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George of the jungle

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Posts posted by George of the jungle

  1. 19 hours ago, Whitehawk said:

    As I have mentioned before, gambling and the encouragement to gamble in games has had new regulations brought out. Not sure how they would affect Atlas, but I know some online games have managed to find a work around. I will say though having worked in the gambling industry years ago and seeing people at their lowest from losing, I personally would not want it in a game that children can play.

    Well it is possible to play poker without gambling. Just take the money/gold out of play. Whoever wins the hand wins the hand. Not as fun of course but that is a very easy work around

    22 hours ago, monkguru said:

    Hey George, Are you here to be a positive influence in the community, or do you hate the game and devs so much your just here to be a piece of shit? I don't really need to ask do I? Everyone knows the game is broken, everyone knows the population is low, everyone knows the devs suck, so who the fuck are you talking to? Just yourself bruh. Go take your meds and find someone to talk to. Debate that shit wanker.

    You are a very grumpy person.

  2. 22 hours ago, monkguru said:

    Hey George, Are you here to be a positive influence in the community, or do you hate the game and devs so much your just here to be a piece of shit? I don't really need to ask do I? Everyone knows the game is broken, everyone knows the population is low, everyone knows the devs suck, so who the fuck are you talking to? Just yourself bruh. Go take your meds and find someone to talk to. Debate that shit wanker.

    I don’t think it is I who needs medication. Are you feeling ok? You sir have a potty mouth.

    are you here just to insult other forum goers? I haven’t really seen you say anything positive either to be honest.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ghost Pirate LeChuck said:

    This game is dead. Its beyond saving. 3 years in EA is a joke, and lets be honest its not EA at this point they're just stringing it along. They are milking it for all its worth to fund their ARK baby. Updates with things no one ever asked for, ships which are completely ridiculous and just an attempt to hide bad code they cant fix.. game is a joke.

    The main activity goes on private servers with mods and better quality of life changes. I left official not long after the forts were implemented. Been playing on IS server since and its great fun. A lot less grief, people actually get along and give advice instead of insulting each other. Playing since phase 1 I wouldn't touch official with a barge pole these days.

    But then all you have to do is look at the forums to see how dead it is here now. Barely a post a day in the main general chat. Says everything you need to know.

    You know, if we were in school debate class right now and you brought this argument to the table and it was my turn for rebuttal.....

    inwould just turn to the teacher and say “he is right” and then walk off the podium gracefully.

    well said.

  4. If only these guys spent as much time actually coding instead of writing stories there might be a good patch. 

    It needs to be said that the update was supposed to be in the summer not late October, so this actually better be a good update. However, even if it is a good update there is no reason to celebrate because it was actually multiple months over due so it wouldn’t be a great achievement in the first place.


    just saying

  5. On 10/9/2021 at 1:28 AM, Atlaneer said:

    What the fuck is this was someone pissed last night and wrote all this crap?

    Yeah they were definitely drunk. I bet after they wrote this crap there was a few drunk texts to exes as well lol.

    it has as much creativity as the modular ships they have been making.

    15 hours ago, Wildeheart said:

    That's a big text dump outside of the game. It has my curiosity piqued! I do hope whatever is coming has as much in game or it will be lost, make no sense and be pointless. Blizzard has done that for years and look how many now play Final Fantasy and not WoW!

    Yoshi-P is a fantastic role model for any director/producer/developer. Please be more like Yoshi-P / Square with this and not like Blizzard.

    Invest us in your game and world! 🙂


    Nah, in game it sucks. This is basically a spin job because drunken words can sound good, but we already know these guys suck at coding lol.

    one more fail for the history books.

  6. 2 hours ago, Kummba said:

    You did prove multiple times that you cant really handle data, maybe stop using them in your arguments.
    What is your mission here btw, since almost a year you bring up the same stuff from time to time. If atlas isnt yours anymore, just let it diefor you and move on.

    Oh my data is flawless. Yours however kind of leads me to believe you were merely projecting. I joined exactly 6 months ago. That isn’t “almost a year” as you said. Far from it actually. I would have to double my time here just to get to a year.

    kind of like how the devs would have to double the player count just to get to an average of 1 person per server lmao.

    don’t tell me you are mad because you are playing a game that is a total failure are you. I mean remember, it is number 67 on the bottom 100 list on steam. They call it the hall of shame. 

    playing the game because you want to is one thing but defending it is just pathetic. 

