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Everything posted by leonkiller

  1. About Gliders nerf i think it is literally shot in the knee in state as is now. First of all why they work 110m above sea lvl and not landscape lvl. there are lots of island that have mountains and plain landscape higher then that. I suspect that this nerf have something to do with pvp. But i think it should work a little different. So here is my idea.: 1. Add Blueprints for different Quality Gliders. 2. Quality of Gliders will depends how high in Meters above sea lvl they can fly(glide) 3. Mythical Quality Glider will have no restriction to Glide lvl and work like old ones but to craft them and Repair them will require Mythos 4. Re balance durability of gliders that they will loss more durability the higher you glide so if you have mythical quality glider with no restriction Gliding from high will break it Quickly then using it on lower heights. (more often repairs so more use of mythos if using it higher) 5. Add skill branch Glider Proficiency in armor skill window that will limit quality of glider you can use and force you to spent points on it. Doing it like that will create this. 1.Players will start for hunt for HQ BP for gliders and you will give them some new option to do. 2.Having Gliders on BP will increase Trading , Economy and interaction between companies so i think it is win-win scenario. 3.As higher Quality BP Have less uses to craft crafting multiple of HQ Gliders and using it in pvp with risk of loosing gear will discourage players for using it on that. Generally this is my idea.
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