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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Damn guys, I am a little disappointed. i knew numbers were going to drop. I not only predicted it but actually wanted it to. I wanted the state of the game to stay in mediocre status but now I am getting a little worried. It dropped over 2% just recently. yeah sure guys it’s EA blah blah blah. nope sorry, this is wildcard. The whole reason I am writing this is because we have now came to the pivotal moment where atlas has gone beyond arks worst numbers ever. this number happens to be about 3 years and 5 months after the EA release. so no matter what anybody says about numbers dropping during EA, sorry ark numbers don’t and this is the same company. Really don’t care about other companies right now. ark was a success..... ah I won’t bother with the rest we are to the point that 1 out of every 3 people have already left. I am going to like the Xbox servers, that is all I am going to say.
  2. Oh careful now, that other guy made sure to tell us we never own the game. Which is a good point. You people seem like you want ownership of this even though you don’t have any importance. its all good though. This game will become what it supposed to be. It’s already happening. good talk though, hopefully you feel better now
  3. Still not disagreeing with you man. I know that more than anyone. But if you think it is going to stop anytime soon, that is a mistake. they don’t just favor streamers. They favor ark Megas as well. Some of the atlas Megas are twitch streamers that never played ark. Don’t think they haven’t forgotten about the big tribes that made them who they are. Megas have kept in touch with the devs. If you think Eve has any importance just because they are trying to act like eve, never forget the relationships that have been built over the last almost 4 years. 4 years is a pretty good bond. The ark way has already came, it will just become more obvious soon Wait the first time they came up with a change that nobody asked for? What about the stone wall metal and paste addition? you don’t think the Megas loves that idea?
  4. Won’t happen. Let me give you a hint. If nobody wants them cheaper, why are they going to make them cheaper? not trying to be mean in the slightest but it really doesn’t natter what one person wants. if you noticed, a lot of the things I want in this game is what a lot of these posts are about. For instance, now alphas are 50% weaker. That is a big jump right? they see numbers dropping and they will do what they can to keep numbers. they honestly don’t care what the “loyal” people think because the loyal will still be there later on. They have to worry about the numbers since they are a business first and they are not doing good right now. sorry but if you are an eve player you are at the end of the line. Ark players built wildcard and believe me they will cater to ark fans before eve fans. If wildcard burns ark fans, ark will suffer as well. It is a double edged sword with this situation
  5. Totally with you on al ost everything. Auto trade routes. Yeah definitely stupid, totally with you there. They are just enhancing pvp raiding with that either way. yeah and I agree player shops will be awesome. There just isn’t a place for old school trade companies on this game. I know people want them but this just isn’t the game for them. but as far as galleons/ships go? The cheaper the better, especially on the pvp side. Just you wait, things will get cheaper. The minute jay said the want the pvp to start immediately, that is what they meant. because if they didn’t mean that, then they meant on land pvp starting immediately, which would piss people off way more. everything will get cheaper, I do know that. I think everything will take a little while longer to bring more resources to each island but that will happen as well. I think they are starting to realize a lot of the players still remaining are the ark fans. Don’t be surprised when it turns into an arkish atlas. Unfortunately carebear pvp means more actual pvp instead of pve. Things will lean towards that. They really will. the environment will be come easier so more people can pvp on a pvp server. It’s not pvpve after all. It’s pvp. I think they thought about that. There is a such thing as pvpve
  6. I am not being mean at all man. Player driven trade only benefits people that want to be trade companies. All of the other companies want to get their mats a lot faster. Even though the game is set “back in the day” nobody is really going to want to play it like it was back in the day. we still all live in the real world. And especially today’s real world, we want everything right now. This game couldn’t survive with long distance trade. It just won’t happen. I know everyone wants the fantasy, but you are in the wrong generation. I played pong on Atari and super Mario on Nintendo. I know what the grind is like. if you think people won’t jump at the chance to just go to a shop and buy your stuff without talking to you then I don’t. Know what to tell you.
  7. It would be the opposite at the very least. You would need to take the stuff to the free port and then people would go to the free port to buy it. That we know for sure from the latch notes. pmayer shops are already planned as as we all k ow wildcard never takes anything out. Ever. now all we have to worry about it if the other side(business owner) has to be present first. if that happens it will be even worse for trade because if they want something and you say ok I am on a quest I’ll be there in 30 mi utes and they say nah, never mind I am not waiting that long. That doesn’t help anyone. on the other hand, once you upload something to the shop and someone comes along and buys it, that helps everyone. i mean really, which one do you think will happen
  8. Exactly. You won’t have to travel anymore. That is a good thing. Just load your wares into the auction house and get your money. Gotta get paid man. If sailing is what you like to do then you are still benefiting from this. just think, from the time it takes to go get the mats, then go to the company, then come back to your base for supplies and then go out again..... you just stay out a little longer, gather even more mats, take it to the auction house and bam you just made a lot of money in a lot less time. i mean sure if you really want to be a “trade company” you can, but if you are a trade company then also aren’t you about making money if you are a business? there is a reason the Industrial Age and the mailing system came about. even if you want to take a real world view on it, the auction house would be way better even still. make that money man.
