This is an issue in Ark with less players, and has been for almost four years. It was completely and totally, 100% with absolutely no possible excuses, predictable that it would happen here. There is not unexpected. Then how come this exact issue has happened, every single time you guys (Studio Wildcard) has ever launched any major content patch for Ark for four years? How come no other gaming studios have *nearly* the issues Wildcard does? Why is every single launch date and ETA you guys have ever released been missed by a window of at least weeks? In reality, no. It's just incompetence. Sure. There are reasons why you guys are incompetent, but this isn't new. This happens each and every time. If you guys cared, it wouldn't. It's that simple. There is no other logical explanation for this standard of failure spanning years.
  24. See, here's the funny part. I could play at launch with Ark, but I can't even join a server or spawn. So I guess in reality, they've gotten worse in the 3-4 years Ark has been out, in addition to not addressing any of the chronic problems (IE Joinsimming) that has plagued the game since launch.
  25. Doubtful. They don't care. It's their job, so they will fix it, but that's about it. Wildcard is a studio that has proven itself to be incompetent, it's why the company name changed.
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