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Posts posted by Cpt.Yarrr

  1. 13 minutes ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    I was not wrong because I was not saying it WILL come that day.

    I was talking about the fact that people like you ask where things are at 7:30am in the morning on the day it is due as if Grapeshot should be deploying stuff before they wake up. That is what I was saying is ridiculous.

    I never said anything about the fact that it will becoming that day. But you are so intent on arguing your case that you are failing to read simple English.

    Fail to read simple English? Wow, just wow.

    Not that you say you where wrong, no, you just keep on turning all the things around. Like you do with alot of people here. I really feel sorry for you.

    Have a nice life defending this company. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, zubov56 said:

    My expectations for this EA game was bug fixing and content updates,not pvp tweaking or server reboots. I wish now we were told the EXACT intent of this game because MANY of us joined for PVE and never expected PVP to influence PVE server wipes or even have PVE settings catered to pvp.

    OFFLINE<<<keyword.How are game settings going to affect players when they are offline,nobody can game or wants to play 24/7.So a group of friends in a different time zone than a larger alliance is all offline,every last player offline,how are the settings going  to help them and the game ?

    Gamer's cannot cater to game settings,they have lives to live,so the settings MUST cater to the players.If you are going to focus on pvp make sure it does not affect or alienate pve players which is likely half the community.PVP should have safe areas and be VERY restricted because of two very keywords "unbalance" and "offline".


    Like thousands,  had the same expectations.

    Like thousands, we wanted this company to learn from ARK.

    Like thousands, we're being let down. 


  3. 8 minutes ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    So me saying i'm pretty confident 1.5 mega update and wipe won't happen this week means i'll probably fall hard, which means you are saying it is likely to happen this week? 🤔

    It's a sum of all. You stated a few times dates wich where all delayed. Just take a look at your posts the last weeks, this mega patch will not happen this or next week. Before they analized all data, it will be may at the very least. After that, they will give a date for the mega update. Wich, offcourse, will be delayed.

    End of may before we can see something. But maybe you're right, cause we all hope that timemanagement finally finds the way to the company.

    Just to be clear, I've been way too patience when the ARKteam anounced delay after delay for 3 years. Even hoped for better times when Atlas came out. That hope has been shattered into the ground.   

  4. 3 minutes ago, Sneakydude said:

    Have the devs really kept promises thus far? OP you where not really too concerned about this announcement i hope? Seeing as the devs are going to push this to live anyways and fix the bugs for the next month.

    Nothing we see is truth anymore. What is truth is the negative reviews. It only gets worse from now on.

    Ssshhh, don't tell Guybrush, he probably will tell you all is good and not to worry. It's us who do this, not the company who made the game.

    2 hours ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    The PTR is meant to last a week, or at least the PvP one was, the PvE one was meant to come up yesterday. Then the 1.5 mega update and wipe is meant to happen 11th April, but considering we are on 9th April now (well most countries are) and the PvE PTR hasn't even gone up, and I've read a lot of issues coming from PvP PTR i'm pretty confident to say that I believe 1.5 mega update and wipe will not be this week, more likely next week.

    Don't be confident, you'll fall hard.

  5. 23 minutes ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    ^^ That's been shared around the forum already and on Discord.

    Yes they should have posted it on the forums, but it's been shared on the forums several times already, which means if you didn't spot that then you'd unlikely spot something posted by a Dev.

    So, not yesterday like you said?

    Or like all other promisses they keep on posting and rescheduling? And why did they share it on the 9th instead on the 7th or 8th? 

    Bull Poo if you ask me, like all of the dates they just keep on delaying. 

    Thats the company you just keep on defending, a bunch of Bull Poo all around.

    • Like 1

  6. 12 hours ago, Bulldogg50 said:

    I made a post about this as well its in F8 i believe, in that area. all four ports (Pathfinder (square)) has blocked in the NPC buyer. this guy needs to be banded, utterly ridiculous how this sort of thing can happen, NO building on the Freeports, NONE, even in test mode should you be allowed to build in a Freeport....its just that a FREEPORT.  I just love how this guy can get away with it and will be allowed into the next game to screw everyone over again.


    These will get away with it, even after the wipe. There's not a single admin/dev/Jat who will do something about it.

    Griefers will have freeplay all over, they just gonna wipe it all again in like 3/6 months and hope they'll not return.

    Lost hope if you ask me.

  7. 3 minutes ago, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    lol the OP is not new to this news, he knows they are based in US.

    Wich is true.

    But your point is not clear to me yet tho. Cause if you come here just to rant and play dumb, look for some other thread then.  If you can try and answer 1 of the things I've asked, erm wait insisted as you call it, then be my guest.


    And do everyone a favour, drink your coffee first.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Sadie Blackhawk said:

    Honestly after having land on PTR and the game before the wipe. I'm thinking lawless is the way to go. I honestly don't care about a claim flag. They put in cute little decorative claim flags anyways. As long as I have a spot to build a base. To me having a claim flag is just a headache and a lot of work. If I get lucky enough to find a small island when it goes live. Great. I can manage that. If not. I'll go to lawless. Cause tax rates are insane and not worth it to me.

