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Arthas Durotan

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Everything posted by Arthas Durotan

  1. Since i read they are planning to rework melee combat (and add new weapons) i just wanted to give a suggestion. Instead of having 5-6? Keys to attack a mix of mount and blade and Skyrim melee would be great. For those who don't know in m&b you use mouse to decide your attack and block directions. Down - Stab/block Up - Down swing/block Left - Right swipe/block Right - Left swipe/block But the problem with m&b pvp is you can just hold the LMB forever and attack whenever you want or spam attack and block so I thought of adding the Skyrim heavy attacks when you hold the key. So if you hold down the key instead of canceling with block or dodge you start a heavy attack which you are committed and can't cancel. You become immobile giving enemy a chance to attack you, shield bash interruptions always stunning you. Heavy attacks have a increased damage at the cost of stamina and always staggering opponent. Dodge: Its still the same back/side step, i tought of adding rolling for hide armor but decided it might be better as a feat. You can't back step stabs and down swings and you can't side step side swings, you will take damage. Timed dodges will increase your next attack speed greatly but for a reduced damage for a very short duration Block and parry: It's the same expect you also have to block up and down now. You can block heavy attacks but you will be stunned and your weapon will lose more durability. Timed blocks(parry) will change your next attack to heavy attack with increased speed for a very short duration all blocks and parries will damage weapons durability Shieldbash: Stuns enemy if used while enemy charges up for a heavy attack. Staggers enemy if used before enemy basic attacks land (like parrying with a shield) Staggering: Its a short interruption also slightly pushing you back. You take slightly increased damage while staggered. Stagger duration is lower the higher tiered your armor is Cloth common = ... = myth < Hide < common < ... < Myth < plate common < myth Basic & heavy attacks: Mouse up - Down swing / heavy down swing Can't be dodged by backs stepping / Deals increased damage and greatly increased stagger time Mouse down - stab / heavy stab Can't be dodged by back stepping, greatly reduced damage but very quick / normal damage, still faster than other heavy attacks and slows the speed if used on staggered enemy Mouse left & right - side sweep / heavy side sweep Normal attack, increased speed if used in succession on opposite sides (L,R,L,R) / increased damage, applies bleeding (does not stack but resets duration) That's it then. I'd like to hear your thoughts and please tell me if I missed to explain something So anyway i just got overexcited created account get everything off of my system and didn't really give it much of a thought on how it would work on laggy servers or how it would work on pvp since i only play single player. Good evening everyone.
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