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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Well now that you mentioned already leveling to make it that fast I might choose the raft for the beginning and maybe do the sloop starting day 2.
  2. Yeah dude, he said it in the announcement. Automatic trade routes. All I know is is will be good for pve players and the pvp players that like raiding trade companies. Won’t be good for pvp trade companies themselves lol i have a feeling ships will become stronger pretty soon as well. Might be a few months down the road but enough people will complain and they will have more armor/durability. but no, the cheaper the better I say. And by cheaper I don’t mean weaker. I mean building it faster.
  3. Crap sorry I should have been specific. My fault. The ammo itself, per ball, how much does it cost?
  4. How much is the Ammo cost if you don’t mind my asking?
  5. Ah man, I wouldn’t do that to begin with. If I don’t lose anything I don’t get mad. Rather than get mad I make something that is simple and do damage to the people I’m attacking. Wven if I get sunk they won’t get anything and they will spend more just repairing than what they got from me. i like the win/win situation. I might not leave with anything but if the other side leaves with less than what they had I call it a win.
  6. I am sure they are but I mass produced Indy grinders on ark, now that was expensive. Pkus time consuming to others is my usual grind day. I do actually feel for the non-grinder players, but with me I can actually spend a full 8 hours on not just grinding mats but even one mat. Have you ever spent hours hours gathering nothing but stone? I have
  7. Lol I figured people would ask that. the answer is no, not sarcasm. I am sure that some of it seemed like sarcasm but it was not. Mainly just laughing at the people that want it hard. like I said in the other posts. I am a grinder so even if it’s hard it still isn’t that hard. The easier it gets for me, the more mass production I can yield. Everything that makes the game more squishy only intensifies my production. Give me offline raid protection, I’ll have a 100x100x15 high base up in now time. make things more cheap but not have offline raid protection? I’ll have 50 10x10x4 bases up to where I won’t even care if I get raided. the really cool part about it is, I don’t let anyone keep anything of value in my bases so when people waste all of the mats trying to raid and they figure out there was nothing there they get all bummed out. i am always more likely to put a storage container in shark infested waters at the bottom of the ocean. Then if someone actually gets it good for them. If you raid me you are going to be disappointed. my main goal in this game is for me to grind and make sure nobody gets anything good. After that I had fun for the day It is here on the forums. Jat just posted it a little while ago. Go to announcements or something
  8. Wow, just read the new captains log that is coming. good to see they are focusing on the solo people. My guess by what he is saying is that ships will be even cheaper to make. i have to admit I do like the thought of ships being more expendable. More time for base building. and yes, the player markets. They will either be pvp free completely or totally automated. The part about solo players feeling safer when they log off feels like a offline raid protection or something like it is coming. Never had a problem with that. And automatic trade routes is still a little bit of a mystery. Either you send out an unmanned ship along the route which would easily be able to be sank, or you get to just put auto pilot on so you can run to the store if you need to. Either way makes for some even better raiding. ok, since I see things getting a lot cheaper and easier I think this game might not be that bad after all
  9. Pretty much. I was just replying to him saying I don’t own the game for the 500th time still stands, not my fault they haven’t released it yet No but I am sure they will have another EA paid DLC which is a wildcard specialty
  10. That is pretty bad. Shame people do that. Makes the shore look like an eye sore or a junkyard. Smh Not my fault wildcard haven’t brought it to the Xbox yet. I guess another failure on their part
  11. Oh gob is that what the shores look like in atlas
  12. Actually with that reasoning I might use a sloop, how much faster is it?
  13. Very cool thank you for the additional info. I believe my buddy and I may need to make additional rafts for weight distribution and repair materials. but yeah, 12 hours a day for 3 days should be enough to get through the grids. Once again, I don’t mind mindlessly sailing for 3 days if it means I will be able to rarely do it later on. and also yes, I heard about the vitamins and I am not doing that so that is why I told the other guy I planned on dying at least 300 times through out the 3 days. i am sure that there will be things that slow me down, but I usually reach any goal I set out for myself, even if it does turn out to be more difficult than I had planned. And to be honest, if it takes a fourth or Fifth day I won’t beat myself up about it. As long as it takes to get that stuff out of the way so I can leave it in the past. thanks for that addition info though. I could tell you were being a little over bearing but I still appreciate the info. Like is said I am all about efficiency so any info you can give will be appreciated. i have a feeling they will make storms easier to navigate away from and I am also pretty sure the damage for switching servers will leave as well. If not, I’ll just mess to deal with it which shouldn’t be too hard.