    True, we're discussing the same at the moment and we're probably will be living on ships with a little base on lawless areas. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Sadie Blackhawk said:

    Still 2+ years in Early Access. It's got a long way to go. 

    Ye and from the looks of it, we're bound to be pushed into unofficial servers. All islands where taken within 24 hours on the PTR PvPvE (15x15 grids LMAO).

    I sure hope they'll got a different way on PvE. I fear another wipe will be coming soon and before getting out of EA even more wipes will come. On ARK I seen this once, never had my chars and progress wiped after it. As long as they wipe those too, the majority will not be coming back and will be paying loads of money per month to rents of servers just for the game. Not liking this at all and still hoping (but no way hyped again from this company, nor buying) they come to a point where they make PvE way more interesting and do something active against griefing/exploits like letting admins guard te grids. Bit pathetic these little kids like to grief, but hey, if you don't have a real life with real friends, you need to compensate that.


  10. 1 hour ago, Sadie Blackhawk said:

    They had a thing up top about them bringing down the NA PVE server and it going to be the new NA PVE PTR a few days ago. 

    Mating was way out on the horizon since the beginning. I do like the new trading system. I gave one person a buncha gold so they could get an island. That's about the only thing I could say I really liked so far.

    Too bad for the mating part, I particular liked this and wanted to see how to "breed" your own offsprings. I've bred loads of dinos and wanted this game not to be ZOO-like for me, kids however seemed cool tho.


  11. Just now, Sadie Blackhawk said:

    PVE testserver is supposed to be out at some point today-unless something happens. guessing a patch is gonna go along with it. Im guessing around 6-8pm est tonight. 

    As for mating. Think we are still several months from that. Rightnow they are trying to get the claim system under control. 

    PVP. Im a nice person. I still got wiped out. Not that I cared much. I planned on going to PVE PTR anyways. They did me a favor from breaking down all my stuff. Definitely not my cup of tea. I rather relax and play the long game versus the rebuilding every few days.

    Cool thanks, like all other promisses we decided to just wait and log in on a daily base and hoping for the best.

    Communications and keeping word is not something we're putting our hopes on anymore with the creators of the game.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Jean said:

    Did you try to communicate before making landfall? 

    My exerience shows me, that PvP is entirely about de-escalation vs escalation.  Both of these start with analyzing the consequences of one's companies actions. We find that if you are friendly enough, straight up about your intentions and do nothing considered suspicious, even the largest of mega companies will let you grab that map on their land or tame an elephant for 25 minutes.  Some groups will even let you use their traps. And often you built a friend and ally. There will always be cases where you are shot on sight, but these seem to be rare, or our diplomat has some mad rolls (1D20 +10) lol

    PvP is almost entirely the metagame, the game we play as people interacting with other people outside the actual physical algorithmic mechanics.  If you show your intentions are honourable, you can win friends fast, but if you dishonourable, you will be executed.

    Best of luck

    Yes we did multiple times. We tried to tell we just wanted to check out the new biomes. The first 2 told us we where trespassing, knocked 2 of us out and chopped of our heads.

    The third one told us to f**k off and killed us with 3 bears. There we logged out and we stopped "testing". In the end we seen nothing. So, that PTR is doing nothing for us.


    • Like 1

  13. I'm wondering, can we do testing with mating between companymembers? There was so much hype about this prelaunch, now I can't find anything about it anymore.

    Next, where's the PvE server to test? We tried to sail around for a couple of times, as soon as we set foot on land (bout 3 times now) we got attacked by other pirates. I know some of you like to kill other players in a PTR, but how do we suppose to test the game if we only keep on getting hunted? Does PvE mean nothing for GRAPSNAILECARDWILDSHOT? 

  14. 4 hours ago, PQQT said:

    So when's the fresh start on the on the public servers start? I just purchased and dont wanna spend too much time with a wipe coming.  🙂

    Come back in 2 years, there should be plenty of wiped servers by then. And most likely with alot of space to claim. Also more luck to have some bugs to be debugged by them.

    If you do decide to play, good luck. But don't tell us we didnt warn you 😉

  15. 5 hours ago, The D Legacy said:

    so how are we supposed to test stuff? i mean i loged in and the graphics where as bas as if my graphics card drivers werent installed and 3 min after starting the game it crashed, that happened 2 times already, at day 1 we had rubberbanding but at least graphics were normal.

    Come back in 2 years when they finish these things. Adding more animals is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more important.

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  16. 27 minutes ago, Jerryn said:



    I'm getting fed up with all these promisses and BULL POO from the "team" behind ATLAS. It was PVE ffs...

    Also, timemanagement is an issue up there.

    Ridiculous how they threat their costumers with lies and BS. Every week there's something, not 1 week went by without BULL POO.

    If I could get a refund, I would. Never again I buy something from this company.

    29 minutes ago, iBonkerzB said:

    Removing a PvE server to put up a PvPvE (PvP) test server, nice logic...

    Hence the name;



    We seen this for 4 damn years with ARK, not 1 single reply nor help from the dev team. NOT ONE SINGLE HELP OR EXCUSES!!!!

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