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Everything posted by muguapanda

  1. Totally agree. Good game concept and lots of fun. The awe and wonder of launching a newly created ship for the first time and discovering what lay ahead on the open seas was amazing and can't be found in any other game I am aware of. I really wish they would lower the bar for getting ships, not raise it continuously. The fun is in encounter with other sailors. If you get more ships out there, you get more encounters and more players. They absolutely have to take a drastically different approach to save this game soon or their reputation will be destroyed... Totally agree. Good game concept and lots of fun. The awe and wonder of launching a newly created ship for the first time and discovering what lay ahead on the open seas was amazing and can't be found in any other game I am aware of. I really wish they would lower the bar for getting ships, not raise it continuously. The fun is in encounter with other sailors. If you get more ships out there, you get more encounters and more players. They absolutely have to take a drastically different approach to save this game soon or their reputation will be destroyed...
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