  7. Man, they are down to an average of 968 players. That is one of the worst numbers I have ever seen in gaming. That small number is also spread throughout 3 big clusters and Unofficials.

    I gotta make sure to ask the guys on official servers what it is like to play an online single player game lmao

    we are close to averaging only .5 player per server. Like not even I full person. Just a half a person lol

  8. 3 hours ago, MritsyBoly said:

    What tree are you talking about, I would also like to try ?

    They were supposed to come out with another skill tree called tarot. It will never happen since they have pretty much abandoned the game. They were supposed to make more “ships” as well. Instead we get modular ships smh.

    these devs probably realize they completely suck at their jobs and just gave up. Very inept 

  9. 1 hour ago, Ghost Dance9982 said:

    Everyone on pc in my company is playing new world... If atlas wants to keep its remaining player base they might have to cater to the xbox players and up grading to pc is going to be the excuse...if i upgrade to pc i'm going to play new world sorry


    Fix your lag home screen dc ing game plz!


    Yeah I have been hearing a lot of good things about new world. Might have to try it.

    I am excited about far cry 6 though. Plenty of game play in that game. 👍

  10. On 9/29/2021 at 8:27 PM, sorcia said:

    See, I disagree. You're not wrong about the game having it's issues, but the devs gave me a game that I played more than any other game in my entire life. I'm reinstalling the game right now, going to try and get some of my old buddies back on. Hopefully one day they'll invest more into its development. I heard they added seasons which was something I always thought would be a great idea. Wipe every 3-4 months and have a new theme for each season. Maybe make things a little less grindy and require less time investment for people with jobs. I think that could reignite some interest. I would say market the seasons as a feature - I always love it when everyone starts with a blank slate. Either way, I've always loved this game. 

    Except they didn’t intend to wipe. What happens is anytime they update they are so inept that they can’t implement the update without wiping. These devs actually suck harder than any other dev company. They never follow through with what they say and they could fix a bug if their life depended on it. Plus every update comes with more bugs. Yeah they already abandoned the game. They won’t be investing any more money into this dumpster fire. Player counts are the lowest they have ever been and even the 1k people left are mainly just getting on to reset decay timers. It’s pretty pathetic to say the least lmao

    On 9/30/2021 at 9:27 PM, muguapanda said:

    Totally agree. Good game concept and lots of fun. The awe and wonder of launching a newly created ship for the first time and discovering what lay ahead on the open seas was amazing and can't be found in any other game I am aware of. I really wish they would lower the bar for getting ships, not raise it continuously. The fun is in encounter with other sailors. If you get more ships out there, you get more encounters and more players. They absolutely have to take a drastically different approach to save this game soon or their reputation will be destroyed...

    Totally agree. Good game concept and lots of fun. The awe and wonder of launching a newly created ship for the first time and discovering what lay ahead on the open seas was amazing and can't be found in any other game I am aware of. I really wish they would lower the bar for getting ships, not raise it continuously. The fun is in encounter with other sailors. If you get more ships out there, you get more encounters and more players. They absolutely have to take a drastically different approach to save this game soon or their reputation will be destroyed...

    Nah, they game is a dumpster fire. These developers are worthless at doing their job. This game is actually in the bottom 100 steam games out of the 22k games that are on steam. They call it the hall of shame lmao.


    player counts are abysmal 

  11. On 9/27/2021 at 7:25 AM, Barnabe Shot said:

    sunk 2 this lolships by pulling rope of my grappling hook with Ghostship loot-box on tail.

    Ships health be 75% and 86%. and the more you pull, the more health decreases to full sink in moment when crack lootbox. 

    hours spent about 120. best gaming ever

    Nah, the game has been broken for a long time. It is number 67 on the bottom 100 steam games. Mind you that steam has over 22,000 games and it is on the bottom 100 lmao.

    it is pathetic to say the least and the player count is dismal.

    the devs are the worst in the industry and they are not only corrupt, liars, and inept, but they have no programming skill whatsoever, hence the modular ships. Completely pathetic 


    bottom 100 is called the “wall of shame” btw.

