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Death Strike Gaming

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Everything posted by Death Strike Gaming

  1. Bed Spawns you in the boat hull of the sloop now. HP upgrades for the sloop+ do not work panels HP does not change.
  2. Cant even rejoin the game because you cant select a new location to try to spawn at if your host location is full....
  3. Why are there no resources at some FP if a freeport is a beginning island there should be no reason a tropic island only gives you cotton so you cant even build a raft and has the trees in inaccessible locations. Every FP should have the bare necessity's to build a raft.
  4. Wll yeah and this isn't ark so they should have accounted for the limited land
  5. Players destroyed bed on raft, placed new bed and can no longer spawn on raft 1:50AM 12/25/18
  6. Agree land claim should be Admin+ for flag placement if in a crew. If your solo you shouldn't need more than 1-2 flags enough for a dry dock and a base and you can name claim flag territories. If you place a third flag it gives you a choice to abandon a previous flag location. If in a crew total claim flags increases based on population of crew say +1 flag per 2 crew members or adding a skill tree that increases radius and flags number based on crew level in the crew tab for captains only.
  7. Please add grid numbers and gridlines to website map. Trying to figure out where your at or what has been claimed is tedious when every island is just a copy of another island and in different rotational positioning.
  8. Agree me and my buddies started at A6 and sailed all the way to M8 and all we could find were island fully claimed and it takes an 1:30:00 to take over land.
  9. Its not just that but each land claim destroyes the resource node spawns so controlling all the land on the island dosnt do anything but stop you from getting anything from the land. resources don't take 24h to spawn they take a few min if there isn't a claim on it
  10. You basically are forced to be in a group because of the land claim system. unless you have land you cant build if you log off at anytime someone can take your land from you within 1H 30min so someone must be on 24/7 to prevent land theft.
  11. Reduce the amount of flags one can place to individuals within a crew. If 1 person you get 2 flags and then increases by 1 per person in crew. People are claiming as much land as they can and stopping node spawning, reduce node destruction area to buildings and not land claim, or limit the amount of claims of an island based on it size per crew
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