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Everything posted by Silen

  1. After clicking on "Rejoin server" the loading is stuck at this point, it just loads forever. I also tried to go on "join new atlas" but that gives me "lost connection" every time. Also tried to restart the game.
  2. What a shitshow. What's the point of playing PvE when a bunch of jerks can sink your hundreds of hours in a minute? Not only they should fix it ASAP but they should acknowledge it, no word about this has been said so far that I know of.
  3. Silen

    Ship sunk

    It most likely isn't. I had a raft parked in a freeport, went back to play after 24 hours and it was still there. How come a schooner would sink in 5, then?
  4. Silen

    Ship sunk

    Doubt. I checked the decay rate before logging off and it was way too slow to sink in 5 hours or so.
  5. Wasted 40 hours making a Schooner on EU PvE, finally completed it, sailed it to a freeport, anchored it. Log back in game next morning and it's sunk. Why? No idea. Company logs simply say the ship was removed, so AI didn't sink it for sure or it would be written. Probably some trolls overweighted it. Fix this shit.
  6. ... And has been for over 7 hours. My character's stuck there (doesn't allow me to spawn anywhere else), literally can't play the game I paid for.
  7. When did Ark ever have so many interconnected servers? This is new for them, it's expected to have issues.
  8. Congratulations for launch! (We even managed to break Steam)
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