  9. Sure there is always a point to pvp. I just don’t see any glory in the beginning stages of it. If I want immediate pvp, I can play for tie or CoD. When there is a leveling system involved, the only thing I think of is leveling. Like I am dying of thirst and the only way I get that drink or water is when I hit 100. After that it is pvp all day everyday. Kind of a jerk move but once I am done with the grind I get to pvp everyone that was the grasshopper when I was the squirrel.
  10. Yeah but until you get to level 100 and have your already reinforced base there isn’t really a point to pvp. not talking crap, but there is other more important things first
  11. Well then yeah, if I am not leveling there is no point to it whatsoever. Ships mean nothing. I mean once I already have at least 5 maxed out bases am at level 100 and have storage boxes filled with mats then yeah, then I will worry about leveling my ship. jesus Christ are people really trying to level up ships this early in the game?
  12. The artic is a place for everyone. I plan on over running it when atlas comes to console. I have always love the artic
  13. Yeah they are going to add all mats on all islands. Just a matter of time Your solitude is gone man. This isn’t the game you wanted. This is a game where if you want to be alone, you move somewhere else when other people come. Not the other way around.
  14. So it isn’t really beneficial to bother with them then really?
  15. Yeah I get you. One of their big selling points though was the whole mini game aspect. Believe me I didn’t say it was a good idea, but it is a little more realistic. They have had plenty of bad ideas like the whole claim system in general. all I am saying is this company doesn’t “take stuff out” they might buff or nerf something, but I have never seen them actually just take something out in al ost 4 years. Just saying
  16. Just shows how much you know about ark. Raiding bases(not ships) is always more beneficial than farming. Yeah, I can see you are new to wildcard games. Lol you said I was a noob. Ok dude. Calling this a “fantasy age of sail, that has pirates” yeah that has noob written all over it. You don’t even know what game you are playing. you do realize people attack other people just to attack them, regardless of loot right? It’s called pvp
  17. Yeah sorry bad penny. I almost never agree with percieval, but.... we aren’t dealing with fully automatic weapons man. Takes awhile to reload a flintlock. That actually is realism. as far as snakes go, that is an old mechanic that won’t change anytime soon
  18. Yes I know you wanted to point out I was lacking common sense, so I will return the favor. you think it is a fantasy game. This is an ark game. Ark players play this game on a massive scale. If you go to pve, you can have that fantasy, maybe. Remember all of the ark pve griefers are here as well. as far as pvp goes. You level up, build a base and go try to control more servers. Feel free to look at the coMyron map that the other guy posted. Pvp is about dominating the globe and controlling everything. This isn’t even close to what you think it is. Even though it is an mmo, never forget that it is a sandbox, which means it doesn’t matter what the devs want. People will turn it into what they want. there is wow and there is eve. Then there is rust and there is ark. Atlas is rust and ark. Plus this is atlas, not the real world in history. Pirates can easily exist without trade companies in atlas Also it is a pirate mmo. Not what you said lmao
  19. With you on the bookshelves. i don’t like trading. I am sure pretty soon they will have all resources on every island. Once again, might take a few months, but trading companies won’t keep the game going. building is the future.
  20. The loot sounds like crap. But I do like the 5 possible npc’s though. When I was doing Conan I had so many damn thrills I just threw them in my front yards. ill probably turn into a gold grinder after my bases are done. Would love to have as many npc’s as possible. Especially if I can mate with them. what I am expecting is that you can have more than one offspring. If so I will have multiple little clones and never worry about the age debuff. I’ll just wait till I hit 90 and have someone log into my account while I am asleep so my age goes by a lot faster
  21. To be honest man, I like bookshelves too. Even though I am very pvp oriented, I didn’t want blueprints taking up 100 slots in my vault when you could stick them in a little book shelf. And this is when the vault size was still stupid big. I was very pleased when ark lessened the size of vaults. plus I do like the whole underwater thing but that is mainly because I think they are doing it because of water tames.
  22. So 250 metal, 300 gunpowder per ship? That would be a reasonable amount. What are the full rewards for killing SoTD?
  23. Yes pretty much. I have noticed they have changed around names a bit. I am so busy looking at changes I don’t reallt have the time to learn the new terminology for things. I think it will be good to feel like a noob again. Nothing compared to being an ark noob though since now we have something to go off of lol
  24. Yeah shouldn’t be too bad then. Always been favored to maxing out ammo on every auto turret in ark so I will enjoy mass producing common balls as well. Mid you can work on both offense and defense at the same time then you are doing something right Sorry again, my bad. I saw the other guys quote talking about how many cannonballs were needed to kill a ship before I saw your quote. I had multiple quotes when I checked
  25. That isn’t too bad. Gunpowder is still flint stone on charcoal right?
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