  14. The reason for the raft is mainly because wildcard was gracious enough to make it to where the SoTD doesn’t attack them. All I need is a box for the paste I will be mass collecting while on the way to power level. wont bother with any metal because of the weight, but if I can have 2-3 thousand paste by the time I find my home island I will be ready to build my base. And mainly I won’t care too much of a raft gets destroyed. I would only be using it for safe travel and to run up on an island. also, I know to make sure to park it out in the water so no alphas can mess with it. i am planning on dying at least 300 times within the first 3 days, so I will only be making the very basic armor. Every single level I get will go into fortitude to more easily survive all of the climates. literally my first 3 days will be no fun at all. I don’t have a problem with sacrificing a few days so I don’t have to worry about anything from then on. good thing about being on console is I will know exactly what to do once it hits. That is another reason I keep such a close eye on this game. not because I am excited for it, but if I am going to do it I want maximum efficiency right off the get go. I would like to hit 100 within the first week. i am sure human breeding will be around by console release and we have a guy that is way to into breeding from ark. He makes spreadsheets about all possible outcomes of different mating groups and all that. Kind of nerdy but he knows we like him anyway. We also have a tamer that does nothing but tame. it always works out well. I grind out the mats and then I am given the best animals, armor, weapons and tools. Works out well for me. My other buddy is a building master. Some of the stuff he has done is just awesome. to us this game is a job but it’s a job we like doing so everything goes like clockwork.
  15. Yeah, I see trade companies being a very big success in pve. As well as important tool in pve for economy building. pvp however, we don’t believe in economy, by we I mean the people I play with. If you think I am bad(not that much) the guys I play with are raid crazy. Probably at least 1 a day. They will probably chase down every one they get a chance to lol. see, nothing but raiding gets boring to me since I like grinding. Another reason why the auction hall/player shop is so important. I will grind out every mat that is on the island until it is bare but it wouldn’t be time efficient if I needed to go to a further island just for one mat. i want that shop there so I can go and buy what I need and then come back to my fast paced grinding. i don’t have time to waste on sailing. Now if I know of a trade company that is carrying one of those specific mats that I need I will be going after them like they owed me money in real life. My time it what is important and I try to make every second count. If I can shave off even 30 sec from a task, it’s a good thing
  16. That fine, I am sure some people want that. That is just dangerous though, because I’ll be raiding anyone I see after my bases are done. Pirates loved going after trading companies. the hard part will be figuring out trade routes but once we do it will be good.
  17. Yeah that was what I had planned for for first 3 days. I am going to sail the whole map in three days because I will be doing nothing but sailing on a raft and going to every island on the map. Once those 3 days are over I won’t need to sail anymore unless I am raiding. Got a whole plan set up. but yes I will have to “explore” for the first 3 days, I just call it power leveling and not exploring. It will go by very quickly. anytime I start a new character in ark I just go from 1-75 in a couple hours. Once you figure out their system it becomes very easy to power level
  18. Yeah of course. That and SoTD. Mainly I will be concerned with my bases I will be setting up, but yeah even if 5000 people are on a server that is plenty of people raid. ill be grinding out ships so much that we won’t really care if we lose one. Ships aren’t nearly as important as bases are.
  19. The funny thing is, I won’t. What other people think is boring is actually what I love. I can spend 8 hours everyday doing nothing but grinding mats and have plenty of fun. I am a true grinder and can very easily do one single task with tunnel vision. I already have my first 3 days planned out, which includes nothing but leveling a special mate farming. wildcard has actually been doing me a solid with some of these changes. Going to be very easy by the time it comes on Xbox If they did an auction hall/player shop like WoW, trading would be 100% safe. You just show up whenever you want and buy anything that 100’s have people have put up in the shop. Would be great
  20. As I said before, I am not a pc gamer. But when it comes out on Xbox o will end up getting it because my friends will be getting it and they are already trying to talk me into it. I told them no in the beginning but they just keep insisting. if that is that case I will be making sure that I do what I can to make sure the changes I want to happen with this game happen. of course I am ranting, there is stuff in this game that I don’t want in it. I don’t necessarily like the paste and metal aspect of stone walls but I already have a plan to work around all of the problems so far. one thing that I want is for there to be a WoW based auction hall/player shop.
  21. I hate to say this then but either join a mega or go lawless. Only two options really. i wouldn’t bother retaliating. It will make things way worse on you
  22. Well there isn’t any way to prove that they dropped the server. You might get video about something else but there is no possible way to prove they dropped it. tbh, people just need to stay away. They are in the center of the map so go towards the outer servers and you will be fine
  23. Nah. This is a pirate game. I’ll still to raid. No need for trade companies or exploration. I’ll just be a pirate. if I am going to need to go to the Freeport for npc’s I would also like the player shop to be there so o can buy everything else. Like a one stop shop. dont worry, I’ll be sailing, but I’ll be sailing for piracy and nothing else. i am sure the pve people will have good trade companies, which is a very good thing for pve. There isn’t any room for trade and exploration in pvp No interest in the exploration aspects.
  24. Nope I was actually serious. I want there to be a shop like in wow. So I can just go up to it and buy whatever I want and it takes my money.
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