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About pimperor

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  1. I did the same from the company I started and from what I can tell their's nothing you can do, evidently the developers never fathomed someone leaving a company. I can enter my house but have to input the pincode every time to open anything which is silly after so many hours waisted on it.
  2. I agree, it's one thing that's pushing me to just go play something else as rinse/repeat spawning is getting old. Then their's the chance of having an alpha spawn in the mix which can instant kill most people. A quick fix would be to lengthen the spawn timers and crank down the alpha spawns to where their not as common. Atleast then players would have a chance to clear out spawns to make a place safe for a while. I'm all for a challenge but it's bordering on insanity when mobs are stacked ontop of eachother.
  3. Being able to respec skills per each level increase which has come in very handy so far. Not having a raptor kill me on spawn... aggro range on creatures is fairly relaxed I rarely get attacked unless I accidently run into spiders/scorpions. Simple inventory/menu's, bit of a learning curve learning the new skill setup but I like how bonuses to harvesting etc. are included along the way.
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