  12. On 9/25/2021 at 3:06 PM, George Catcher said:

    Well, New World is 2 days from here. Then most of playerbase who stay here will consist of "bear breeders" and "minecraft castle contructors" I guess...

    Do me a favor man, don’t do you review of this new BS ship. You do a very good job at it but every time I see you do it I get so pissed I wish stuff on the devs because they won’t bother.

    so just this time do me that favor and don’t bother. Total waste of your time.

    3 hours ago, sorcia said:

    Started getting the itch to play again and decided to check out the forums. My god this is depressing. How can we resurrect this game? To this day, I have never had as much fun playing a game as I had playing Atlas. Like legit emotional responses when I see old screen shots and stuff. It was the people that made it so much fun, man we gotta figure this out. Somebody go win the lotto and fund these people

    Season 1 - Rum Guzzlers

    Season 2 - Pirate Law


    man good times

    Nope. It wasn’t good on the beginning either. Like you said the people made it fun. It was never a good game.

    never has been and never will be. The devs are literally the worst devs in the entire gaming industry(don’t bother trying to think of others, I’ll just disagree and end it).

    there is a reason this game is at the bottom 100 steam games on the “wall of shame” that is a simple fact.


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  13. On 9/15/2021 at 5:24 PM, Reeking cannonbait said:

    It’s funny that people think wipes actually solve anything, they don’t. Whatever bad decisions you made this season and haven’t yet corrected you will just repeat next season. 

    If you open your mind and really think about the game mechanics you will find a solution to this problem just like we did. Good luck. 

    Yeah they don’t need to wipe, they need to give up completely lmao. These guys suck at every aspect of their jobs. I mean, these devs are pathetic lol

  14. On 9/15/2021 at 5:32 PM, Reeking cannonbait said:

    Then you put ship points like a retard.  You also clearly don’t know how to repair your ship either. I highly doubt just one volley completely destroyed your ship you just didn’t know what you were doing and you sunk your own ship. Get better and don’t be a quitter it will help. The only way this would happen is if you made massive mistakes. 
    you probably got planked and didn’t have a bucket, repair resources, spare planks, and cleverly had no points in resistance. 

    Nah, the game is just one of the worst made in gaming history. These devs are probably the most one not in history is well. They have never done a good job on anything and never will.

    a ship sinking really doesn’t matter. This game has already sunk. 1,300 peak players is pathetic to say the least. It is also rated 67 in the bottom 100 games of all time on steam. They call it the hall of shame. I actually pity anyone that still plays it

  15. 5 hours ago, Whitehawk said:

    Replaying Atlas is like going back to a bad ex, you know they keep making promises they will never keep, yet at the same time play on your emotions to keep giving them more chances ,stating how you knew who they were when you took them back and you knew things might not change. In the end you realize they are toxic for you. You count your losses and move on.

    Wow! This might be the best/politically correct comment on the devs I have ever seen. Kudos for you man.

    true, doesn’t matter if you like her or not. She isn’t good for you regardless.

  16. 12 hours ago, patton said:

    I bought this game Back in May 31 2019 ...no problem love the game......now they add a legal thing to accept or decline.....i don't agree so i am not able to play it.... then i want my Money Back if they wont let me play there game that i bought Years ago....it is a fraudulent act By Taking My money then Changing the Legal Use Contract That i do not Accept and not give me My Money Back

    Well the game isn’t that good to begin with so...

  17. On 9/7/2021 at 3:41 PM, Enki Anunnaki said:

    i still do defend atlas, its been a hell of an adventure throughout the stages of development, mainly with my clan and always with pvp. made many friends because of this game. blown through thousands of hours. good times for the most part. one of the best 35 dollars i ever spent.

    that being said, the devs are fucking themselves and their community. it will carry on to negatively affect their future game sales and that's a given. but, they still have a chance to pull it out their ass and make this a game remembered like it should be and save their company image and the games future.

    Yeah player numbers are so far down. They shit the bed too many times. It just sucks now

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