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Everything posted by The_Doctor

  1. I feel ya, we have a bigger clan and were looking forward to being wiped by the Chinese just north of us
  2. It needs to be reverted because now a galleon can just rock up and broadside your stuff before you can launch enough mortars to kill it
  3. Its far to hard for most islands to gain half the resources they need as is. This patch just kills the game for everyone else who isnt in a 100+ member alliance.
  4. Well increasing the cost of stone walls is one thing, but 2.5x damage to them as well? Thats just cancer. In addition to this the patch has been released outside US hours giving the Chinese (CSTG) the ability to steam roll over multiple sectors while everyone is offline. This "balance" make the game un-viable for anyone who hasn't got 80+ players in their clan.
  5. Thats good and all man, but people will just compensate for this by spamming even more stone walls/gates or wooden structures. In the end this doesn't solve anything but only makes it worse.
  6. Confirmed that player- One Piece Grandline and at least one other are using esp and aimbot on NA Krakens Maw. Getting insta headshotted xoming out of doors, running in random patterns and being found from on the other side of the island. These lads are the reason battleeye needs to be added back. How is my clan supposed to defend against hackers other than sit in bases to stop claims?
  7. Hey, After the most recent patch I have logged back in to find myself spawned under the foundations at my base. Is it possible to get a suicide command or a GM tp out of it plz? I cant die, stamina and food will not deplete.
  8. Man I feel ya. Many people initially used up leave to play this, it got delayed. Then after release we only get around 3-4hrs of actual gameplay and 4+ hrs of homescreen or trouble shooting. Pretty disappointing in something that showed so much potential.
  9. Man heaps of people are having the same issue. I think it would be best to play something else for now until the devs wake up to fix it. Otherwise, theres always the refund route.
  10. Same here man, a few people are experiencing this bug. I am currently attempting a reinstall to see if that alleviates the situation. Ill let you know how it goes.
  11. It will come up with the server im on, but will have no region information and will not let me load any instances. I have attempted reinstalling the game to see if that resolves the issue but its looking bleak atm.
  12. I was playing with some mates when my character died. When I clicked to spawn on the bed it transported me to a starter island. Directly after this i got a server timeout and now I can no longer get into any of the servers. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have restarted steam, revalidated and nothing has worked. .
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